Samsung Galaxy S8’s Bixby button can be remapped, confirmed on video

06 April 2017
The extra button on the Galaxy S8 can, in fact, be remapped to something else. A third party app would be required.

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There are a few things Bixby does that Google Assistant or Apple's Siri cant. For example, you can use the camera in conjunction with Bixby and the AI. Bixby will be able to recognize the objects in your scene and make recommendations accordingly. Bixby able to recognized infamous building and make suggestions for restaurants and things to do nearby. You can take a photo of any object, and the AI can find that item for sale through one of the partners that have tied up with Samsung.

Bixby fits right into the middle of the ecosystem as a bridge between your smartphone and every other Samsung made "smart" device. You can go to the supermarket and not having to worry about forgetting your grocery shopping list because Bixby can talk to your refrigerator and get a list of items inside the fridge. Imagine a scenario where you are able to turn on your air-conditioner 20 minutes before you get home so that once you arrive, your room is a temperature of your liking. When it comes to an ecosystem for the home, there is no brand that has a presence like Samsung and with Bixby, they have set the foundation for a connected future.

Google has already started integrating the Google Assistant with various IoT devices such as Google Home, Google Wi-Fi, Nest thermostats etc while Apple's Siri is still a more iPhone-centric feature. Google doesnt have the penetration that Samsung has when it comes to consumer electronics, which is where Samsung has the upper hand. The company could build Bixby to the be central node connecting all the smart devices in our homes in the future, be it the refrigerator, washing machine, the thermostat or even the lighting in your home. While Bixby may not paint the AI as a solid contender to Google Assistant or Siri, what it is, is a great first step towards Samsung's connected ecosystem.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • IWQ
    • 06 Apr 2017

    S3mm, 06 Apr 2017Unfortunately, perfect phone won't happen cause if they did... moreThe only way ya gonna get mostly what you want is no one buy the phone and they'll get the hint.

      • D
      • AnonD-569198
      • YdR
      • 06 Apr 2017

      Anonymous, 06 Apr 2017SVoice version 2. Most people will disable this bloatware, ... moreExactly!

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • 9xx
        • 06 Apr 2017

        SVoice version 2. Most people will disable this bloatware, and remap its physical button to something else. This is predictable.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • X}Q
          • 06 Apr 2017

          Thank God! Hope it's able to use it as camera shutter too in case the volume rocker is too close to the camera and our hands might get in the way.

            Thank you gsmarena, for letting us know this! thats really sad for Samsung though, sometimes they disrespect their customers. we asked for a good battery, we punished the S6 for that, preferred the S7edge, to edge for that and yet they have reduced the battery capacity in S8+... And the bixby button, why shove it on our throats? it could be just an icon, why need a dedicated button to extend the costs and risk waterproofness? They made a substantial investment on that, yet it is of limited sopport and there can be only one excuse, money!! Google is making money from the search and do they encourage more of them, so its only logical that they will invent ways to use their search engine more and extend their profits. But how is Samsung going to make cash from bixby and why it is so essential to force it on us, a deal with MS's search engine perhaps?

              • D
              • AnonD-632062
              • J7S
              • 06 Apr 2017

              AnonD-441890, 06 Apr 2017I just want it to work the flashlight. I suppose camera is ... moreS8 still has the double press function to launch camera. For obvious reasons it has now been moved to the power button.

              But sometimes you need to summon the camera instantly to capture blink-or-you'll-miss-it moments & that's why I would prefer a dedicated camera button. But I can't think of any urgent use-case scenario for flashlight though (which BTW is available in the S8's notification panel)......

                • S
                • S3mm
                • tu6
                • 06 Apr 2017

                Lagos, 06 Apr 2017Customers have been commenting/complaining to Samsung for Y... moreUnfortunately, perfect phone won't happen cause if they did one, there will be nothing to offer next
                Some exmple:
                Galaxy s6 first spot glass build but at a cost of waterproofing and sd slot, they correct it with galaxy s7
                Pixel don't have proper waterproofing, next Pixel will have it
                Sony introduce 960fps slow mo & Predictive capture as application of stacked sensor, believe me, this is just a "mere intro" what sony have in stock for the tecnology for their future phone
                Lg introduce G6 but with compromise here and there, LG V30 sure to have all the feature without regional thing

                  AnonD-441890, 06 Apr 2017I just want it to work the flashlight. I suppose camera is ... moreIf im not mistaken the power button on the right has the double tap to camera function now...i personally would remap the bixby button to camera instead.....just so im not confusing power and camera at same time...although i guess after a few days usage one would get used to it...but even still its good that its remappable either way for little more functionality until bixby is more user friendly around the world....if im not mistaken only korean and US english are pre recognisable at launch

                    • D
                    • AnonD-441890
                    • IK8
                    • 06 Apr 2017

                    AnonD-632062, 06 Apr 2017Great! I would personally re-map it to the camera (although... moreI just want it to work the flashlight. I suppose camera is also a great choice unless s8 still has double tap to wake camera.

