First-gen Razer Phone receives Android Pie update

19 August 2019
This will likely be the last major OS update in the phone's lifespan.

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  • Z
  • Zaid
  • vxx
  • 02 Nov 2019

I m disappointed. .. i bought this phone 10 months back from best buy for 400$.
It worked more than awesome.. i felt satisfied.. but all of a sudden..screen went crazy..,

Check these videos..

Then i contacted razer... they are asking 200$ for screen replacement...

The brand i trusted ,over chinese and even samsung and apple, just 10 months and now is of no use...and such a high cost of repairing.

P.s. i bought it via friend in usa, so i didn't have receipt of buying, so according to them, they need to go for serial number, according to which warranty is expired

    I'm writing this comment on a Razer Phone and this is the single most awful device I've ever used. Who cares about screensize, cpu speed or refresh rate when everything that's not immediately obvious is broken after the pie update?
    Has anyone owning this brick actually tried using the alarm feature lately? I've overslept twice in the past 6 days, thanks to the alarm not firing or being on silent. Not to mention the camera that records videos with glitches and the stock video player that crashes the phone when trying to play any of them.
    I for one will be glad when contract runs out so i can get of this phone shaped remorse machine.

      • A
      • Adul Al Salami Kebab
      • nrX
      • 24 Aug 2019

      yevgeny, 19 Aug 2019OLED consume much less power then LCD, so its the only opt... moreThat information is outdated and false, a modern LCD drains less than OLED while its on but more when both is off since the OLED actually shuts down parts when they display black or nothing... Tough if both shows majority black the OLED wins if both shows plain white or much white the LCD wins! :D

        • s
        • s-pen pusher
        • PMT
        • 24 Aug 2019

        Anonymous, 21 Aug 2019Pretty sad to only be getting 9 when 10 is likely mere days away.dude, this is came out in 2017. it shipped with nougat and was updated to oreo. it's actually good that it is getting pie still, i was not expecting it anymore.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • 81X
          • 21 Aug 2019

          Pretty sad to only be getting 9 when 10 is likely mere days away.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • 81X
            • 21 Aug 2019

            yevgeny, 19 Aug 2019OLED consume much less power then LCD, so its the only opt... moreLCD uses a constant power level at a given brightness. Depending on the content being displayed OLED can use less (darker material), or more (very bright material, such as white webpages, white editor and messager 'pages', etc.). But why are you people even talking about display technology, this story is about a software update.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 6wN
              • 20 Aug 2019

              Kingslayer, 19 Aug 2019I prefer LCD over OLED myself. I always found OLED overrate... moreLCD is also more durable.

                • s
                • s-pen pusher
                • PMT
                • 20 Aug 2019

                Kingslayer, 19 Aug 2019I prefer LCD over OLED myself. I always found OLED overrate... morei have both the razer phone 1 and 2. i agree with the repairability, or at least the serviceability i mean. my razer phone 1 developed this screen issue wherein half of the screen freezes. apparently it was a common issue with the phone. there is a local service center for razer here in the philippines but they said they don't service the razer phone at the location and that it will have to be sent to singapore. nevertheless, i still bought the razer phone 2 shortly after it was made available. at the time it was the only smartphone with 120Hz refresh rate available, and despite of the shortcomings, i loved everything about it.

                - 16:9 screen ratio still makes sense for a gaming phone because apparently all mobile games are built for this screen ratio. in cases of other screen ratios, the content being displayed is centered with the top and bottom parts cropped to be able to show it full screen.
                - top and bottom bezels are there so you can rest your thumb there when you are not using them. aside from that, razer utilized the bezels to house the best ever speakers in any smartphone available today.
                - the speakers are front-facing and individually amplified. the drivers used are the biggest ever in smarphones so the dynamic range and loudness are excellent. the speakers has BASS! it can simulate surround sound as it is dolby atmos certified.
                - 120Hz refresh rate provides for smooth motion on the screen, even with just regular scrolling of web pages. people are saying that mobile games are not even capable of even reaching 120fps but this is misinformation- alot of games actually can reach 120fps to utilize that 120Hz refresh rate properly.
                - i am unable to find documentation nor confirmation from razer as well, but i am thinking that the touch sampling rate of the screen on both the razer phone 1 and 2 are the same as the refresh rate- so gaming has been very responsive compared to the other "gaming phones".

                although there has been no confirmation yet from razer itself, it most likely that they really would discontinue the mobile line. as far as gaming phones are concerned, if i would find the need to get a new phone this year, i would consider the rog 2.

