Essential PH-2 might come with an under-display selfie camera

07 February 2019
The display will reportedly turn translucent when you activate the selfie camera.

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If it will have a display that's atleast as wide as the s6 edge and won't be heavy like its predecessor then I will consider it, I guess I'll either buy it or the pixel 4.

    Anonymous, 07 Feb 2019Finally. That is the first sign for the end of the notch er... moreIPhones have FaceID which is more complex to make UD and Apple usually is late to the trend which they dont start

      I doubt it if it launches this year and I sure hope they pull it off and I doubt it will work with LCD if it does it will be more expensive than OLED

        Essential, be careful! Apple will copy it and then all n00bs will think it was Apple that invented it. Just like your notch.

          • G
          • Gandalfdenvite
          • 38E
          • 07 Feb 2019

          The last Oracle, 07 Feb 2019"... semitransparent on command". This I got from the so... moreMaybe someone have solved the problems, the rest of us will not know until the solution is in a product, Essential PH-2 or...
          Cameras... hidden beneath the display are inevitable, the only question is who, what company, will be first, probably Samsung!

            I smell failure

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 7xY
              • 07 Feb 2019

              Several Android phone-markers will have their superior solutions in the second half of this year.

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • Ng5
                • 07 Feb 2019

                That was fast

                  kupfernigk, 07 Feb 2019I notice they say "translucent" rather than "transparent". ... more"... semitransparent on command".

                  This I got from the source page. It will most like have an Electronic ND Filter that mimics pixels (like on the Sony FS5), and turn black or some shade to hide the camera when not in use.

                  Under Display tech still has a lot of issues right now, which will take a whole to sort.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • j5y
                    • 07 Feb 2019

                    Anonymous, 07 Feb 2019Finally. That is the first sign for the end of the notch er... moreAnd people will say Android copied from apple... Also I'm pretty sure apple would be late to this trend like they were to big displays, dual cameras and oleds..

                      I notice they say "translucent" rather than "transparent". It suggests the picture quality may be poor.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • 043
                        • 07 Feb 2019

                        Finally. That is the first sign for the end of the notch era. If Essential can do it now, I guess the 2020 iPhones will have a full-screen design, which means every other android manufacturer will have it copied by mid to late 2021.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • fwe
                          • 07 Feb 2019

                          They are going to set trends again after doing the notch

                            Personally, I doubt they can. They don't have the funds or guns to s do it

                              Please don't go with LCD. OLEDs might be expensive but will be way better to attract those customers towards whom this is targeted.