Flashback: the Apple iPhone X and its hated but influential notch

19 September 2021
Many hated the notch, many still do. But it is important to understand why it was necessary and why it is still relevant.

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Kangal, 01 Oct 2021Now you're putting words into my mouth. That won'... moreThe flip flopping continues, it is okay, I accepted your apology regarding your loss 🙂
Comeback when the industry is talking about the iPhone X competitors….ooops,you won’t because none of its 2017 or 2018 competitors aged as well as it did or managed to stay as relevant. 😁

    SizN80, 30 Sep 2021Your argument ended when you apologized for your loss buddy... moreNow you're putting words into my mouth. That won't fly.
    There is no flip-flopping on my part. Just your illusion of proof.

    You said iPhoneX is (and was) a better phone.
    I named some alternatives.
    You said iPhoneX is better because "Apple".
    I told you reasons why the alternatives are better.
    You didn't respond to my comment.
    You said that iPhoneX is better.
    I disagreed. iPhone 8+ perhaps, but not really the iPhoneX.
    I said at best, this was a Personal Choice.
    You claimed to win the argument (despite not presenting anything tangible).
    I called you out, being a fanboy.
    You called me a loser.
    Then we've been going into circles ever since.

    I think I've had enough at this point, anyone is free to read the comments and come to their own conclusions.

      Kangal, 30 Sep 2021Nope, my argument stands. The iPhoneX did not age better t... moreYour argument ended when you apologized for your loss buddy :) quit flip flopping.
      So we agree iPhone X aged better and stayed relevant versus competitors. :)

        SizN80, 29 Sep 2021I see you have given up the poor argument you were trying t... moreNope, my argument stands.
        The iPhoneX did not age better than its competitors.

        You couldn't even refute the points I brought up, ergo, you've inadvertently surrendered them. Leading to your agreement with my position, and against your false premise.

        Apple is learning from its Android competitors as much as they're learning from Apple. They are in competition with each other, with the arbitrary separation of ecosystems.

          Kangal, 29 Sep 2021Ladies and gentleman; cognitive dissonance at it's fin... moreI see you have given up the poor argument you were trying to put up, glad we agree the iPhone X aged well and stayed relevant compared to anything else from 2017/2018. :)

          Hopefully Android manufacturers learn from Apple.

            SizN80, 29 Sep 2021To quote you: “That's fine, it was fun arguing. Sorry... moreLadies and gentleman; cognitive dissonance at it's finest !
            Quick before he deletes it : )

              Kangal, 29 Sep 2021Yeah, I did apologise for YOUR loss. I truly do feel bad f... moreTo quote you: “That's fine, it was fun arguing.
              Sorry for losing”
              I fully accept your apology for your loss mate, come prepared next time. :)

                SizN80, 29 Sep 2021Didn’t bother to read this long gibberish :’D you already a... moreYeah, I did apologise for YOUR loss.
                I truly do feel bad for you. It takes someone with cognitive dissonance to fail as bad as you have. Let's review the discussion so far; you failed to back up your opinions with facts, and utterly failed at discrediting my points. The only one who failed to put up a good argument here is yourself.

                I mean you admitted it yourself, that you didn't even bother to read my comment.
                So why should any other reader here take you seriously?

                Will you just resort to ad hominem attacks, or clutch to your fantasies as an avid fanboy?
                That is what every one here is expecting, since you've become fairly repetitive and predictable by this point.

                  Kangal, 29 Sep 2021All good Mr Apple Fanboy, glad you're taking the L. I... moreDidn’t bother to read this long gibberish :’D you already apologized for your loss in this discussion and I accepted your apology.
                  The iPhone X has aged well (better than any of its android flagship competitors in 2017 and 2018) and remained relevant and you have not managed to put forward a good argument against that, comeback next time when you are fully prepared. :)

                    SizN80, 28 Sep 2021You never had any good points buddy, again don’t be sorry a... moreAll good Mr Apple Fanboy, glad you're taking the L.
                    If my points were bad.... why were you NOT able to disprove them?? Exactly!
                    See, your thinly veiled approach crumbles under light scrutiny.

                    Also, you still keep conflating "Sales" with "Better" and begging the question. You do know Apple is a separate brand, and the iPhone belongs in its own ecosystem. This isn't like comparing an ASUS to a Motorola. So comparing it to an Android device isn't a straight affair. I mean, you are literally saying that "McDonalds makes the best burger in the world", simply because its competitors don't sell as much. Well news flash, this is called the Bandwagon Fallacy, and I'm calling you out on it. Again.

                    I mean, at one point in (ancient) time people used to believe that the Earth was Flat. They were the vast majority. And they were wrong. Just because more iPhoneX sold, does not equate to, that it was superior to its competitors. Heck, all the competitors that I've named, if you tally all their sales together they would probably be more (or less) units sold than the iPhoneX. But that still does not mean they were worse.

                    Otherwise, you are actually arguing that iPhones are statistically the worst phones in the world, and iOS is a bad ecosystem... Since there are billions of junk/cheap Android devices sold internationally every year. And if you say that, I disagree, I think iOS/iPhones are fantastic for many reasons and that they are "better" than the vast majority of other phones. But not all phones, because at the tip of the iceberg, when you get to the fine-grain of superior/inferior devices, it then becomes a very personal ordeal.

                      AAA Media, 29 Sep 2021Fingerprint scanners working 100% of the time on my android... moreFaceID requires your attention and eyes looking at the phone, someone simply pointing the phone at you doesn’t unlock the phone, you wouldn’t know that though :’D you are out of your depth here kiddo.