                  Kingslayer, 19 Aug 2019I prefer LCD over OLED myself. I always found OLED overrate... moreThe Pixel 3 and Galaxy S7 Edge have at least 3 color profiles in their display settings and all of them are too cartoony for you?
                  I myself, the only differences I noticed between OLED and LCD are the contrast, viewing angles, and viewing experience under direct sunlight.

                    • y
                    • yevgeny
                    • nYM
                    • 19 Aug 2019

                    Kingslayer, 19 Aug 2019I prefer LCD over OLED myself. I always found OLED overrate... moreOLED consume much less power then LCD, so its the only option for good battery life,
                    + i dont think there is flexible LCD sceen technology . but not sure.

                      Anonymous, 19 Aug 2019$700 phone that won't get software support after short of 2... moreIts not impossible since even Nvidia is still updating their shield tv till today, since 2015. I thought the EU commission would do something about it but seems even they don't care now

                        Kingslayer, 19 Aug 2019I prefer LCD over OLED myself. I always found OLED overrate... moreIt's okay everyone's opinion is their own also some people just have poor taste like you, yes most companies default to very high saturation but also every single phone has the capability to calibrate colors somewhere in the settings and i set mine to DCI-P3 always

                          Kangal, 19 Aug 2019I'm so disappointed that we're not getting a Razer Phone 3.... moreI prefer LCD over OLED myself. I always found OLED overrated and the colors too cartoony. But Samsung fooled the masses by strong-arming them to prefer OLED. They're already duping iPhone users since the X. I also think waterproofing is overrated. I never go swimming with my smartphones. I had an S7 edge and currently use a Pixel 3 and I see no use for it.

                          If I get my Pixel 3's battery replaced, I'm going to lose the IP rating for it! I too would rather have removable battery than having a IP-rated phone that is harder to open up and fix. But these OEMs will never want to offer that. They want them to be easy-to-break/harder-to-fix for us to keep buying the newer models.

                          I've actually been interested in the Razer phones only because of that 120hz display. But what turns me off is the size, bezels, and the repairability. I mentioned in my recent LG G5 comment that I love how easy it is to fix the G5. With niche devices like the Essential and Razer, it's going to be difficult finding a repair shop for them.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • KLT
                            • 19 Aug 2019

                            $700 phone that won't get software support after short of 2 years.
                            Why are we still okay with this?

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • 3q$
                              • 19 Aug 2019

                              Took 'em long enough.

                                I'm so disappointed that we're not getting a Razer Phone 3.

                                I like how these are developer friendly, and the LCD-IGZO panels do not produce burn-in. Part of me wishes they could get rid of the IP68 waterproofing, and make the unit with a Removable Battery instead. They could put in the Headphone Jack.

                                Perhaps they could've made this a Horizontal/Landscape phone by putting the ports at the bottom when held-sideways (aka in-portrait, middle of the Left-Side). That way you could dock this for your Alarm, or your TV, or your Desktop Monitor. And have the cords out of the way, when holding this in landscape mode, when you're gaming with it.

                                Of course, this means attention to detail for other things, like curving out those sharp/boxy corners. Making the side-buttons (Volume Up, Down, Power, Camera) more user friendly. Placing the fingerprint in the centre of the rear device with RGB Logo. Making the front and rear cameras more symmetrical. Essentially making the phone be symmetrical to be used in different orientations.

                                Also making sure to include the Landscape Dock in the box, as well as, Two JoyCons that snap on the sides. Then pricing the whole package just below that of flagships from Samsung, conducting guerrilla marketing, and watching the sales fly like hot-cakes. And being proud that the product will be sought after by developers and power-users and have a long product-life (5 years?).