Japan and Netherlands are joining the US in chip restrictions on China

27 January 2023
Companies will be prevented from transferring lithography machines.

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ae86, 27 Jan 2023if im going to choose between totalitarian government or a ... moreProblem is "democracy" are really totalitarian in disguise if you ask me

Instead of using direct force to make people do what you say... Just use the media to influence outcomes , sell peoples data etc

Robbery is seen as bad and should not be tolerated
Inflation from Printing money is exactly the same thing but it's indirect so people love it

What about direct colonization.. seems pretty bad because it's outright

But if your make a country in debt to you ,have leverage that over them it's the same thing but again it's indirect so it gets a pass

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • XUv
    • 28 Jan 2023

    [deleted post]If you live in global south and see many of "forced to follow" by USA
    Then you will think America is the authoritariiiiaaaa

      *the Netherlands

        Sin, 28 Jan 2023The Chinese technology still pretty far behind the west ... morelolz, you think PRC manufacturing cost is very cheap? go do some research...

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • tDP
          • 28 Jan 2023

          Vegetaholic, 28 Jan 2023Lol, another stupid comment. All what you mentioned is lead... moreYou just spawn not real data.
          The reason Huawei is in this situation us because Huawei have something valuable that usa want. And USA bully Huawei to give it to them.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • tDP
            • 28 Jan 2023

            Anonymous, 28 Jan 2023I don't think banning china is the smartest move to bl... moreUSA is panic that China exlipsed them
            Furthermore, lots of US scientist prefer China
            This is a move by USA to hold the collapse trajectory

              swaraj, 28 Jan 2023never had monopoly . then made microsoft windows free for e... moresoftware is not a physical asset ,they need to be open source to dominate the market tell me yourself if those things weren't free you guys will still be using another free open source os from another country

              these silicon assets are far more valuable then these free software

                Anonymous, 28 Jan 2023You just don't know that china have been beating USA i... moreLol, another stupid comment. All what you mentioned is lead by western technology. All AI and autonomous stuff is western forefront lead in computing and evolution. China has no AI technology or any 5g technology genus. All 5g technology is western and Korean, Japan based. Same as with Railway, Japan is unbeatable in that front. What China does is buys this technology and people to implement for them but they don't have any significan't knowledge how to do it themselfes, that the biggest difference between west and China. China buy technology to have it l, Western produce it :) Without west China would not have anything. Look what happened to Huawei and all its power as second mobile maker in the world, without access to western technology crumbled like a card house in less than a year.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • mrG
                  • 28 Jan 2023

                  swaraj, 28 Jan 2023never had monopoly . then made microsoft windows free for e... moreWindows isn't free, ARM isn't open source, Android is a collection of open source projects with developers all over the world, usually topped with google proprietary data collection software. Linux is Finnish

                    • S
                    • S Yu
                    • Uis
                    • 28 Jan 2023

                    Anonymous, 28 Jan 2023You just don't know that china have been beating USA i... more>The 5G patent is 60% from China
                    Not when I last checked was it that high, and Chinese patents are also of lower quality on average, it's a form of spamming, just like academic articles.
                    The high speed rail is mostly China
                    >No, most of the technology was already there 2 decades ago. China conned its way into large portions of Mitsubishi, Siemens etc. technology and made some progress from there. It is true that China's HSR is the cheapest, especially with financial backing from the state.
                    The autonomous driving is lead by china
                    >...largely because of lax regulations regarding data collection, yes, road approval for autonomous driving is trivial in China and the driving data from map apps and other apps tracking location data easily find their way to auto companies.
                    The AI also lead by China
                    >China is a major player, but "leading" is questionable, and almost entirely because of lax regulations regarding data privacy. It was the wild west of snooping a few years ago, it's gotten somewhat regulated but still nothing compared to what the US and EU have in place. Because of how easily personal data is collected, or how privacy is infringed depending on the viewpoint, China hold a number of advantages in conducting scientific research, not only in AI but also in medicine which requires collection of patient medical data, and certain social sciences.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • txE
                      • 28 Jan 2023

                      Brent jared allison, 28 Jan 2023Well at the same time those chinese hacks alot of infos n c... moreIf the Chinese were dump, how can they hack?

                        Vegetaholic, 28 Jan 2023Yeah produce their own crap which is 20 years behind wester... moreWell at the same time those chinese hacks alot of infos n copies alot of its own ways too though it fails..

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • sXb
                          • 28 Jan 2023

                          "eventually they'll get there" - of course. They'll steal the IP as usual...

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • txE
                            • 28 Jan 2023

                            [deleted post]They were the billionaire of the future
                            One day they will be billionaire
                            All they have to do is supporting the current billionaire
                            Or so that's the one they were programmed to believe

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • yat
                              • 28 Jan 2023

                              I don't think banning china is the smartest move to block them... These are intelectual properties, so anyone can push the bondaries (given enough time and study), in this sense it will just make china more eager to succeed by pushing in more students.

                              Blocking intelectual properties to win a war is not the same as bombing a country as Usa is so accustom to do.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • XUv
                                • 28 Jan 2023

                                Sin, 28 Jan 2023The Chinese technology still pretty far behind the west ... moreYou just don't know that china have been beating USA in science & intellectual property (patent).
                                The 5G patent is 60% from China
                                The high speed rail is mostly China
                                The autonomous driving is lead by china
                                The AI also lead by China
                                USA lost it's advantage starting with Reagen when he agree to put less science in school

                                  • s
                                  • swaraj
                                  • Hkt
                                  • 28 Jan 2023

                                  zaryan, 27 Jan 2023US if you think china shouldn't have monopoly then fir... morenever had monopoly . then made microsoft windows free for everyone , android too . made arm open source , linux open source ... if they were to show monopoly ... none of these would have been as easily accessible as they are today .

                                  you can say america didn't do all these the companies did . but those company are governed by usa

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • Nxb
                                    • 28 Jan 2023

                                    "Peter Wennink, CEO at ASML, warned that US-led control on the export of lithography machinery would eventually push China to develop its own advanced tech. “That will take time, but eventually, they’ll get there”, said the executive."

                                    Smartest guy in the room. Unfortunately, he's not in charge of the US.

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • Hkt
                                      • 28 Jan 2023

                                      Anonymous, 27 Jan 2023remember Chinese army tech never use west chip .even for sa... morewrong information

                                        • S
                                        • Sin
                                        • mVA
                                        • 28 Jan 2023

                                        Anonymous, 27 Jan 2023"If they dubble down on lowering pricing yeah they win... moreThe Chinese technology still pretty far behind the west

                                        I don't think Chinese technology crap I know it's crap
                                        But the Chinese manufacturing costs is very cheap and important advantage

                                        All the Chinese need too do focus on lowering pricing and mass produce everything just drive the pricing down really low

                                        Having high capacity of ram & storage
                                        Use really big batterys this will more than make up for processor being 28m and battery power hog
                                        A 7000mah or 8000mah battery problem fixed

                                        There's a huge market for more affordable smartphones most people save money if they could I think