Kuo: iPhone 13 series with smaller notch, 13 Pro gets 120Hz screen, foldable in 2023

02 March 2021
The iPhone will use a Lightning port until at least 2022.

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  • U
  • Umer
  • KIE
  • 08 Sep 2021

Anonymous, 02 May 2021Lol enjoy your usb 2.0 and slow charging. Type c is a milli... moreSo true lol

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • ILx
    • 02 May 2021

    Anonymous, 03 Mar 2021Not only is Your purchasing power low but you have extremel... moreWow imagine telling someone how they feel? Especially when it comes to a phone, dude it's a phone let people use what they want. Seek help please

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • ILx
      • 02 May 2021

      Kingslayer, 03 Mar 2021I'm not a fan of a port-less iPhone. So I have no inte... moreLol enjoy your usb 2.0 and slow charging. Type c is a million times better

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • mhw
        • 07 Apr 2021

        sa11oum, 09 Mar 2021Lol yes my friend. Kia is also more popular than Mercedes..... moreand for 1.5 times less, you get the same service with the same Renault engines. Every day iPhone 12 owners admire their Samsung screen and think they are safe from tracking in a world where Globetech exists.

          Anonymous, 06 Mar 2021Android is simpler because 90% of smartphone users in the w... moreLol yes my friend. Kia is also more popular than Mercedes... for the same reason ;)

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • g8$
            • 06 Mar 2021

            toddluvzgta, 06 Mar 2021The only points of serious contention iPhones have over and... moreAndroid is simpler because 90% of smartphone users in the world have an android phones it is the most polular os in the world

              sa11oum, 03 Mar 2021People who hate on things, especially high-end things, is b... moreThe only points of serious contention iPhones have over androids:

              1. Instant DND switch
              2. Camera (somehow at less megapixels still better than Androids)
              3. Simplicity of use of iOS/face ID/true color

              Other than these Apple are way behind, at $1000 a pop.

              Heh to your "insecurities"

                [deleted post]Sure, buddy. Whatever helps you sleep at night.

                  • P
                  • Peter
                  • YP6
                  • 04 Mar 2021

                  We already see LIDAR scanner in iPhone 12 pro model,so what is new?we already get 12MP lens from iPhone 7 model so what is new in main camera?we have already seen 10x optical zoom in most of other smartphone in 2020 but why Apple can't provide in 2021 also?and many more other extra feature that other smartphone have but Apple still don't have till now.

                    • K
                    • Kingslayer
                    • 39y
                    • 03 Mar 2021

                    The amount of salt on this webpage by all the Apple haters is just astounding. Never in my life I've seen anyone be so invested into something they despise and would never ever buy. And it's not like they give any valuable input on how to make anything better or what they want to see. It's just everything Apple is garbage, Android is million years ahead and iSheeple this and that.

                      apple understands my needs

                        I'm not a fan of a port-less iPhone. So I have no interest on that. I'm ok using the Lightning port. It's been around since 2012 and I don't mind using it for the rest of my life. I still use the micro-USB cable to charge my older devices.

                        Don't get me wrong. I do love wireless charging. But like wired headphones, I still need wired charging around. Sometimes older doesn't mean they're obsolete overnight. Many phones from 2013-2016 are better to me than new ones. More features or better design and size.

                        Looks like the 13 mini for me for the rest of this decade. May leave it on iOS15 for the entire time to maintain its smoothness and battery life.

                          The iPhone 13 is rumored to have a matte glass back. I would prefer what Samsung used for their S21. The matte glass were found on the 11 and 12 Pro but not on the regular 11, 12, and 12 mini.

                          Looks more likely I'm getting the 13 mini this year or next year depending on the type of trade-in deals they have. I've been hesitant to get the 12 mini for the small battery and the typical glass back. The 13 mini could correct both. I use a case anyway but I still prefer a matte back.

                          If the iPhone 4 & 4S can used for a decade in the Philippines with only 3G and 512 MB RAM, I don't see how the 13 mini can't last for more than a decade? Smartphone tech have matured enough that we can use devices way beyond 5 years just by replacing the battery.

