HP officially discontinues webOS phones and TouchPad devices

18 August, 2011
The OS will not exist on mobile devices anymore. Printers and cars are the next likely destination.

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Anonymous, 19 Aug 2011Windows Phone??You sir, are ahead of your time.

    Recently took apart a WebOS tablet. A few interesting things to note:
    - This thing had either NFC or wireless charging, not sure which as I didn't try to make it boot (I'm allergic to software corpses)
    - The vibrator motor in this 9" tablet was the size of an iPhone 4 vibrator motor (I've taken apart one of those too.)
    - The back is impossible to get off with the use of brute force, even with something similar to an iFixit jimmy tool.
    - The screen is manufactured by LG display.
    - The battery is 6000MaH
    - It used the Snapdragon S4+ chipset
    - The motherboard is gargantuan, some laptops have smaller motherboards now
    - The microUSB port and headphone jack are entirely modular.
    - The tablet has a design ahead of its time: Premium thick dense plastic body, metal buttons.

    Hope you learned something. If you went back to this thread and saw this comment, props to you, it takes nerdiness to be interested in a platform this old.

    Your iPhone or Samsung or whatever brand you have, was born from failures like this.

      • J
      • Jay
      • m7d
      • 25 Aug 2011

      Where else are they selling it, i have checked carphoneware house and argos both say it has been sold out in the whole of the uk.

      please let me know dont be greedy

        • w
        • willyhaye
        • kaJ
        • 23 Aug 2011

        i use hp devices was looking at the web os operation on palm pre before hp branded it but its sad to see such a brilliant software system go because of lack of user apps. trends come and go what the techs need is not always what the average man wants. sorry to see web os go but thats the market for you.

          • c
          • carphone
          • M3s
          • 23 Aug 2011

          wooo! HP Touchpad reduced to £89 16gb and £115 32gb at carphone!! Fill ya boots! once their gone their DEFINATELY gone lol

            • m
            • mobile.warrior.2
            • kAn
            • 22 Aug 2011

            It just shows that even a company as large as HP (the world's largest IT company ranked 10th in Fortune 500) can't "force" acceptance of a platform such as webOS. It would seem more of a timing issue in that attempting to gain marketshare from iOS or Android OS would've been difficult at best. just take a look at WP7's share and MS had a previous version already present. Palm OS was great in its time but HP should've used its strengths to build mobile networked devices using the two operating systems available rather than pouring millions into a new OS.

            Although a software developer to some degree for years (OpenView, HP-Unix, etc) marketing a "new" OS is a big risk. Look at IBM's attempt years ago with OS2 (being a superior OS wasn't enough).

            The disappointment is in HP exiting the mobile device market and contemplating leaving the commodity PC market. Then again, with margins slim and a recession digging into revenues it isn't totally surprising.

            Overall I wonder if the HP Board should be looking towards its current leadership. Seems the current CEO office may be another "area" to possible have exit. As a purchasing level engineering exec I've always appreciated HP technology and over the years often leaned towards HP PC's, Notebooks and more.

            Had they forged into Android OS based mobile products (along with wintel tablets, etc) things might be very different. In any event let's give a 10 gun salute to the deathknell of webOS and the Palm OS legacy. Palm really (sort of) started this 'PDA into smartphone' revolution years ago; it just never kept up with the changing technology and HP with all its effort (to whatever degree) couldn't make it happen.

              • d
              • drag
              • wHr
              • 22 Aug 2011

              and they spent money to have Manny Pacquiao endorse webOS

                • J
                • J_Ye.Hitchener
                • v}h
                • 21 Aug 2011

                it is a smart move, in order to survive, sometime need to dump some useless things,
                just like Nokia give up Symbian

                  • J
                  • Jon (Swe)
                  • mhB
                  • 20 Aug 2011

                  As I thought from the beginning, HP was not the right owner, as it was unlikely to be able to spread the OS to other vendours.
                  But the truth is they didnt spend enough money on hardware development.
                  There used to be some great HP mobiles on the market, some years back. If they would have resurected that leagacy instead of just pushing updated palm WebOS devices, then perhaps.

                  It would have been much better if Qualcom, or Nvidia, or some other chipset manufactor would have bought it.
                  Then they could easily make partner agreements.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • utV
                    • 20 Aug 2011

                    Make it open source.

                      • m
                      • m.s
                      • 3a5
                      • 20 Aug 2011

                      Hewlett-Packard WebOS Software Bought With Palm ‘Not Dead,’ DeWitt Says

                      Hewlett-Packard Co. (HPQ) plans to keep supporting and updating the WebOS software it acquired in last year’s $1.2 billion purchase of Palm Inc., Senior Vice President Stephen DeWitt said in an interview.

                      “The WebOS is not dead,” said DeWitt, who took charge of WebOS last month. “We’re going to continue to evolve it, update and support it. We stand by it.”

                      The comments came a day after Hewlett-Packard said it’s weighing strategic options for the mobile operating system and ending sales of devices running WebOS, including smartphones and the TouchPad tablet. The company is considering partnerships and licensing deals with manufacturers that may use the software in their devices, DeWitt said. WebOS has an appeal beyond consumer markets, and may be alluring to companies in finance, transportation and retailing, he said.

                      “The whole world isn’t just about tablets and phones,” DeWitt said yesterday. “There are going to be appliances of so many different sizes and shapes in the future that are going to require a human interface for data.”

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • mZL
                        • 20 Aug 2011

                        Why did HP spend so much money to buy Palm?

                          • W
                          • WebOS
                          • t}c
                          • 20 Aug 2011

                          This is not a good news at all. I don't believe HP any more on their products. HP is taking away a very ture Multitasking WebOS from the users. I think this is all intentional and making WebOS dissappear.

                          This will definitely impact on HP sales of their other products.

                          Bad Luck... HP

                            • D
                            • AnonD-18613
                            • f0j
                            • 20 Aug 2011

                            first the dell streak, now this. We need more choice not less.

                              • S
                              • Shanna
                              • 4tk
                              • 20 Aug 2011

                              It's Good Idea That They stop develope WebOS,
                              As Everyone Now Go with Android.
                              I'm A Palm User But Really Like Android OS On Palm.

                                • K
                                • Khan Tan
                                • t7y
                                • 20 Aug 2011

                                I am sorry to hear that, now what is the best replacement for my palm t/x?

                                  • i
                                  • ice
                                  • uSM
                                  • 20 Aug 2011

                                  what were you thinking? after a year of acquiring palm last year for a big chunk of money, you will just drop the web OS? that's money down the drain.....

                                    • j
                                    • jonas
                                    • K7g
                                    • 19 Aug 2011

                                    if hp gave up on webos, they should maintain their pc and notebooks where they're strong at

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-18570
                                      • Tis
                                      • 19 Aug 2011

                                      When you try to make WebOS become another proprietary ecosystem like Apple, this is what happens. HP didn't try to get any of the other phone manufacturers on board, even the borderline manufacturers like Huawei. HP doomed WebOS from the beginning by not establishing partners for its success.

                                        • H
                                        • Holland
                                        • mUp
                                        • 19 Aug 2011

                                        This suck's!!! I love webOS. HP have to do more with webOS!!!