Samsung announces Infinity Flex Display, One UI and talks about Bixby's future

07 November 2018
The One UI has been developed with the help from Google and Android developers to make the most out of the flexible display.

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  • 18 Oct 2020

Anonymous, 11 Nov 2018The sad part is the iPhone is not even easier to use. Peopl... moreThanks

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • kZX
    • 12 Nov 2018

    it looks fake probably they announced the thing without even having a working model.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • 4QP
      • 11 Nov 2018

      Lyndino, 11 Nov 2018iPhones are for lazy People who want to press 'on' and sear... moreThe sad part is the iPhone is not even easier to use. People take account of the extra functions an android or galaxy has and say it's too complicated.....but who said you have to do all that????
      For basic functions android is any bit just as easy. And the settings menu is actually much more properly organized on android. So that throws the favor of it being easier to use android.

        • L
        • Lyndino
        • xGa
        • 11 Nov 2018

        AnonD-800802, 09 Nov 2018Yawwwn... yup I’m sure these “truths” makes you sleep bette... moreiPhones are for lazy People who want to press 'on' and search Facebook feeds.
        A co-worker had purchased an S7 and returned it because it was too hard to use, got an iPhone 7 instead... I couldn't believe they said that!
        As for the Mac book Air, they did nothing innovative other than removing peripherals and charging more money to purchase separately. I'm sure that happened before the 'cloud'was brought to fruition. Funniest commercial ever was some guy making fun of the Mac book air fitting in an envelope.
        And yes the app store beat Android Market by a few months but the shear volume of free apps vs almost all paid apps in the app store was a huge win for Android. You can't deny that. Yeah some were a little buggy and not optimized for every device right away but the thing with open source is the programmers actually listened and usually fixed the bugs within a couple of weeks.
        Now iPhone on the other hand had 1 identical model every year for what, 4 years or something to make apps for....
        I still whole heartedly feel that the first time I used my wife's iPhone 3g I hated it and haven't actually used any some product to date that impressed me.... I retract that. I was given an iMac recently that came with a magic mouse. Neat little mouse, just too bad the OS was absolute GARBAGE.

        I'm a Windows PC guy and I love my android phones (preferably Samsung).

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • 4QP
          • 09 Nov 2018

          AnonD-800802, 09 Nov 2018Yawwwn... yup I’m sure these “truths” makes you sleep bette... moreA quick search will do you good. The names were bought out legally years later because the companies were too small to drop anything about and eventually accepted payouts

            • D
            • AnonD-800802
            • vCK
            • 09 Nov 2018

            Anonymous, 09 Nov 2018Me recognizing the facts and truth while you live in lies m... moreYawwwn... yup I’m sure these “truths” makes you sleep better at night. Quick research will do you good before you sprout lies. Apple stole? Really? Proof? Oh there’s none....patents and names were bought legally. Lol and btw how do products become popular? Purely on marketing? Hahaha a product NEEDS TO DELIVER on its promises and benefits to achieve popularity. Do some reading before you spread your vile.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 4QP
              • 09 Nov 2018

              AnonD-800802, 09 Nov 2018Its useless to argue with ignorant people so blinded with h... moreImmense contribution lololol.
              Actually you're right. Its because of them I still have to hear from and deal with people like you.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • 4QP
                • 09 Nov 2018

                mohsinjc, 09 Nov 2018TBH it's not revolutionary at allOh no not at all.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • 4QP
                  • 09 Nov 2018

                  Anonymous, 09 Nov 2018Ha! Such ignorance, all in one comment. You probably do... moreMe recognizing the facts and truth while you live in lies means im deep on hatred?????????
                  Facts... macbook air is nothing but a thin over priced lap top that revolutionized nothing. And I only had to say that in response to you claiming it's proof they do things a million times better.

                  IPhone. Just like iPad they stole the name. As well as getting the design off lg and Samsung devices. Then claiming it was inspired by sony.
                  All things they claim are bad things to do and would sue the heck out of another company for. I'm pretty sure they even flat out stole the company name and possibly even logo. And again. If anyone else used the names iPhone, iPad, or apple they would have a furry and sue...and you would claim how they have a right....but it was ok when they did it? And they tried using Samsung because they looked similar....because they are both rectangles? No...Samsung was just doing too good and they didnt like are into their market share.
                  And fact it barely introduced anything new. Just jumped on the bandwagon because they realized the rise of smartphones. And it was behind in many aspects even to basic dumb phone's.

                  And again only in response to you claiming that it's an example of them doing things a million times better and revolutionizing. Again bogus. Popularity it helped a bit. The app store it pushed some. It deserves some credit for something. But on no level near what you and many other neurotypicals believe.

                  These are plain simple facts. The only one displaying a form if strong feelings here is you. And it's because you are blinded by your influence to them.

                    • D
                    • AnonD-800802
                    • vCK
                    • 09 Nov 2018

                    Anonymous, 09 Nov 2018Ha! Such ignorance, all in one comment. You probably do... moreIts useless to argue with ignorant people so blinded with hatred towards a company that had immense contribution to our daily lives.

