Samsung Galaxy S25 Ultra to have one less camera than its predecessor

13 May 2024
It will be replaced by allegedly better software processing.

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Samsung phones are basically just the same

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • pLA
    • 14 May 2024

    SMH, 13 May 2024So after downgrading the 10x optical zoom to 5x, now they a... more"Removing" may not necessarily be a "downgrade". It's proven that the 5x on the S24 Ultra is better than the 10x from it's predecessors and I am sure that the higher quality 5x will provide a better image over a lower quality dedicated 3x camera. Seems a bit redundant to have a lower quality camera, for a telephoto zoom range that is less than 5x, it made sense when it was 3x & 10x zoom as the range difference is fairly significant.

      • S
      • SMH
      • Fvw
      • 13 May 2024

      So after downgrading the 10x optical zoom to 5x, now they are removing the whole 3x camera.
      That's what happens when the consumer still support these greedy companies.
      They get more and more comfortable removing features and downgrading while keep raising the price.

        • P
        • ProMax Ultra
        • CbF
        • 13 May 2024

        Sometimes less is more, except for the price which is always gonna more.

          • S
          • Sledge
          • 3IT
          • 13 May 2024

          We need flat edges on the S25U like the regular S24 now has .. Also, no shi11y titanium that looks plasticky and cheap. Aluminum is so much better

            I wish mobile manufacturers dropped ultrawide sensors and too wide main sensors (25 mm should be the minimum). Indeed, how can one enjoy having a distorted subject that doesn’t look like what the photographer sees in reality. I’d much rather have only 2 or 3 or 4 “big” sensors all featuring sensor-crop, macro, portrait mode and 8K video :
            ½” to 1 inch sensor, 50 MP, dual pixel PDAF, 25mm or 35 mm (Who will dare?) with variable and fast aperture ( < f/1.8)
            ½” to 1 inch sensor, 50 MP, dual pixel PDAF, between 50mm and 75mm with variable and fast aperture ( < f/1.8)
            ½” to 1 inch sensor, 50 MP, dual pixel PDAF, between 75mm and 100mm with variable and fast aperture ( < f/2.0)
            ½” to 1 inch sensor, 50 MP, dual pixel PDAF, between 100 mm and 150mm with variable and fast aperture ( < f/2.8)

            The same goes with zoom over x20 or x30 : what’s the point of having a zoom beyond 500/750mm, unless it be for a “binoculars” feature ? Mobile manufacturers should focus on image quality between x1 and x30, i.e. color consistency, color accuracy, exposure accuracy and sharpness across the different lenses.
            Speaking about image quality, I also wish manufacturers gave more information about and focus on the lenses manufacturing, material and coating instead of banking on A.I..

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • Ci%
              • 13 May 2024

              YUKI93, 13 May 2024You're not alone. I still miss the time Samsung made t... moreThe module retracted would alone be about 25mm thick , if type 1.0 sensor is used.
              Just look at how massive rx100 camera zoom lens is.

              K Zoom was 24-240mm.

                YUKI93, 13 May 2024If only smartphone brands can fully replicate the Microsoft... moreThere's many comparison videos that show the 808 is still on par, and in some cases even better than even the best phone cameras today, when it comes to pure image quality. Not to mention the ND filter. It lacks HDR and the AI shenanigans of today's phones. You'd think new phones would learn from the 808 but no.

                  naap51d, 13 May 2024Am I the only one that thinks the entire "camera phone... moreYou're not alone. I still miss the time Samsung made the Galaxy S4 zoom and also the Galaxy K zoom. Samsung could've easily updated the camera sensor with a 1" format and latest optic lens tech.

                  True physical optical zooming still makes better sense for long telephoto focal length. It's the reason why Sony developed a variable zoom telephoto camera since the Xperia 1 Mk4, which nobody still copies yet.

                    If only smartphone brands can fully replicate the Microsoft-era Nokia PureView oversampling algorithm. Nokia had already long proven that the technique worked well. Just imagine that giant 200MP camera sensor in native RGGB Bayer colour arrangement without any 16-to-1 colour-shifting pixel binning and straightforward oversampling technique while maintaining the same Bayer colour arrangement all along. That'd be an easy 5x true lossless zoom at least.

                      • R
                      • Reloaded Apps
                      • XB5
                      • 13 May 2024

                      I'm not sure why many people are against the idea, but I believe it could be beneficial if Samsung leverages this opportunity to enhance the S25 Ultra. By doing so, they could position it as one of the best smartphones for next year, offering more advantages than its competitors.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • THy
                        • 13 May 2024

                        2020 Samsung removes the SD card.
                        2021 Samsung removes charger and earphones from box.
                        2025 Samsung removes cameras from the S25U.
                        2026 Samsung removes company from phone market.

                          Anonymous, 13 May 202425th year anniversary of the Galaxy S series. 😀 Please v... moreAre you 10?
                          Do you know that Samsung skipped the entire Galaxy 11 to 19 numbers and that S25 will be the 15th and not 25th anniversary?!

                            • W
                            • WhoCaresTM
                            • 0mU
                            • 13 May 2024

                            While I'd buy a Galaxy over any Vivo and Xiaomi because they can't even get translation done correctly, I still think this is a bad move. Getting rid of stuff instead of adding more is fine, but only if you refine the things you already have, and keeping the same main sensor isn't refining at all. Samsung really thinks they're Apple.

                              Am I the only one that thinks the entire "camera phone" industry would be better off using a dedicated 1" sensor with a retractable zoom lens, like the compact cameras had decades ago? Yeah, they would be a bit thicker, but the image quality would be better than all these goofy multi SUPER TINY image sensors.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • Mrn
                                • 13 May 2024

                                Not good imho. One thing people don't seem to realize is that optical zoom isn't just to make small things big. It also changes the perspective due to longer focal length. This is great for doing portraits among other things. You can't do this with digital zoom.

                                  VeraxTech, 13 May 2024Samsung need to present a new bigger sensor, a new portrait... moreI have no issues cleaning the lenses of my S23 pop-out rings. What you don't have microfiber cloth?!

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • 05e
                                    • 13 May 2024

                                    Solun1, 13 May 2024So the trend is going from 1 camera to many cameras to less... moreWhich would make sense. The day they figure out durable optical zooms for phones.
                                    After that we'll probably got to multi-lenses again, to mimic prime lens quality of system cameras.

                                    A lot of money for you to spend on marginally differently looking phone photography. Instead of spending one year's expenses on a real camera and a couple lenses.

                                      Well, of course, since tele camera will be with optical zoom. Wonder what range will it be... Well, no matter, sony will have a few months before they release that kind of zoom or similar one. Well, some brands may still release similar zoom sooner.

                                        So is the S25 & S25+ getting just 2 cameras to make the S25U "Ultra"

                                        I enjoy the "vegan" leather back over glass. That plus metal frame feels nice. Glass backs should be obsolete