Counterclockwise: wireless charging came first, but fast wired charging is more popular

29 April 2019
Wireless charging also had the advantage on quickly standardizing on one format while wired charging is fractured. That didn't help, though.

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Wireless charging is not that popular compared to fast wired charging because:
1. Wireless charging, even fast wireless charging, is inefficient. Efficiency even becomes lower when the distance between the charger and the phone increases, like when you use thick cases. Electricity has to be converted from AC to DC then to electromagnetic fields (EMF) in order to be pickup by the phone, which then converted back to electricity. A large part of that electricity often gets wasted and turned to heat.

Wired charging only requires one conversion of the power from AC to DC.

2. Wireless charging, especially fast wireless charging, causes more heat that fast wired charging. That conversion of electricity to EMF produces a lot of heat on the charger, and then also a lot of heat on the phone which converts the EMF to electricity to charge the battery. This is exacerbated when your phone uses thick cases.

Fast wired charging, on the other hand, often does not produce much heat on the phone especially if all the charging tech for power conversion is on the power brick. Also, some wireless charging tech use standard 5V and higher Amps which cause less heat on the phone.

    Almost all the Lumia 9XX has wireless charging.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • vx6
      • 29 Apr 2019

      kiasunkiasi, 29 Apr 2019"while some brands share technologies (e.g. Oppo, vivo and ... moreI think he is aware.

        "while some brands share technologies (e.g. Oppo, vivo and OnePlus, as well as Huawei and Honor)"
        I lol-ed at this... didn't the article writer know that the trio of Oppo Vivo and OnePlus are under one umbrella, and both Huawei and Honor are under another umbrella?

          Xiaomi Mi 9 have 20W fast wireless charging lol