Apple iPhone 7 Plus arrives with dual cameras

07 September 2016
Apple's new iPhone 7 Plus comes with two camera sensors.

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  • l
  • lol
  • YUf
  • 08 Sep 2016

AnonD-237590, 08 Sep 2016Apple just killed the competition competition among other iphones.

    • l
    • lol
    • YUf
    • 08 Sep 2016

    Anonymous, 08 Sep 2016What competition?a competition with older iphones

      • E
      • ED
      • nEp
      • 08 Sep 2016

      I will be keeping my iphone 6 thank you Apple! The only selling point of iPhone7 for me is the water/ dust resistance. Apart from that. the rest are gimmicky features. I want features that are useful in everyday practical use, Not force touch???? Yes it has a niche.... BUT ARE ALL APPS THE REST OF IOS WORKING WITH FORCETOUCH FACITLITY. Just gimmicky.. Release a feature that has real purpose, practical feature

        • D
        • AnonD-462236
        • P%v
        • 08 Sep 2016

        sorry guys, king is back!

          techknow, 08 Sep 20161. Apple is the worlds biggest company and yet hardly any i... moreHmmm. Sorry to burst your bubble but you are contradicting yourself there.
          In point 2 you predict that Apple will be gone in a couple of years but in point 3 you mention the bucket loads of money they're going to make.
          I can assure that any company making that much money will survive all others...

            • A
            • Anonymous
            • wu4
            • 08 Sep 2016

            When Apple was still headed by the late Steve Jobs it was driven with passion to invent and innovate. Now, it is driven by corporate greed and capitalism.

              1. Apple is the worlds biggest company and yet hardly any innovations. The user experience remains the same since 5/5s
              2. Tim Cook just talks about numbers and revenues. This will kill the company in a few years.
              3. Millions of Customers are still going to buy the i7/+ and apple will make bucketloads of money.
              4. Apple customers like to keep it simple and thats why they love iphones. Most never bother reading reviews or want to hack/crack/root/unlock their devices.
              5. With Steve Jobs' demise Apple is no more an innovater but purely a capitalist company.

              But they still rock and customers love them.
              Android manufacturers have most of these features but somehow cant give consumers a complete package. Sony for example has amazing specs but their imaging quality just sucks. Also most oems fork androids and dont give a true experience (not that vanilla version is great).

              Now suddenly the Samsung Note7 despite its recall seems a great phone.


                • r
                • rcl4444
                • P%n
                • 08 Sep 2016

                Anonymous, 08 Sep 2016Samsung over to you, how long before samsung flood the mark... moreReally?
                Other manufacturers have had dual cameras on phones long before this (eg: LG), so it's not as if Apple has dune something new or amazing here. Sure, they've done if before Samsung, though rumours have been strong for some months now Samsung is working on their own dual camera set up and its expected to be for the Galaxy S8... so not exactly copying or 'tacked on'.

                Regardless both Apple and Samung copy each other shamelessly (Google it - there's so much evidence online on line about both it's beyond a joke) so the argument is really pointless. I look at it as a positive - is a by product of competition (keeping up with the Jones's) which means better phones all round.

                On another note, I've gotta say Apples new camera sounds like it should produce some amazing photos! THAT'S something Samsung should be worrying about and scrambling to make sure what they have coming up is better.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • tV0
                  • 08 Sep 2016

                  No hands on?

                    • A
                    • Anonymous
                    • 08 Sep 2016

                    AnonD-237590, 08 Sep 2016Apple just killed the competition What competition?

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • sF%
                      • 08 Sep 2016

                      no headphone jack no buy.

                        • J
                        • Javed
                        • X06
                        • 08 Sep 2016

                        Nice machine but in my opinion its size should be 5.0 inch .

                          Anonymous, 08 Sep 2016lol then buy one that suits your budget. Apple has 6 diffe... moreThanks but you should never make a judgement call on an individual. For your information I am no apple hater as I like the the handsets. Deliberated for 3 months last year but I bought a HTC A9 as I got the apple feel I wanted with Android freedom. However I like both. However, as a business person, apple products are in fact hugely overpriced in Australia and that is my point and no, they are not worth their asking price. People are more savvy than their given credit for. I like quality but I am not so phone crazy as some people are married to their machines so I don't need to exhaust a powerful unit. Humans always want more. Spend wisely.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • 4rP
                            • 08 Sep 2016

                            Fitbri, 08 Sep 2016Nice yes, but simply not worth the money. period. fetching ... morelol then buy one that suits your budget. Apple has 6 different pricing, not to mention they also have the SE which is also a very new phone less then 4 months old. Android users always complain

                              AnonD-491921, 07 Sep 2016Sadly nope.They show it like for 1/10th of a second in the ... morewait s5 has a removable cover?? hmm..i use a nikon oldie but its built like a tank

                                Nice yes, but simply not worth the money. period. fetching $1500 - $1800+ in Australia. It is madness. None of the software increase is worth that severe elevation in price. It should be a social revolution / revolt.

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-237590
                                  • Hxi
                                  • 08 Sep 2016

                                  Apple just killed the competition

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-579068
                                    • PA7
                                    • 08 Sep 2016

                                    My old note 4 its still capable of both multimedia and comunication needed as well as vr too

                                    For real comunication, im still use nokia 1100 lol...
                                    It can stand for 2 days...

                                    For serious photography... use dslr not a nowdays phone

                                    2014 - 2016 there is no inovation here, both IOS and Android (offcourse minor os dont even have a name). So i will stick to my old, but if youre last model prefered go ahead and grab some...

                                    Sory for my bad english

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • Thx
                                      • 08 Sep 2016

                                      "One speaker is at its usual downward-facing position while another one is hidden under the earpiece."

                                      It's interesting how many design ideas Apple has copied from HTC (not least of which the actual design of the the unibody iPhone 6, with its original antenna line placement). HTC does not get enough credit for their design ideas.

                                      Of course, the iHerd will and does attribute theses "innovations" to Apple as if no one ever thought of stereo speakers on either side of the phone before (and especially the exact copying of the HTC 10 speakers, one in the earpiece, one on the bottom of the phone).

                                      I guess it doesn't pay to innovate, like HTC does. It's better to copy and aggregate ideas like Apple does. (In fact, the Harvard historian Jill Lepore wrote and article in the New Yorker a while ago showing how the whole way we currently fetishize "innovation" doesn't hold up to the history of which businesses actually succeed--slow and steady and behind the times, like Apple, turns out to the the real winning strategy).

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-391326
                                        • PF5
                                        • 08 Sep 2016

                                        No need to blame who copy who lol
                                        Every else copy iphone design previously
                                        Copy cat its trend nowday...