                      • R
                      • ResolvePi
                      • StU
                      • 06 Apr 2017

                      Lagos, 06 Apr 2017Customers have been commenting/complaining to Samsung for Y... moreAh, a good point, but from what was mentioned in the tech press whilst the S8 was in development, Samsung planned to do as Apple are doing for the iPhone 8 and build the fingerprint sensor into the screen, where the home 'button' is on the S8 now. However, there were some issues (maybe supplier problems, patents etc?) and they had to abort at the last moment, and that is why the sensor is in the 'last minute' position on the back.

                      I had an LG G5 and the rear sensor position was perfect, as per the power buutton on the lovely LG G3.

                      Either way, I have used both the S8 and S8+ and they are (in black) the most lovely to look at and hold devices ever made. You cannnot tell from photos.

                      I'm a Note fan, so looking forward to the Note 8 and hopefully they will follow LG and put the sensor in the middle rear further down or do the home button thing on the screen if they can sort out the problems that stopped them doing it with the S8.

                        • D
                        • AnonD-643350
                        • gx7
                        • 06 Apr 2017

                        tonez210, 06 Apr 2017Talking about iris scanner , i think its stupid. Imagine th... moreIf you want to know what is necessary for a smartphone and what is not just look at SONY whatever SONY has is necessary and the others are B.S fooling people's pockets

                          Talking about iris scanner , i think its stupid. Imagine this , try taking out the phone from your pocket , i directly reach the fingerprint scanner if its on the back or front , but with iris , i have to make the phone to look at my face to unlock it . Isnt that wasting time ? I think if i do that for a few times it will get annoying

                            • D
                            • AnonD-135230
                            • 46p
                            • 06 Apr 2017

                            mir, 06 Apr 2017Samsung should've just focused on improving other key areas... moreThe Snapdragon version is using the same DAC as the HTC 10.

                              • D
                              • AnonD-632062
                              • J7S
                              • 06 Apr 2017

                              Great! I would personally re-map it to the camera (although I wish this functionality was in-built without the use of a 3rd party app).

                              BTW there was a time when one of the shortcomings of a phone in a GSMA review was the lack of a dedicated camera button!

                                • L
                                • Lagos
                                • yA4
                                • 06 Apr 2017

                                Joselius, 06 Apr 2017What would change if you keep talking about it? Will the fi... moreCustomers have been commenting/complaining to Samsung for YEARS to NOT put rubbish proprietary/duplicate software such as Bixby when Google assistant is already built into Android and working just fine (in fact the best currently; continuously being improved and upgraded by one of the largest software companies in the world. I have doubts that Samsung, a hardware company, based off their track record will continue to upgrade/enhance Bixby).

                                This, by the way, isn't the first time Samsung shoved down stupid software changes: look at the atrocity that is S Voice or re-arranging the app drawer...and don't get me started with them messing with the "back" and "multi-task" button positions, only THIS YEAR they've finally given customers a chance to rearrange it to their preference via software.

                                Samsung, a multi-billion dollar company, hiring some of the best electronic engineers, marketing/analytics, product designers, managers and machinery, still cannot get the fingerprint sensor positioning correct? What happen to all the QC, their internal peer reviews, the millions they spend on design and R&D? Did not one manager/staff pointed out the fingerprint sensor placement that is neither ergonomic nor convenient, making people smudge their phone camera lenses in the process? I totally agree with mir on this, they should have focused on what they do best, adding even more awesome hardware like a proper audio DAC/amp, dual speakers and maybe even fit a bigger battery.

                                Why tolerate these flaws when you can improve by giving feedback to Samsung to help improve on their next flagship? Yes I agree it's a small mistake and we shouldn't be petty about it, but if they had listen to the droning/nagging of us annoying fans (in your eyes) they could've made monster of a phone, cause we want to see tech companies get closer to creating the perfect smartphone.

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-523334
                                  • 7k7
                                  • 06 Apr 2017

                                  Anonymous, 06 Apr 2017I love Sony's fingerprint button placement. Something that ... moreActually side fingerprint reader need bigger side bezel

                                    • J
                                    • JMTM
                                    • Ike
                                    • 06 Apr 2017

                                    Thank god... Thank you samsung!

                                      Camera shutter button here i come ;)

                                        mir, 06 Apr 2017Samsung should've just focused on improving other key areas... moreWhat would change if you keep talking about it? Will the fingerprint sensor magically move by itself to the center below the camera if you keep complaining? Just live with it. How many times need to tell you guys the reason behind the fp sensor position. Its a mistake! Would you rather not have it at all than having it there?