US officials prohibited from using ZTE and Huawei devices

14 August 2018
Employees, contractors, and agencies are banned from using any device that handles user data.

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  • w
  • we are EVERYWHERE
  • FMY
  • 25 Nov 2018

your so called "government" will give you iPhone instead win-win eh?

    Anonymous, 20 Aug 2018..... Did you read the Article at all? It states that... moreDude, i've read the article and know wat it says. BUT i don't give a s**t about US governments. I know the article says US governments are not allowed to use ZTE due to risk of some paranoid bull****.
    I'm talking about people, and not US government and not US americans, I'm talking about humans and i don't care about what you and your governments say, think and do.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • 3DR
      • 20 Aug 2018

      Anonymous, 14 Aug 2018ppl thinking google having your data and huawei and zte hav... moreVery True indeed, especially as Google/Social Media only use your data for the purpose of selling you Ads and Chinese phones being used to steal data for Government use is a massive difference.

      I don't think google is going to use any data as a political advantage... Huawei and ZTE would/could.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • 3DR
        • 20 Aug 2018

        Dominique, 15 Aug 2018Then China can ban use of iPhone for their government offic... moreThat wont happen cause Apple as a company wont submit to the US or China when it comes to their security and have proven it on many occasions.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • 3DR
          • 20 Aug 2018

          Anonymous, 15 Aug 2018The whole world should ban the use of iPhone in the politic... moreNope, you do realize you're Apple hate is making you look bad right?

          If not let me explain why you're making a sugarloaf out of yourself. Apple is the most secure company in terms of phones and software. It auto encrypts itself to a point when not even the FBI can get into it.

          To also add to the solid security if you do attempt to hack you way into an Idevice it will simply delete all saved data.

          How do we know this? The shooter in Las vegas last year had an iphone and they(The FBI) couldn't get into the phone. Instead, they asked apple to forcefully unlock it and they said no for the reason of security. Basically if they unlocked the phone for the FBI, they breach their terms of conditions in which every Apple user agrees to when they start up their device for the first time.

          Ooof, this took a lot longer than I wanted to invest my time in. However debunking your hate with logic and unbias was/is satisfying.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • 3DR
            • 20 Aug 2018

            Dr. Chillo, 16 Aug 2018US Officials say Huawei and ZTE are not secure, it means Hu... more.....

            Did you read the Article at all?

            It states that because ZTE messed up, and the relations of China are at an all time low that from now on all US officials are not allowed to use one as those brands specifically are from China and handle information which due to relations pose a risk to the US and it's personal security/interests.

              Joe, 15 Aug 2018IIRC Xi Jinping (The president of China) uses a ZTE Axon 7 ... moreIf true, then it would be much easier for him to propose the Apple ban.

                US Officials say Huawei and ZTE are not secure, it means Huawei and ZTE are most secure and they don't want to give any information to US governments. So if you want really your data safe and away from US government or any others buy yourself a Huawei or ZTE.

                  • J
                  • Joe
                  • JEB
                  • 15 Aug 2018

                  Dominique, 15 Aug 2018Then China can ban use of iPhone for their government offic... moreIIRC Xi Jinping (The president of China) uses a ZTE Axon 7 as his daily driver phone, just sayin'

                    Masterman, 15 Aug 2018There is absolutely no difference between communism and fas... moreLMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

                    Funniest post I've ever seen here.

                      • A
                      • Alien
                      • 3RM
                      • 15 Aug 2018

                      Masterman, 15 Aug 2018There is absolutely no difference between communism and fas... moreWhy can't humans strive for Utopia?
                      It's like they never heard of it..

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • pp}
                        • 15 Aug 2018

                        Fear of Wing Chun.....hahahahaha

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 39h
                          • 15 Aug 2018

                          The whole world should ban the use of iPhone in the political, financial, and defense sector then.

                            • A
                            • Anonym
                            • Lcd
                            • 15 Aug 2018

                            Crackling Doom, 14 Aug 2018Apparently you don't. Only an totalitarian government disal... moreSure... let's concentrate all power (economic, legislative, executive and judicial) under a single "for the people" rule and pretend that is not, in nature, the very definition of a totalitarianism.

                              • D
                              • AnonD-772053
                              • 7Xe
                              • 15 Aug 2018

                              Romie Lee, 14 Aug 2018I'm so afraid to own or even simply hold or touch A Chinese... moreNothing to be afraid of if you are not a celebrity or a famous person.

                                Trade wars between China and USA continues as usual

                                  Anonymous, 15 Aug 2018Knowing nothing about US Gov eh? Every Government "cheats" ... moreThen China can ban use of iPhone for their government officials and employee in retaliation.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • mJs
                                    • 15 Aug 2018

                                    Dominique, 15 Aug 2018Do you know why there's still Taiwan and HK? Cheating is pa... moreKnowing nothing about US Gov eh? Every Government "cheats" if it is for their advantage. Sorry to tell you bro - life su*ks and mankind is bad, thats just how it is. How do I know? NSA did spy on us germans forever now with no bans on iphones or facebook ... why? Ask yourself.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • XS8
                                      • 15 Aug 2018

                                      Romie Lee, 14 Aug 2018I'm so afraid to own or even simply hold or touch A Chinese... moreI'd rather give my fingerprints to China than US.

                                        Crackling Doom, 14 Aug 2018I trust China way more than I trust America.Do you know why there's still Taiwan and HK? Cheating is part of the Chinese culture, they are calling it as "advantage". -,-