                      TBH it's not revolutionary at all

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • 4QP
                        • 09 Nov 2018

                        Anonymous, 09 Nov 2018Recognising Apple's incredible tech achievements and the qu... moreLmfao!!!! Are you practicing for standup right now? If so you might have something going for you

                          • D
                          • AnonD-800802
                          • vCK
                          • 09 Nov 2018

                          Anonymous, 09 Nov 2018IPhone started the smart phone revolution lololololololol.... moreAhahaha you are ignorant and so deep in your hatred towards a company and it’s products it’s absolurely laughable. Samsung will not be in its place now if it didn’t ride Apples cost tails. The smartphone revolution was started by the iPhone and IOS its comical the way you tried to deny it.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • MwH
                            • 09 Nov 2018

                            Anonymous, 09 Nov 2018IPhone started the smart phone revolution lololololololol.... moreHa! Such ignorance, all in one comment.

                            You probably don't remember / don't want to remember / were too young to remember what the laptop market looked like before the MacBook Air, the MacBook unibody, the MacBook aluminium unibody, what phones looked like and how they handled before Apple introduced the iPhone, what phones could do and how you would find and install apps before the iPhone.

                            Even such simple actions like zooming in and out on pictures or webpages was done through touching or clicking buttons - and when the iPhone was released, bam! You could pinch to zoom. Drag to scroll. Double tap, long press. Then multitouch was introduced. And other gestures. And so on. All while other manufacturers were still shipping phones with D-pads.

                            You had to search for apps in your browser and install them from various, sometimes shady websites, not knowing exactly what you are installing. And there were compatibility issues all over the place. When the iPhone was released all these were not issues anymore, as there was an app store which guaranteed that all apps that you download are safe, tested, polished, have no compatibility issues, and have nothing fishy going on in the background.

                            And so many other things that people take for granted today. The problems they are tackling were identified by Apple, sulutions brainstormed by Apple, implementations done by Apple. All that everyone else had to do from that point on was to copy those features and implementations.

                            Apple are creators, the imagination of the world. Others are the duplicators, the 'take-something-great-and-try-to-make-it-cheaper-under-your-own-name' type of companies.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • MwH
                              • 09 Nov 2018

                              Anonymous, 09 Nov 2018Not one of those is an example of it being a million times ... moreRecognising Apple's incredible tech achievements and the quality of the services, products, and features they offer, as well as all the innovative solutions to problems people didn't even knew they had, all while not following trends, is one thing. Recognising all the ways they have changed the market and the way everyone on this planet thinks and interacts with their devices is just acknowledging what they are the best at these kind of things. Prior to smartphones it was Nokia who was the market leader. For the past 11 years it's Apple. And someone else will follow for sure.

                              But the fact stands that they are the best at most things they do. They shake the market, they push past the boundaries, they create new things, they make existing things better, they identify and provide solutions to problems that people were ignoring or trying to ignore in the past. And now it's all so much better with those problems fixed, that you wouldn't want to go back to the old days.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • 4QP
                                • 09 Nov 2018

                                AnonD-800802, 09 Nov 2018LMFAO really?? You want examples? Heard of the iPod? They w... moreIPhone started the smart phone revolution lololololololol.
                                Gosh why do you people exist lol
                                They stole the name and made the phone combat to existing designs... and did nothing but realize the smart phone market was picking up and jumped on the bandwagon. Because of foolish people like who lose themselves at the mention of their name it growling pick up some popularity but that's it.
                                It was never ahead. The thing couldn't even record a video, use an sd card, use flash content, or even send/recieve a picture text.
                                All things even most basic and non smart lines could do then.

                                Macbook air? Come on... are you serious??? Started and innovated nothing. Just expensive and useless.

                       did something... buy again more on popularity and ignorance. Not innovation. They just had the known name and money. Better things existed.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • 4QP
                                  • 09 Nov 2018

                                  AnonD-800802, 09 Nov 2018LMFAO really?? You want examples? Heard of the iPod? They w... moreNot one of those is an example of it being a million times better. And also not even all the last decade. And again not always better.
                                  Why are you so stuck on apple? There is life beyond apple... seriously

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • 4QP
                                    • 09 Nov 2018

                                    AnonD-800802, 09 Nov 2018Lol there’s no shame in improving a poor implementation. Ap... moreThe whole they always improve it thing is definitely not always true. And sometimes when it is... it's at the stage anyone who picked it up next month's or years later with newer tech available and studied the mistake could make an improvement. Logic. You ask should try it one day.

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-800802
                                      • vCK
                                      • 09 Nov 2018

                                      applefanboiii, 08 Nov 2018LMAO... Show me one thing Apple made "A million times" bett... moreLMFAO really?? You want examples? Heard of the iPod? They weren’t the first on the MP3 game but they defined the whole digital music industry. How about the MacBook Air, do you remember the designs of all the laptops the preceded it and the clones that followed? Haha and maybe you never heard of the iPhone that started the whole smartphone revolution. The Touch ID was not the first but everyone else copied their implementation. Passive biometrics is the future and Android will eventually get tired of the UD fingerprint and will give full support to 3D face scanning, clone makers like Huawei Xiaomi and Oppo already copied it.

                                      You can hate Apple all you want but don’t you dare deny their contribution.

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-800802
                                        • vCK
                                        • 09 Nov 2018

                                        Anonymous, 08 Nov 2018So Apply is a copycat, but making it better somehow erases ... moreLol there’s no shame in improving a poor implementation. Apple is known to improve current technologies and they’ve been doing this on most if not all of their products. The rest of the tech world always copy their implementation.