Osom OV1 is an upcoming privacy-focused smartphone from the team behind the Essential Phone

21 December 2021
It's expected to launch in Summer 2022.

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  • D
  • AnonD-909757
  • pZV
  • 29 Dec 2021

Ahmad, 26 Dec 2021In the age of under display tech, it's crap. Underdisplay techs are the real crap.

    • V
    • Vic
    • 0Uw
    • 27 Dec 2021

    Make smaller phones

      • I
      • Invy
      • S3c
      • 27 Dec 2021

      "Google Services"

      Sorry, but these terms are simply not compatible.

        • A
        • Ahmad
        • sUv
        • 26 Dec 2021

        In the age of under display tech, it's crap.

          • D
          • AnonD-909757
          • pZV
          • 25 Dec 2021

          Carol, 24 Dec 2021I don't know, people are... well you know the word, st... moreTrue, but I don't try to change their mind, they do whatever they want, and I won't care if they come crying asking for help when one of the many privacy risks hit them right in the face.
          The issue is how they say their personal opinion, which is nothing more than uneducated guess, as if it was a universal truth, and the issue is that it has influence.

          Exactly like flat earthers, among themselves, they are just a group of crazy, no problems, they can believe whatever they want, the issue is that they create a danger to modern science because they can influence ignorant people who will think their mumbo jumbo is compelling evidences.
          They do whatever they want with their own privacy, it is like their personal hygiene, but when someone tries to make toilet paper or toothbrushes disappear because they personally don't believe in such personal hygiene, it is far beyond their personal choice nor any acceptable level of attitude.
          Mainly considering privacy is already seriously endangered and many try to find any borderline legal way they can to gather more data, most of the time for illegal and unethical uses.
          If it was only about targeted ads, I'd be the first one to want those privacy intrusions, but they have been abused and have proven that often they are from scratch not collected for that, times and times again.

          Those idiots are literally endangering our (themselves included) future from their ignorance.

            • D
            • AnonD-909757
            • pZV
            • 25 Dec 2021

            Anonymous, 24 Dec 2021Better still, ditch Android and Google altogether and go fu... moreYou say that as if there were thousands of Linux smartphones to choose from...

              • C
              • Carol
              • mgK
              • 24 Dec 2021

              AnonD-909757, 23 Dec 2021I don't know, there are so many anti-privacy idiots he... moreI don't know, people are... well you know the word, starts with s ends with d. They have no idea what cyber privacy means and what to do about it, and that is why is easier to istay ignorant and impos others to be the same. Believe me, you can't change the ignorance in this forums, i tried since 2010's

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • KZK
                • 24 Dec 2021

                YUKI93, 22 Dec 2021If they really want to focus on privacy for smartphones, do... moreBetter still, ditch Android and Google altogether and go full-on Linux. If one really care about privacy on smartphone, Android with Google Mobile Services should not be on the list.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • KZK
                  • 24 Dec 2021

                  "Jason Keats specified OV1 is not a sequal to the Essential PH-1 and that the phone will bring Google Mobile Services."

                  Lol, "privacy" and "Android" doesn't belong in one sentence.

                    • D
                    • AnonD-909757
                    • pZV
                    • 24 Dec 2021

                    IpsDisplay, 24 Dec 2021"I am a programmer, I know those stuffs better than yo... moreSee, that's exactly because of this kind of shits that I usually post long wall of texts, because if I don't describe everything fully, down to decomposing the meaning of every sentence, and sometime of single words, there are useless talks about the meaning of a sentence.

                    So, here, for you, as you were not able to comprehend the simple version, a longer version that will guide you on how to actually understand what you read :

                    "I am a programmer, albeit an amateur, and I love learning new stuffs, computer is a big part of it, and I have learned a lot of things about privacy, also I have a deeper understanding of the working of computer than non-programmer do, allowing me to have more insight about what is and isn't possible.
                    Also, you showed you had a really bad understanding about privacy, based on what you wrote, so the logic conclusion of this is that, I have a better knowledge of privacy and its underlying complexity than you do."

                    Yeah, tell me again how "PRIVACY is a modern day SCAM!" ISN'T an anti-privacy sentence?
                    Saying that privacy is a privilege IS anti-privacy, it isn't a privilege, it is a fundamental right, like the right to have your own preferences.
                    REGARDLESS what technology have come to, privacy is NOT a privilege, it is harder to get, but it is still essential, and if you think it is a privilege it is a clear demonstration of ignorance of MANY of the LIVE and FREEDOM THREATENING parts that comes with the lack of privacy.

                    There is no context in the smartphone community, there is only comments that are neutral and positive, and those who hurt things.
                    In ALL other community, negative comments are just negative comments, but because of how toxic the smartphone community is, and how often hate is shown toward everything, it has a REAL impact on things, even second degree and sarcasm, or the common personal opinion stated as a fact true for everyone, those aren't context-sensitive.
                    Any external reader who get onto those comments will only see a negative view toward something, in your case right here it was privacy, it can be about anything.
                    A negative comment is still a negative comment, whatever is the context.

