New ultra-thin iPad Pro half-survives, half-fails bend test

16 May 2024
It's an intriguing one, this.

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  • 16 May 2024

Strawhat, 16 May 2024Great tablet with m4 for watching netflix and YouTube Ferrari great at driving around in first gear.

    Great tablet with m4 for watching netflix and YouTube

      pl2rts, 16 May 2024Isn't that based on brands only ? I would think there ... moreNo its not based on brands.

      I also use an Android tablet, but the reality is that Apple is dominating the tablet market for years.

        LoneOwl, 16 May 2024The majority of people according to tablet sales.not even 1% of people will buy them, let alone majority of them.

          LoneOwl, 16 May 2024The majority of people according to tablet sales.Isn't that based on brands only ? I would think there are more android tablets in use then there are IOS tablets so majority of the people who use tablets are probably using a Android tablet.

          Sale numbers compare like Apple vs Samsung but it should be IOS vs Android.
          But that wont be realistic as there is only 1 brand that do IOS tablets while on the other hand Android tablets have like 100 different brands that do them from bottom of the entry level to high end.

            808Keys, 16 May 2024Who still buys iPads? 🤔At the prices these are sold they have lost the point of being a tablet.
            iPad Pro 512GB storage is already like 2000 euro and 2TB storage is 3000 euro.
            For that money you get a good gaming desktop and average gaming laptop and have money left to get a middle class tablet too

              808Keys, 16 May 2024Who still buys iPads? 🤔The majority of people according to tablet sales.

                Jerry can turn 2024 iPad Pro into iFold Pro 💀

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • 86v
                  • 16 May 2024

                  These bends gets are getting more ridiculous. If you want to test the actual endurance of a pad or phone then sit down on it at various angles.

                  Weight distribution is vastly different from bending the device with your hand.

                    TL;DW - It survived the horizontal bend but not the vertical bend.

                    If you bend it vertically, it's vertically (hehe) f*cked.

                      Who still buys iPads? 🤔

                        But seriously. It should survive many accidental sits and unless you're using all your might it shouldn't break like that.

                          Presenting you the new Apple Innovation. Apple one-time Foldable Tablet with a real-world breaking sound.

                          But the Boeing joke got me 😂