                      Under display fingerprint scanners can be fooled by screen protectors LOL


                      Poor showing by android makers, still nothing that can rival FaceID, no wonder you are here :D

                        SizN80, 28 Sep 2021A perfectly secure solution that doesn’t require a poorly i... moreFingerprint scanners working 100% of the time on my android flagship.
                        On iPhone it fails 90% of the time when wearing a mask.

                        Anybody can pick up your phone and put it in front of your face, easy unlock.
                        Fingerprint scanners are much more secure. Face Id is a very poor implementation leading to a lower quality unlocking experience. But ios users are familiar with other such low quality experiences on their platform, so they never admit it and instead end up justifying those negative, just because they spent more money for this lower-tier product.

                          AAA Media, 28 Sep 2021Works perfectly with Apple Watch?? Lol what a solution?? H... moreA perfectly secure solution that doesn’t require a poorly implemented and easily fooled under screen fingerprint scanner :)

                          The Note9 on its best month did maximum 5% of the iPhone X sales :’D saying “plenty of people” using Note9 is not saying much at all. Android users don’t buy flagships they buy cheap stuff and then get an iPhone when they want to buy premium :)

                            SizN80, 28 Sep 2021“The same advanced system that fails most of the times with... moreWorks perfectly with Apple Watch?? Lol what a solution??
                            Have two devices just to able to get a simple unlock on your phone. Another indicator of a half baked implementation.
                            They could have easily added combination of touch id and face Id which would have served the users in every scenario, but cheater company doesn't want to spend more on BOM.

                            Plenty of people happily using the note 9.
                            People don't care about iPhone X, some forgotten phone with ugly notch combined with lower-tier hardware and software experience.

                              Kangal, 28 Sep 2021Now you're fighting on all the fronts. Interesting. Y... moreYou never had any good points buddy, again don’t be sorry about your loss, just take the L and comeback with better arguments next time. :)

                                AAA Media, 28 Sep 2021"and the notch houses the most advanced facial biometr... more“The same advanced system that fails most of the times with a mask on?
                                Competitors have fingerprint scanners that are working perfectly during this pandemic.”
                                It works perfectly fine with the Apple Watch and is safer than the Underscreen Fingerprint Readers the competitors have been poorly implementing for years now :’D

                                “Wozniak used blackberry when iPhone was launched, he wanted nothing to do with Apple's own phone as he knew it wasn't secure enough. “
                                Wozniak using a now dead BlackBerry is reason enough to no longer take the old guy seriously. Meanwhile Samsungs board, Xiaomi CEO etc… prefer iPhone while they sell you their crapdroids. :’D let’s not forget that almost every brand ambassador who promotes an Android quickly runs back to their iPhones afterwards, you cannot pay them enough to stick with Android.

                                “Note 9 is on a different level compared to iPhone X. It's arguably the best note phone in the series. IPhone X is nothing but a toy”
                                Note9 is on the dead level, Samsung don’t care for it, the market does not care for it, only a few fandroids still talk about it, iPhone X still is supported and still has greater consumer adoption. :)
                                On its best sales month the Note9 barely got 10% of what the iPhone got in consumer adoption, so the Note9 is indeed on a different level, a much lower level, the Note9 went on BOGO deals almost immediately after launch due to poor performance. :’D

                                  SizN80, 27 Sep 2021iPhone X does not have a 720P display, it has dual cameras,... more"and the notch houses the most advanced facial biometric system in a mobile device that competitors have not matched"

                                  The same advanced system that fails most of the times with a mask on?
                                  Competitors have fingerprint scanners that are working perfectly during this pandemic.

                                  "Many of Google’s own employees use iPhone X to. :)"
                                  Wozniak used blackberry when iPhone was launched, he wanted nothing to do with Apple's own phone as he knew it wasn't secure enough.

                                  "It has aged very well especially compared to any rival it had in 2017 and 2018, many of which are now unsupported and forgotten by the market and manufacturers."

                                  Note 9 is on a different level compared to iPhone X. It's arguably the best note phone in the series. IPhone X is nothing but a toy


                                    SizN80, 27 Sep 2021iPhone X does not have a 720P display, it has dual cameras,... moreNow you're fighting on all the fronts. Interesting.
                                    You've proven yourself to be an Apple fanboy. It's sad.

                                    I commend Apple for many of their innovations, but I am not a slave to them ideologically, unlike yourself. Since you haven't countered any of my previous points, it looks like my point stands, thus my preparation was more than adequate.

                                    So for all the readers, they can see how you conflate your own opinion as a fact. The only thing I agree with is that you can't compare your opinion to my opinion (I am on a completely different league compared to the likes of you). Enjoy your day, and keep justifying your expensive iPhoneX purchase to yourself : )

                                      AAA Media, 27 Sep 2021You're think iPhone X with ugly notch, 60hz 720p displ... moreiPhone X does not have a 720P display, it has dual cameras, and the notch houses the most advanced facial biometric system in a mobile device that competitors have not matched.
                                      Next time please come with actual facts kid :’D you seem quite lost and not even sure what phone you are talking about.
                                      Many of Google’s own employees use iPhone X to. :)
                                      It has aged very well especially compared to any rival it had in 2017 and 2018, many of which are now unsupported and forgotten by the market and manufacturers.


                                        SizN80, 27 Sep 2021Don’t be sorry about your loss buddy :) everyone has an opi... moreYou're think iPhone X with ugly notch, 60hz 720p display, outdated network connectivity, pathetic single camera, tiny battery, etc aged well?