Flashback: Palm Pre showed us the way to the future then faded to obscurity

19 April 2020
In 2009 Palm introduced the smartphone world to many things that we think of as standard today. 

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I personally like the gesture swipes on Android more because when I swipe up, I can swipe down to bring back the app. On iOS, I can't swipe up and then down like it's a webOS card. I know things like this because I've played around with iPhone X since it added gesture swipes in 2017.

I know how to get rid of the awkward longer swipe up for the Android drawer. I eliminate it completely with Nova Launcher Pro and have a two-finger swipe up for it instead. I generally have my drawer clean though. All apps hidden in the drawer.

I plan to stick to Android Pie forever because 10 eliminated apps that blacklist calls. I updated to 10 once for a week and switched right back when I could. Spam calls kept coming through.

For my money, Android 10 felt smoother but it ruined so many old functionality to my older apps. So I believe 9 (Pie) was the best. Followed by 7 (Nougat) and 6 (Marshmallow). Never cared for 8 (Oreo).

    • b
    • bob
    • pr5
    • 19 Apr 2020

    i liked this when i had one except the always online thing with the os, an updated one with 4.6" screen an android would be great.

      • T
      • TheArtist
      • YQS
      • 19 Apr 2020

      I would still buy a phone like this if it had decent specs and ran Android. All I want is a decent compact phone with the latest mid range specs. :(

        Don’t get these revisionist pieces. The Pre was way too late to the party. And swipe gestures have been in iOS from the outset.

          303tk4, 19 Apr 2020Now everyone knows how much being shameless copycat Apple h... moreExactly.

          The guys who worked on webOS, Matias Duarte, moved to Google in 2010. When Android got gesture swipes, Apple fans accused Android of copying them!

          I know Apple used gesture on their trackpads on their Macs and MacBooks. But Apple did not add gestures on iOS until 2017 with iPhone X which Android followed a year later with Pie.

          I just hate how Apple users actually believe their brand invented everything when Apple were the ones who copied. I don't hate Apple products because of this. I could care about any OS / phone war. I just can't stand uneducated arguments from Apple fans.

            • V
            • Viv
            • QDW
            • 19 Apr 2020

            303tk4, 19 Apr 2020Now everyone knows how much being shameless copycat Apple h... moreSome still won't want to admit it

              • V
              • Viv
              • QDW
              • 19 Apr 2020

              Anonymous, 19 Apr 2020This phone has shown us how people are not ready for the fu... moreGood point

                • D
                • DMX
                • BYp
                • 19 Apr 2020

                Much of what there in android and iOS today, came from WebOS and the palm brand ... Too bad LG only Alico all this to their televisions and washing machines

                  Now everyone knows how much being shameless copycat Apple has been.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • LHe
                    • 19 Apr 2020

                    This phone has shown us how people are not ready for the future. If you can remember reviews back then each and every one was hammering it for it's swipe navigation as unintuitive and what not.

                      If they relaunched this phone with updated specs, I'd but it in a heartbeat.

                        They still have market if they re introduce it again

                          I had this phone way back it was awesome to work with