Sony FX3 is the company's most affordable cinema camera

23 February 2021
Essentially the same as the A7S III.

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Anonymous, 24 Feb 2021In your dreams.It's a well known fact.

    Wezz, 24 Feb 2021Unfortunaly, computational photography are the futur, No thanks, prosumers and professionals don't use computational photography. That's just for mainstream average consumers like you who don't bother to go beyond the shutter button.

      • A
      • Anonymous
      • XZ7
      • 25 Feb 2021

      Wezz, 24 Feb 2021Unfortunaly, computational photography are the futur, The future of the bottom consumer maybe, because it has no place in any profesional scene.

        • W
        • Wezz
        • pf0
        • 24 Feb 2021

        YUKI93, 24 Feb 2021Oh please, just dream on. The smartphone camera will always... moreUnfortunaly, computational photography are the futur,

          • L
          • Lmao
          • 3Zy
          • 24 Feb 2021

          Shanti Dope, 24 Feb 2021Like I really care about what you feel or whatever, right??... moreYep, I'm bothered by wanna be's, that's right.

          If you can't be true to your name then you got no place.

            Anonymous, 24 Feb 2021It's slightly baffling why an article about a professi... moreBecause it will presumably integrate with the Sony 1 Pro?

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • 7tp
              • 24 Feb 2021

              BliTTzZ, 24 Feb 2021I'm afraid there is not enough processing and hardware... moreIn your dreams.

                • l
                • lol
                • IV5
                • 24 Feb 2021

                Diamon, 24 Feb 2021Sooner this lame SONY gotta be got kicked by you dream, professional will always use this kind of camera

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • pL7
                  • 24 Feb 2021

                  Forhad, 24 Feb 2021I didn't focus on 'Cinema' word & though... moreIt's a professional camera for professional purposes, not for hobbyists. So yeah, in that space $4k is affordable.

                    • D
                    • Diamon
                    • 6cy
                    • 24 Feb 2021

                    Sooner this lame SONY gotta be got kicked by smartphone.

                      Anonymous, 24 Feb 2021We'll, yes, they can produce some similar alternative,... moreI'm afraid there is not enough processing and hardware in the top phones to match even cheapest cameras.

                        • F
                        • Forhad
                        • X%8
                        • 24 Feb 2021

                        I didn't focus on 'Cinema' word & thought it is the most affordable camera of Sony mirrorless production....I thought it will be around 300-400$..... i read the article carefully.... Was to happy to see comparing a "300-400$" camera against Sony's top tier cameras....
                        "Yes, that's the camera for me....", I thought... then?? then I go to last section of the article....
                        I died there !! lol..... its 3900$ !!
                        Barely I saw some dreams about getting 1000$ from my future job..... Lol !! I cant even dream about getting salary of $1000 let alone buy this camera at $3900 ..... :)

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 7t3
                          • 24 Feb 2021

                          BliTTzZ, 24 Feb 2021Certainly in the next 100 years.We'll, yes, they can produce some similar alternative, there is enough processing performance in top phones, and the dedicated circuitry needed is much less, once you dump boosting up h264 etc to go it, and use a codec requiring a fraction the chip space. It's just that they definitely don't to. They make heaps on high end stuff, if they have you value on the low end, then it might cost them. So, various things in the industry seem geared towards less cheaply, and maximum profit.

                            • a
                            • ae86
                            • vaS
                            • 24 Feb 2021

                            Wezz, 24 Feb 2021Soon smartphones will sweep it all awayAs if...

                              • W
                              • Wayne Morellini
                              • 7t3
                              • 24 Feb 2021

                              Barely. While it's a better quality set out, fullframe (definitely not needed for cinema) with 15+ stops of dynamic range (helps) and I presume dual card, it's only 10 bit and maximum quality mode is not enough in the visually lossless data rate range for me (if it is the same as the a7s III), but perfectly in max video production quality. The Black Magic 4k pocket cinema camera, is a workabe format, single card, not the same setup quality or finale delivery quality options direct out of camera for video production, but nearly 1/3rd the price, which shows you what this camera should be worth. But for handoff video production, this camera wins, except the big lens format, while the black magic might be better in some ways, if you want to do post production grading mainly, or video production delivery in what ever modes it still supports. But, their 6k is still a lot cheaper and has a more regular cinema sensor format, and 6k is preferable in cinema to achieving better 4k delivery (enhancement closer to full 4k resolution (due to optical low pass filter issues in Bayer) other interpolation and alaising issues, and other visual issues which might not exist on this camera. An increased olpf deals issues while reducing quality, contrast and apparent resolution). However, the Sigma pocket fullframe camera is sort of an alternative and a lot cheaper. Like this camera here, you can make this into a proper cinema quality with extra external raw recorder rig (extra money and weight). A proper review will probably show the differences in everyday work usability. Sony makes money on very expensive cameras, so don't expect the same "cinema" level quality on the cheap version. BM offers more plain cinema cameras at a good price they can do, so expect more of what they can do for the price. Things like, lack of wifi wireless view, and HDMI limitations, and hot and or big designs, have been issues in the BM pockets. Another is no tilt screen, which the 6k pro released last week has, but not like the Sony. Sony could do an alternative to the BM pockets for $699, due to their use of mass ex not of scale technologies, but they chose this camera.

                              A new updated BM micro cinema camera, and fullframe, are long overdue, so might be great alternative to this camera.

                                A direct competitor to the compact size Canon C series, Blackmagic and Red cameras.

                                  Wezz, 24 Feb 2021Soon smartphones will sweep it all awayOh please, just dream on. The smartphone camera will always heavily rely on computational photography. You definitely won't see this kind of hardware on a smartphone even after you have gone.

                                    Lmao, 24 Feb 2021The dope 🤡 strikes yet again having not a hint of resemblan... moreLike I really care about what you feel or whatever, right??

                                    "Oh look! Someone is bothered by my screen name! How sensitive can you be?" 😂😂😂😂

                                      • L
                                      • Lmao
                                      • 63x
                                      • 24 Feb 2021

                                      Shanti Dope, 24 Feb 2021LMAO it's still too early for some April Fool's jokes!The dope 🤡 strikes yet again having not a hint of resemblance to anything " dope " related whether it be actual dope or the dope cool factor whatsoever..

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • nI8
                                        • 24 Feb 2021

                                        It's slightly baffling why an article about a professional cinema camera is on GSMA ?