Counterclockwise: the megapixel race of cameraphones

04 August 2017
We all know how the story ends - the Nokia 808 PureView reaches a peak no one else has visited since.

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Nice piece but you have to add that megapixel means little for image quality. This is the reason why Apple doesn't participate in this non sense.
My Sigma 4.7MP APSC-C digital camera beats all smartphone cameras with ease and that is a camera from 2009. My Nikon 24 MP DSLR doesn't improve much from that as I have to buy an expensive lens. 24MP is pretty useless without a high quality lens to match.

There's still plenty room for camera improvement even without the hike in the megapixel spec. Most cameras still don't have this feature, a curved camera sensor.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • UD{
    • 06 Aug 2017

    Yann, 06 Aug 2017Worth to mention that there was one HUGE person behind Noki... moreit'd be s2pd if someone in HMD does not know Damian, or you're just another HMD hater that does not know HMD is filled with Nokia admins and engineers

      • D
      • AnonD-548804
      • 0pd
      • 06 Aug 2017

      My Nokia 808 and n91 is the best phone ive ever currently using a note 4 and will get the note 8.but nokia were king

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • 043
        • 06 Aug 2017

        How about a camera with 1/1.2" sensor AND 12MP? And maybe additionally dual-tone LED flash, a secondary BW camera and a third telephoto lens?

          • Y
          • Yann
          • SHp
          • 06 Aug 2017

          Worth to mention that there was one HUGE person behind Nokia camera success - Damian Dunning. He and his team made Nokia camera experience so great at this time.
          Hope someone at HMD to know this person and at least to consult with him. His work was splendid.
          I owned N8, Nokia 808 and Nokia 1020. Last one still working. Nokia 808 was lost in the sea - my mistake. All great phones with great cameras for that time.

            • M
            • Mumbai-Indians
            • fCS
            • 06 Aug 2017

            I wish Nokia had taken Android OS seriously. And further developed its legendary Symbian OS further instead killing it..

              • A
              • AsusTech
              • UD{
              • 06 Aug 2017

              AnonD-632062, 06 Aug 2017True, HMD might not have the PureView trademark yet (that l... moreright on point, HMD will have a better name if they can do something like or better than 1020 or 808

                • A
                • AsusTech
                • UD{
                • 06 Aug 2017

                MdN8, 06 Aug 2017Even if they own the PureView technology, the main people b... moreyeah, but hey, who knows, if HMD will be able to acquire PureView from MS they might come back, but as for now, HMD should innovate and not rely on PureView coz MS might not let go of it

                  • D
                  • AnonD-632062
                  • Hxc
                  • 06 Aug 2017

                  AsusTech, 06 Aug 2017HMD does not own Pureview yet right? or am I wrong? anyway ... moreTrue, HMD might not have the PureView trademark yet (that lies with Microsoft as of now). But that doesn't have to stop them from creating a thick large sensor camera phone. If memory serves right, even the large sensor 41 MP camera of the Lumia 1020 wasn't branded Pureview.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • PA7
                    • 06 Aug 2017

                    Another revolution which iphone never mention even once lol

                      • K
                      • Kangal
                      • uCX
                      • 06 Aug 2017

                      Sonu4678, 06 Aug 2017Read my comment carefully and its perspective. I was replyi... moreAs much as I'd like to agree with you, you just are wrong.
                      I follow technological progress in a Scientific Method, not a Religious Order.
                      The new HTC U11 uses a single, highest-end camera... but it uses it well and with great software taking advantage of it. It's why the Sony XZ Premium isn't on the top, even though it has the best sensor, the camera post-production software/drivers are just too noisy or not fleshed out. Large sensors can only help so much, you must also use good assistants and software to make the end result fantastic. The Nokia 808 and Lumia 1020 weren't the best cameras hands-down, they were the best when it came to cropping/long-distance detail. They still needed tweaks to be faster, more colour accurate, and lacked the high dynamic range of current-gen devices.

