Samsung plans to supply ZTE and other OEMs with Exynos chipsets

16 May 2018
Company exec says new clients, including the banned from the US ZTE, will be revealed in the first half of 2019.

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Long overdue move, we all know Exynos can easely rival SD in efficiency and performance

    • S
    • Sachi
    • HsI
    • 18 May 2018

    Samsung will have to assist ZTE kernel team to write kernel and device drivers for its Exynos package...

      • K
      • Kangal
      • uCX
      • 17 May 2018

      ZolaIII, 16 May 2018You could still install the Gapps like on any costume ROM. ... moreYeah, but no-one is going to buy a phone without the PlayStore, go home, and flash Gapps.
      You and I might, but the average joe won't know how to do it and would care not to do it.
      That's the difference.

      Samsung has a big presence in Iran, so what?
      You know Samsung doesn't sell directly to Iran due to the embargo, all of those devices are grey market. As in, they were imported into Iran through unofficial means (ie Not Samsung). However, ZTE themselves were caught selling directly to Iran and North Korea.
      Again, important distinction.

        Shanti Dope, 17 May 2018Apple chipsets are made with pure dedication to iOS devices... moreWell, one more SOC cannot hurt!

        Android has worked OK on a really diverse set of SOCs and architectures, including fully custom cores like Denver, Krait and Mongoose M3 to basic ARM reference based designs and even X86 based Intel chipsets!

        No reason to think one more soc will make it that complicated!

          Smuti, 16 May 2018Apple's SoC would be terrible at powering android. The perf... moreRead above post for an explanation!

            ZolaIII, 16 May 2018You could still install the Gapps like on any costume ROM. ... moreI agree about the hardware software optimization done by Apple, but look at it from a basic chip level perspective. These are massive (physically big) SOCs with single threaded performance not so far from low mid desktop chipsets. They have high speed RAM and good memory bandwidth, big caches and all the works. The integrated GPU is top end too, going by numbers.

            All these things will definitely do well with Android. Single threaded performance should show a big improvement due to pure CPU IPC improvement, allowing for faster browsing, editing photos and other CPU bound tasks. The A10 and 11 also have 4 and 8 cores, which can be even better utilised in Android as a lot more goes on in the background in Android. Even if single threaded performance on Android is not as high as iOS due to optimization reasons, we should still see a significant improvement. Larger cores = better performance at the same process node.

            The only issue i can see is battery life could take a hit as Android has a lot more background processes,which will keep more cores active than in iOS, which suspends pretty much everything in the background. However, I am sure people will be willing to sacrifice a bit of battery life for that kind of performance. You can always put a bigger battery to compensate!

              AnonD-356176, 17 May 2018It would be great to see a android one device powered by Sa... moreOr root a Galaxy phone, install custom ROM, and get that, all without the need of having another OEM to use it.
              I do wish others would use Exynos chips, but we can already do things to see Exynos in its full potential with just a Samsung phone.

                Lunarwolf, 16 May 2018there is Hisilicon, they could use some NPU power with "AI"... moreNPU helps little to none when it comes to day-to-day tasks like opening apps, loading stuff, or rendering things.
                It will only help in such things that require AI, like Google's Assistant, camera scene recognition, battery usage control, and all things that needs to be controlled.

                  Aslipundit, 16 May 2018Meizu have been using Exynos socs for a while. I used to wo... moreApple chipsets are made with pure dedication to iOS devices only.
                  It would be another headache to app developers to have another set of chipsets that they need to optimize their apps with, considering the current ones we have in the Android world is way too much already.

                    Anonymous, 16 May 2018Instead of looking at Qualcomm entire soc history you choos... moreOh wow. I smell someone not understanding a comment.
                    Qualcomm chipsets will not be as good as they are today if not for Samsung. If not for the power efficient 14nm SoCs, every single Qualcomm chipset of today will have the same fate as their possibly worst chipset ever, the SnapDragon 810.

                    Now, if there's something you don't understand there, I suggest you take time to read and understand everything carefully before making a nonsense response that I could pretty much say is irrelevant and unnecessary.

                      • L
                      • Luxor
                      • tue
                      • 17 May 2018

                      Kangal, 16 May 2018Everyone here is mistaken or forgotten... The USA embargo ... moreNo Google service? Isnt that how it was in China anyway. I dont see a problem.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • 0p}
                        • 17 May 2018

                        thanks 'murica

                          • D
                          • AnonD-356176
                          • 7tt
                          • 17 May 2018

                          It would be great to see a android one device powered by Samsung's latest flagship Exynos.
                          It will finally be able to show its full potential when it breaks free from Samsung's bloatware.

                            • A
                            • Anonymous
                            • jBv
                            • 17 May 2018

                            Samsung needs to enable CDMA if they want to edge Qualcomm. I'd like ZTE and Energizer (especially with their newest offerings) to get this considering they are better than Mediatek in terms of battery life.

                              YoloBS, 16 May 2018Exynos is the only alternative of snapdragon there is Hisilicon, they could use some NPU power with "AI" to make it almost par w/ Qualcomm and Exynos

                                • S
                                • Smuti
                                • L2r
                                • 16 May 2018

                                Aslipundit, 16 May 2018Meizu have been using Exynos socs for a while. I used to wo... moreApple's SoC would be terrible at powering android. The performance gap would be huge compared to the latest snap or exynos.

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-558092
                                  • 5h8
                                  • 16 May 2018

                                  Aslipundit, 16 May 2018Meizu have been using Exynos socs for a while. I used to wo... moreI think that, besides branding reasons, that Ax chips' performance heavily depends on OS code optimisation which they want to keep private as much as possible.

                                    Kangal, 16 May 2018Everyone here is mistaken or forgotten... The USA embargo ... moreYou could still install the Gapps like on any costume ROM.
                                    Which phone would you like to purchase in Iran? An iPhone? No problem it's a one billion market currency there for those.
                                    Hire are how popularity & market share is this day's in Iran;
                                    You didn't see a ZTE there? O to bad.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • sgx
                                      • 16 May 2018

                                      Kangal, 16 May 2018Everyone here is mistaken or forgotten... The USA embargo ... moreEspecially after their axon 7. I want the same level of budget yet premium android phone. Like how one plus was. But with today's flagshipss.

                                        Meizu have been using Exynos socs for a while. I used to wonder why other OEMs did not use exynos, with Meizu being the only other user.
                                        Will be great to see non Samsung phones with powerful exynos chipsets.
                                        I have also wondered why apple do not sell their socs at a massive premium to android OEMs and profit even more. I am sure there will be many takers for the A10 or A10x, for 800 - 1200 USD devices.

                                        Sorry for digressing!