                    As someone literally nicknamed "IpsDisplay" you should know by now that because ONE phone now and then come out with an LCD rather than an Oled there is still absolutely no justification in the world why someone should come and spit on it, because, they, personally, don't like LCD or prefer Oled, they don't need every phones in the market to have an Oled, mainly considering they would not buy this specific phone had it have an Oled display, nor they were waiting to see how this phone would come out to potentially buy it.
                    Regardless that other people does want LCD display and that they don't need all phones with an Oled, those will always come and spit on LCD, and it is TOTALLY different when it is a "rare" feature like LCD or a feature everywhere like punch holes, one is a justified complaint about something that doesn't leave any other choice for those who don't want it, the other is just someone who want every phone to match his own taste.
                    And those negative comments toward LCD are an ACTIVE REASON why there are fewer LCD display among modern, non-low-end smartphones, regardless of the context.

                      AnonD-909757, 23 Dec 2021What did I even do? What authority? Because the amount of ... more"I am a programmer, I know those stuffs better than you do."

                      This is a common non arguement tool we call an appeal to authority

                      This is where someone does not provide a counter arguement or provide evidence to the topic at hand... "I've been doing this for 5 years " Is another example

                      Sigh this isn't going anywhere.. you don't want to respect context, you ignore the arguement of relativity and you hang on to the implication that I am pro anti privacy even though I explicitly relayed that this was based on comparing privacy pre smartphone ERA Vs post smartphone era

                      But alright you do you

                        • D
                        • AnonD-909757
                        • pZV
                        • 23 Dec 2021

                        IpsDisplay, 23 Dec 2021All you did was appeal to authority .. talking about what y... moreWhat did I even do? What authority?
                        Because the amount of stupidities you said are a huge proof you don't know much about the subject.
                        You don't even know if the phone will have or not any physical kill-switches, and you already talk about Wi-Fi triangulation, and you talk about it as if it was the only thing privacy related that matter...

                        No, I didn't say what can be done FOR privacy, I explained what privacy CAN DO that we currently can't have without being also a huge security risk.

                        If it was ONLY that, I wouldn't care, but you literally go in an anti-privacy agenda here.
                        Don't conveniently quote what is practical for you, your sentence was :
                        "PRIVACY is an OLD privilege those days are forever over"
                        Which DO contain "those days are forever over".

                        Yes, for example :
                        "PRIVACY is a modern day SCAM!"

                          AnonD-909757, 23 Dec 2021Still better than contributing to the loss of individual fr... moreAll you did was appeal to authority .. talking about what you do for a living then making baseless claims implying you know more of the matter than me .. which I'm not sure how you concluded such you don't even know who i am

                          The you went on about what CAN be done for privacy

                          When my statement was that privacy is a privilege relative to what it USED to be compared to the past

                          But some how you say I'm stating lies but alright

                            • D
                            • AnonD-909757
                            • pZV
                            • 23 Dec 2021

                            IpsDisplay, 22 Dec 2021So you have nothing to contribute to the conversation.. ok got itStill better than contributing to the loss of individual freedom and rise of dictatorship by being anti-privacy for no reasons and spreading complete BS arguments and pure lies over the internet.
                            Yet, you do it.

                              • D
                              • AnonD-909757
                              • pZV
                              • 23 Dec 2021

                              GS88, 22 Dec 2021So.. does this mean a pop-up frontcam, and a hardswitch to ... moreI would love such a phone!

                                • D
                                • AnonD-909757
                                • pZV
                                • 23 Dec 2021

                                Anonymous, 22 Dec 2021Thanks to the iphones, normies flooded the market and end u... moreThe smartphone community ruined smartphones, not the normies.
                                Normies cause things like laptops to become non-repairable, but the level of badness found in the Smartphone market is purely unique and completely the fault of its equally awful community.

                                  • D
                                  • AnonD-909757
                                  • pZV
                                  • 23 Dec 2021

                                  Carol, 22 Dec 2021Eh, not that i am against you, but am pretty sure the guy w... moreI don't know, there are so many anti-privacy idiots here that I don't try to see if it is sarcasm or not.
                                  You'll notice that the Android community is the ONLY place you'll see more than a handful of anti-privacy people, why this community has to be so rotten and bad?

                                    Anonymous, 21 Dec 2021Man come on. You aren't a secret agent or a gangster. ... moreI dont care, I dont even clear my browser history :D

                                      Anonymous, 22 Dec 2021This is the problem with android manufacturers. You keep s... more"Why not make sure that point-and-shoot from the phone offers decent photos instead of blurry images?"
                                      I think it has been a long time since I touched a suitable device

                                      "Why not make Android more stable and bug-free?"
                                      That is up to Google, or not?

                                        • R
                                        • Renga
                                        • u14
                                        • 22 Dec 2021

                                        Fairphone... That is not fair :P