Xiaomi Mi Mix 4 teasers hype up under-display camera and UWB tech

05 August 2021
Mi Mix 4 is scheduled to debut on August 10.

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Worse than the mi 11 pro, more expensive than the ultra. Good job xiaomi. The mi mix 3 design was genius and they dropped it.

    • D
    • AnonD-909757
    • pZV
    • 06 Aug 2021

    Moto, 06 Aug 2021But there are devices available with physical kill switches... moreThere are, like the Librem 5 and PinePhone, the issue is they are highly special, far from regular phones, and light-years away from any Flagship, none have good camera setup.
    All phones should have this, when a feature don't do anything negative to those who don't use it, meaning unlike the intrusive punch holes/notches, or curved edges displays, or portless devices, that they don't take relevant amount of space, nor they are expensive, it should be a mandatory thing except in the special cases where the device shouldn't or can't have it (phone build to have one of those thing).
    This also include the 3.5mm Jack.

    And well the issue is, much like regular pop up and other alternatives (like no front camera for example), those are no longer available because of how much the market lack diversity, the latest slider smartphone is quite old for a phone, even the Poco F2 Pro is barely worth buying new because of its age, it has passed half the usage time of most phone that get changed every two to three years...
    In comparison, the latest slider phone is the Xiaomi Mi Mix 3 5G which is from May 2019
    And it hasn't much changed since the non 5G one from November 2018...
    This is by far my biggest criticism against the UDC, if it was just one tech among other, I wouldn't care, but many want to push it as the only available option for anything middle range and higher...

      OhNom, 06 Aug 2021I have never heard anything about this, would 4K and QHD di... morenot burn in, but pixel degradation.
      and the brightness level also.
      im using my phone at maximum brightness all the time.
      every phone I've owned with oled/amoled panel suffered from pixel degradation.
      specifically the upper part where the yt videos are playing in vertical orientation, the upper part of the display is noticeably dimmer with yellow tint since the blue pixel are weaker compared the red and green.
      so i guess the max brightness is the most contributing factor.

        • M
        • Moto
        • iBM
        • 06 Aug 2021

        AnonD-909757, 06 Aug 2021Are you seriously saying I should consider GLUING SOMETHING... moreBut there are devices available with physical kill switches for those who are very privacy oriented. For those who are less concerned, but still a little, slider or pop-ups should be a good alternative.

        At least they won't be spying on your face as you're using your device.

          Howpe there's a great rear camera setup and no joke depth sensorsand a rear display too.

            • D
            • AnonD-909757
            • pZV
            • 06 Aug 2021

            aggelos0518, 06 Aug 2021Products like this: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B075FCNF4B ca... moreAre you seriously saying I should consider GLUING SOMETHING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DARN DISPLAY?
            Yeah, no, I'd rather take an iPhone with a big notch over having a fulldisplay with something protruding in the display on a phone that doesn't have any feature to "disable the notch" to allow to not make it impossible to see stuffs...

            And software kill switches are NOT a good solution, it has been proven times and times again, exactly like how camera notifications still fail to pick up many apps and how permissions still failed to prevent apps from using the front camera.

              • P
              • PiCosm
              • mp7
              • 06 Aug 2021

              r33fd, 05 Aug 2021Finally someone get rid of the ugly hole, please! It... moreAgreed!

                AnonD-909757, 05 Aug 2021Ok, I have enough of all this anti-privacy comments, so I w... moreProducts like this: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B075FCNF4B can still be used, since you'll know where your camera is going to be as it's going to be almost visible. Additionally, kill switches for the cameras are going to be implemented in Android where you're going to be able to see when the camera or the microphones are being used.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • thh
                  • 06 Aug 2021

                  The Android Freak, 05 Aug 2021Only problem for Mi11 Ultra is software. Apart from that, e... moreBy in between, which do you mean: "great camera and great software" or "trash camera and trash software"? Enlighten us

                    Berserker, 05 Aug 2021you would do what? did you replied to the wrong comment? ... moreI have never heard anything about this, would 4K and QHD displays burn faster than 720p anyway? Its pixels are smaller, if you have tests I would like a link (without hate)

                      The Android Freak, 05 Aug 2021Only problem for Mi11 Ultra is software. Apart from that, e... moreYou can't really know that for sure without using all the phones you mention.

