It is time for another phone revolution

02 January 2022
The smartphone is dead! The bar form factor has reached its peak a while ago and now we've come to a standstill.

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • vae
  • 03 Jan 2022

Considering the environmental impact of tossing away what has essentially become a fashion accessory at where watering prices... How about we start running down the next best thing and ask for phones that last a few years?
I need my phone to stay in touch with people I care about and they've been doing that for years.
I don't need the latest and greatest at the cost of forced labour to extract the previous rare metals needed to make it.
Make it last, make it get the necessary firmware updates, make it repairable, give me back the ability to replace my freakin battery because mate, if we don't start doing that now with all aspects of our lives, there's much steeper price to pay in the future than the price of the latest and greatest mobile.

    • E
    • E
    • d%$
    • 03 Jan 2022

    5G. Foldables. 200W instant charging. 1inch sensors. 4K standard res. these I see in the next five years of smartphones.

      • D
      • Dave
      • HD8
      • 03 Jan 2022

      Anonymous, 03 Jan 2022I want a phone with satellite connectivity like satellite p... moreWait ten years you might see it

        • D
        • Dave
        • HD8
        • 03 Jan 2022

        The fold phones look good .if some company could sort the hinge out .get rid of the gap when closed.

          • j
          • jason
          • MJ{
          • 03 Jan 2022

          in some respects yes candy bar devices have plataeued but that is mainly because it is the most logical shape/size for its use, back in the day when nokia brought out all sorts of weird and whacky shapes and designs, it was because they could, now we have full screen devices, there is nothing you can really do with design as it would take away from the practicality of the form factor and screen shape, both are not practical in the slightest, in the old days it was, most design changes are around the back of the device and the hardware implementations, the next evolution is foldables and rollables, but even that still requires a specific shape and form factor to adhere to, merely folding a candybar in to a flip or a fold into a tablet still retains the initial concept of the device form and fucntion, much like many things in the world, technology has plataeud simply because it is the best at what it does in its current form factor and maybe we dont have the technology yet to progress to a different concept, mobile phones have had what 47 years to adapt into what they are today from the first concepts in 1973 or something

            • d
            • dwgsm
            • 0vH
            • 03 Jan 2022

            AR will be the new screen of the smartphone and then ultimatelly fully replace phones with werables.. They are just holding it a bit longer till the masses realize that batteries, camera bumps and huge screens are going nowhere, except draining our pockets when following imposed trends such as Samsun flip Z phones which are less functional than Motorola V3 to be opened..
            Batteries are still the big mystery.. holding innovation for so long.. when everyone hates running out of charge so fast..

              • A
              • Adul Al Salami Kebab
              • gx$
              • 03 Jan 2022

              Foldable with QWERTY keyboard, I declare that the future! O3O

                • T
                • Tyfyh
                • x13
                • 03 Jan 2022

                wtf? What kind of subjective bs is this?!
                Please don't write this kind of crap. I don't need this.

                  Folds are more like evolution, revolution will be AR glasses and feedback devices.

                    • P
                    • Pickle Rick
                    • 6p{
                    • 03 Jan 2022

                    Let's try to move to the next best thing. Technological revolutions are not predictable, you won't know what the Next fad of the world would be but my hunch says, it will have more to do with virtual reality and Bionics..

                      • J
                      • Jay
                      • RxE
                      • 03 Jan 2022

                      This is because the Big Bang has stopped and it is in the stability stage. Like TV revolution, when it attained colour status, the role of TV is kinda stable for a long time. Any changes in form factor will sacrifice some functions. Present day smartphone is actually a Swiss Army knife now, any changes are rather quite unnecessary. But folding phone is a good improvement, just bring down the price to budget phone level.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • IJK
                        • 03 Jan 2022

                        Nexus One, 02 Jan 2022Lately, I've just been paying attention to Elon Musk. ... moreSo when you say visionary you mean thief.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • IJK
                          • 03 Jan 2022

                          Victorkci, 02 Jan 2022You don't know what you are saying. Respect how far ph... moreYou need to meet them fault way on that. Yes it's great how far technology has come. But the points behind what they say are true.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • IJK
                            • 03 Jan 2022

                            Nexus One, 02 Jan 2022Back in 2007 and 2008, it felt revolutionary for two reason... moreNot even close. The interface was nothing that spectacular then. Just the same then as now they were good at making you believe it was something more than it is. It was a combination of copied and stolen things. Including the name itself.
                            A flip phone was more capable at the time minus the touch screen.
                            Windows mobile phones and Symbian phones ran circles around it.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • IJK
                              • 03 Jan 2022

                              Nexus One, 02 Jan 2022I don't really see us leapfrog in any area except for ... moreThat's the problem. The technology hasn't peaked. It's just the greed of the companies and silly expectations from consumers that actually help drive the greed.
                              Wanting pretty thin glass slabs and shaming anything else.

                              Which the companies gladly produce. You mean you want a fragile phone that doesn't have room for anything useful? So that it breaks, you can't repair it, and can only fit small cameras and batteries??? And we can even use space as an excuse for removing the card slot and 3.5mm port?
                              All while charging a lot for this and calling it innovation? And you'll throw your money at me??? Glorious!

                                • C
                                • Codesmithx
                                • Nvx
                                • 03 Jan 2022

                                Watch phones almost got there, maybe we need a necklace-phone now 😁

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-1032895
                                  • 7ZW
                                  • 03 Jan 2022

                                  What we need are sustainable and repairable devices such as the Fairphone. If we can't do that then we'll just continue littering the world with more plastic and electronic waste. We'll also be depleting our aluminum, zinc, copper, etc

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • 7Xc
                                    • 03 Jan 2022

                                    Dude what are you talking about?i really dont see the significance of your article. As long as people buy them then they are serving its purpose after all the primary purpose of phone is for communication.

                                      • f
                                      • febb
                                      • LvM
                                      • 03 Jan 2022

                                      If the current form factors work well for most of us, why change them.
                                      For instance, I'd rather have a much better battery, more durable than having a transparent phone that serves no additional useful purpose.
                                      But, that's me.

                                        Tech Journalists, or self-proclaimed "professionals", like that of Unbox Therapy, MKBHD, Mrwhostheboss are making things worse. They get paid over hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars to state opinions that are aligned with the companies that sponsor them. These guys are in it for themselves, and it is the "sheep" or the mainstream market which drives the direction we go. When the headphone jack was being removed, there was no major outroar, and in a few months these guys happily recommended this direction. Not to mention the Billions of dollars every year in marketing spent to advertise these phones.

                                        What we've had since 2014 or 2016 is the opposite of Feature-Creep. We've regressed in phones to make them worse for consumers and better for corporations. This was achieved by making them more expensive, more disposable, less durable, less repairable, and locked software. This helped corporations like Apple, Samsung, Xiaomi, and BBK Electronics to become larger and larger.

                                        Just think back, to the Samsung Note 4 (Exynos).
                                        That was the best Android phone of 2014. Now if we took the exact phone, and improved its specifications, would it still be the best phone of 2021 ? Absolutely!
                                        Therein lies the problem. The only exceptions would be the Sony Xperia mk III.

                                        And for all you readers, here's a challenge for YOU:
                                        Name 20 phones from the last 10 years which you personally thought was innovative!

                                        I can't wait to read your answers, and I will post my list afterwards to be fair for the other commenters. Otherwise, GSMArena, maybe you can make an article and ask your followers this SAME question.