                      If you don't agree with me, fine, do not take my word.
                      Just do your research on the topic using actual photographers/professional's assessments. Sites like AndroidPolice or AllAboutWindowsPhone don't go into the technical depth, and don't do justice for the comparisons.

                      Give this a read to start off:

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • km}
                        • 06 Aug 2017

                        Anonymous, 06 Aug 2017With HDR+ the jpgs of the Pixel or Nexus 5x/6p are better t... moreThere are many things to take into account. And its not just hdr+. Its also time of release and technology in the sensor.
                        How the sensor handles dynamic range and exposure on its own besides processing and lense. Hest dissapation, noise reduction etc etc.
                        Also focus system and image processing. And the image processor chip used. The aperture.
                        And of course the the sofware optimized behind it all.

                          • s
                          • syam7863
                          • sF$
                          • 06 Aug 2017

                          Love the design of phone cameras back then with sliding mechanism, xenon flash.
                          I wish manufacturer just stop these so called thinness races.
                          With proper sized sensor, lens, xenon flash and battery, 9 - 10mm thickness will be forgivable. Heck even 11 mm if they have to.

                            • D
                            • AnonD-465807
                            • 4ce
                            • 06 Aug 2017

                            Old(er) Phone Nostalgia is my Kryptonite; can't fully explain why but I can clearly recall my first camera phone from Sprint in September of 2002 (with the camera being separate from the phone) nearly fifteen years ago; it seemed the cutting-edge back then. That first camera phone is the only one of all of my devices purchased since May of 2000 that I don't still own.

                              Wait for 8K and its 32+Mp. At least external devices will get that, though I'm sure it could be done im phones also, or maybe even glasses if it will be main device then. Point is to see 4K in VR recorded with 360 degree fov its a must. Tele lens will be a must for AR glasses so it may be bypassed also by hi res again. Also wish non 360 recording would would get more natural by using fov more close to human's like lg phones. Sight centric will be future and even 8K is low res for it, without spin's.

                                • C
                                • Chard
                                • uCb
                                • 06 Aug 2017

                                MdN8, 06 Aug 2017Even if they own the PureView technology, the main people b... moreAll Nokia’s great man were gone before Nokia officially sold to MS. But now, Nokia is on its own. I hope Damian (camera’s expertise), Marco (Design’s expertise) and some other man will be back to their home. Especially Marco, since he’s the kid of Finns’ PM. N9’s fabula design was reinvented by him. We could wish.

                                Just, dont bring back Elop. He’d be better in Hell.

                                  • K
                                  • Kyo
                                  • X}%
                                  • 06 Aug 2017

                                  Luxor, 06 Aug 2017"Thin phones and an aversion to camera humps killed the lar... moreWhat you mentioned might be true but the Nokia n808 didn't sell because when the competition was having dualcore processors Nokia stick to a single core and all other hardware was lower end compared to other flagships.similar can be said about the Nokia n8.
                                  As for Lumia 1020 well it didn't sell because of wp.
                                  Just bring an Android powered phone like Lumia 1020 with the latest high end hardware and atleast 4 if not 6gb ram in 2017 and see the sales then the fools will realise if customers really like thin phones.Maybe we might even get the removable battery back in such a scenario.

                                    Anonymous, 06 Aug 2017you gotta do better on your camera research, those models y... moreRead my comment carefully and its perspective. I was replying to the other guy who said HTC U11 has the best camera this year so obviously i was talking about smartphones nowadays. I read the article so i know that Nokia had better camera, please don't misinterpret my comment.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • pQr
                                      • 06 Aug 2017

                                      Devil GK, 06 Aug 2017Is it better than Samsung Galaxy S8 and Google Pixel...?Definitely not. People who say yes, obviously never had a Pixel or Nexus 5x/6p. HDR+ is far superior. By the way the HTC U Ultra captures nearly as much light per image as a Lumia 1020 in low light due to a f/1.8 aperture and a nearly 1/2" sensor.