                          Most people only upgrade because they get bored. I'm using a Nexus 5 on Marshmallow and it's still surprisingly fast. We'll get to a point when upgrading to an iPhone every decade becomes similar to our TV sets pre-2000. Of course, it still seems Apple has a kill switch to force us to upgrade. Apple loves planned obsolescence.

                            One aspect I just realized is Apple Pay can be used on multiple devices. Just late last year, Google Pay became locked only to one device. I understand for security reasons but you see how restrictive Google is now becoming? I use each one all the time.

                            I’m planning to get another iPhone because I feel iOS14 was a great update. We finally have a drawer for iOS. It’s either the 13 or waiting for the Flip in two years. I will always prefer Android more though but it’s nice to have iOS around.

                            Be like Annie January AKA Starlight. She has one foot at the door with The Seven and her other foot with The Boys. I don’t like either Google or Apple but we’re forced to use them. So just use them both and get on with our lives.

                              • j
                              • justsomeguy87
                              • gLN
                              • 03 Mar 2021

                              Anonymous, 03 Mar 2021There are some really bad iphone haters on this site. I don... morei doubt moderators can do much to stop the haters. at the end of the day alot of conversions quickly turn bad if people have little or no grace patience kindness self control etc.

                                AnonD-985481, 02 Mar 2021Jesus the amount of salt on this webpage by all the Apple h... morePeople who hate on things, especially high-end things, is because they want them and cannot have them. Most of the haters that you're mentioning have a midrange Android device and have to hate on Apple to mask their insecurities.

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • ntJ
                                  • 03 Mar 2021

                                  [deleted post]Not only is Your purchasing power low but you have extremely bad taste in smartphones.
                                  Using 3 year old IPhone XR...?? Lol With 60hz low resolution Lcd screen, not to forget terrible single cameras, pathetic 15W charging, terrible battery life and 3rd grade OS which gets basic features 10 years late.
                                  You are in no position to judge what a premium phone is. Pretending to be happy with a 3rd class device.

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-985481
                                    • puk
                                    • 03 Mar 2021

                                    Anonymous, 03 Mar 2021There are some really bad iphone haters on this site. I don... morePeople for some F up reason perceive me as "threat" or hater when I say Android would be amazing if they got rid of absurd OS fragmentation and you can only really achieve that by giving longer OS support. Longer than crappy 1-2 years most offer. And you'd expect users would cheer for it as it would literally benefit them. Instead you're met with crazy resistance and defending of Android even for its bad parts and consequentially bashing of Apple because that's what comes with it. It's just beyond baffling. And it's always the exact same people. Call me hopelessly optimistic, but there is chance people from companies may be checking high profile pages where their products are being talked about. I don't speak that to crap on Android coz I hate it or something, I do it to make it better. Coz if we all constantly ask companies to support phones for longer, they might actually do it. Defending their craptastic 2 years at best just means they get lazy, complacent and guess who pulls the short stick in that scenario. Us, the users. But I guess some people haven't come to that part just yet...

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • r7g
                                      • 03 Mar 2021

                                      Anonymous, 03 Mar 2021There are some really bad iphone haters on this site. I don... moreI agree, what name did you post under previously?

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • p%B
                                        • 03 Mar 2021

                                        [deleted post]There are some really bad iphone haters on this site. I don't want to give names, because they will not publish my post then. I think majority of them are from asian countries (not necessarily china).
                                        True, that they are some android haters on this site too. But I think they are the same kind of people. Because usually they hate on sony or samsnug users. Probably because they have too much love on chinese products.
                                        Recently I changed my phone and I bought a chinese brand phone. Guess who become my best friends on this site? Lol.
                                        If you have anything else than a chinese phone (especially iphone) they will come after you like really bad.

                                        I think the moderators of this site need to do a better job of banning some accounts. Each day, I report maybe 5 people on this site (usually making hate comments). This bad people are the reason I post in anonymous now.