                        • D
                        • AnonD-909757
                        • pZV
                        • 05 Aug 2021

                        aggelos0518, 05 Aug 2021Prior to pop-up cameras we had bezels and no one really was... moreOk, I have enough of all this anti-privacy comments, so I won't be kind.
                        This is the stupidest arguments ever.
                        First, many did, hence why those kinds of product did and still do sell well :
                        Even though there are much less compatible phones available, they are still selling well for phones too.
                        Also, this is phones with pop up who started to pop up when some apps and websites were opened that revealed a huge shady thing going on, that was only theorized but never proven before.
                        And "before", we didn't wear any seat belts, based on your logic, we should keep it that way, right?
                        Not only we've discovered more about privacy and private data abuses, but also privacy invasive things continuously go further and further and have passed FAR beyond every conceivable ethically acceptable limits of just 10 years ago.

                        Saying that "other things can do it too anyway" is like, out off of the 10 most common causes of accidental death (from Google, list from 2018) that read in order from most common : "Poisoning (including drug overdose), Motor Vehicle, Falls, Suffocation by ingestion/inhalation, drowning, etc", you said :
                        "Why wasting money having lifeguards on beaches to save people from drowning when they are more likely to die from poisoning, motor vehicles, falls and suffocation?".

                        Privacy isn't an "if we can't fix it all, we shouldn't fix it at all" kind of stuff, YES, rear camera, microphones, and even other sensors including gyros and accelerometers can also be used and have been used for spying, and those things should be fixed TOO, that's why I also advocate about mechanical kill switches for those, like the Librem 5 phones haves.
                        It doesn't mean that front facing camera should be totally forgotten.

                        And now, more than ever, we know that brain-computer interfaces are not only possible, but are actually coming really fast, in 5 years we might have the first commercially available products, in 10 years it might be implemented into everyday life stuffs, in 15 years in might be MANDATORY, like used as lie detectors to check if you didn't cheat with taxes or did something illegal and to open any kind of bank account or taking insurance, then with more regular things like taking an internet or mobile subscription.
                        Do you REALLY want to let a future where corporate want and will probe your mind happen?
                        Because this is what all this privacy skepticism is directly leading to.
                        Hell, some even say, despite direct evidences of what Facebook or Amazon Echo did/do, that "no one spy on you", and mind you that Facebook, the BIGGEST known privacy violator, is one who worked on those human-computer interfaces.
                        Go ahead, keep laughing or discrediting privacy, but I hope you won't have the arrogance to complain when even your thoughts won't be private anymore.

                          OhNom, 05 Aug 2021Because I would do? The pixels will light up at the same timeyou would do what?
                          did you replied to the wrong comment?
                          lets make it easier to understand :
                          SMALLER PIXELS=SHORTER LIFESPAN

                            Berserker, 05 Aug 2021i think with such a small pixels there will be a burn in is... moreBecause I would do? The pixels will light up at the same time

                              AnonD-909757, 05 Aug 2021How can people be so blind about privacy? First UDC, now U... morePrior to pop-up cameras we had bezels and no one really was bothered about their privacy. Besides, if a company wants to spy on you they can use the built-in mics and rear cameras.

                                • W
                                • Wezz
                                • 6rG
                                • 05 Aug 2021

                                AnonD-909757, 05 Aug 2021How can people be so blind about privacy? First UDC, now U... morePeople don't care about their private lives, some even say they have nothing to be ashamed of. Voluntary slavery

                                  • r
                                  • r33fd
                                  • ScY
                                  • 05 Aug 2021

                                  Finally someone get rid of the ugly hole, please!

                                  It's incredible how it's not bothering more people how many devices have a hole in the screen.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • 7kk
                                    • 05 Aug 2021

                                    FarFan, 05 Aug 2021Hey Xiaomi, Apple has dropped curved glass, your turn to repeat!ifruit never had curved glass, get ur facts right. Not not everyone wants their $1000 flagship look half the price with flat screen, especially if company has good palm rejection built-in

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • 7kk
                                      • 05 Aug 2021

                                      erodhika94, 05 Aug 2021Better than ultra wide notch from a bite fruitYeah true, lol. nothing beats that hideous front
                                      But I was talking about ugly from the back-end!

                                        [deleted post]Lol