Black Shark made a smart ring with 180 days of battery life through its charging case

15 April 2024
The ring is 2.2mm thin and seemingly comes in two colors - Silver and Black and Red.

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180 days of battery life through its charging case

Well it can go 1800 days also trough the charging case when you charge the case all the time.
How long the ring battery last on it's own like a day or two ?

    Ok, but where is Xiaomi itself with this one? This one is too "gamery", I want something more subtle. Also it's funny they opted for this case design. If you look on AliExpress, almost all smart rings have this kind of case for the rings...

      Why would gamers care about their health? Have you seen LoL and Apex players? I heard someone quit a Yu-Gi-Oh tournament bc their opponent smelled lmao

        I’m still waiting for the Smart Earrings.

        And, unless you can shove that charging case on your finger, it’s still going to have less than a week of battery/use.