Project Ara component swapping gets demoed

01 March, 2014
The demo was given by one of the Project Ara team members at the LAUNCH tech conference.

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  • R
  • Rotariu Cosmin
  • 0Ua
  • 04 Apr 2014

I am excited about this project named ARA . but I have a question . If telefonu is 5 mm thick and 5.2 inches as you attach a pair of headphones ? not everyone will give the headphones. Some would even leave your old phone in favor of music and headphones. I for example are very excited about this telefin . and if they occur in Romania I would definitely buy.
but I have no bluetooth headsets . I will not buy. they may interfere with other phones. I eg . I have a colleague bluethoot headphones . and while listening to headphones I semnalu interrupts and puts it to listen to my music that he did not agree the .
I use Sony MDR- ZX300 headphones and have a 3.5 mm jack . How can I Connect headphones to that phone. I frankly . because of this . I would keep the current tefelonu . no performance , no new technology does not. but I can use the headphones that I like .
Or those who are rich can have Beats headphones . and they in favor of the phone will not give up those headphones ..

 I suggest you rethink the project , or to integrate them a thicker component to attach headphones .

ps : do not know good English pra . , and I used google translate from Romanian to English . will send and one in Romanian .

I hope you received my message.
Cosmin rotariu paul . Romania
if you read please contactatima
Skype ..... rotariu.cosmin1
yahoo .....
gmail .....

    • D
    • AnonD-58556
    • 7II
    • 04 Mar 2014

    Cupidus, 03 Mar 2014this sucks, as there are specific size for the modules... I... moreone step at the time, let them make this phone first and if is good then they can work on a second version with different size blocks

      • D
      • AnonD-236725
      • n1H
      • 03 Mar 2014

      A new modification showroom for your mobile handsets. Its like modify your bike as you like and than buy your own expected specs. Sooner is better.

        • G
        • Gee
        • mXv
        • 03 Mar 2014

        john, 02 Mar 2014Most of the people are using stylish cases for their phones... moreShame you are unable to see i was having a laugh with a little joke. ;)

          this sucks, as there are specific size for the modules... In the original project you could have different sizes for each component. Well maybe they didn't find a way to make the components stay attached to the main board.

            • D
            • AnonD-228447
            • m}0
            • 03 Mar 2014

            also....would there be a configuration site that you would visit to get a custom rom for your device (based on the modules you have)?

            If so...+1 AWESOME!

              • D
              • AnonD-228447
              • m}0
              • 03 Mar 2014

              the dream for me would be 8gb ram, quad-core cpu, canon lens, dual batteries, 3G module (not bothered about 4G), Wifi, 1080P screen, Bose speakers, Dual memory card slots.

              I'd HAPPILY pay £500 for that (guessing some modules will be more expensive such as good optics/audio)

                • h
                • hanifbhutto
                • KIh
                • 03 Mar 2014

                an idea raised by Motorola. it seems first move to future smart phones/ phablets etc. if idea became reality, one can easily choose / replace components e.g Ram, Processor , battery without changing phone as currently we use external Memory. if this patent registered with Google, ????? great!! that's why Google interested.

                  • n
                  • no-brainer
                  • MiA
                  • 03 Mar 2014

                  blackmanism, 01 Mar 2014good but not the best....because the design made is to chan... moreso you are that kinda person who always left your stuff behind, then you deserve to have it stolen. it happen to any other phone anyway.

                    • D
                    • AnonD-177918
                    • tT{
                    • 03 Mar 2014

                    This is awesome

                      • D
                      • AnonD-228204
                      • 6cp
                      • 03 Mar 2014

                      this is for pure geeks, & i love it!!

                        • A
                        • Anonymous!
                        • vbS
                        • 03 Mar 2014

                        1. As an engineer you should know that nothing is impossible for an engineer.
                        2. Since Google has invested it's resources means this project at least has some credibility.
                        3. The most challenging factor Google should consider in this type of project is security. As 3rd party modules can easily be compromised.

                          • D
                          • AnonD-80553
                          • 5i4
                          • 03 Mar 2014

                          Anonymous, 03 Mar 2014I am also an engineer, I see lots of short comings to this ... more1 depends on implementation

                          2 depends on requirements for 3rd party og standards

                          3 first part is correct, second part is way of base and a great way for you to show your ignorance. "Everyone" has smartphones and of said group the average IQ will obviously be average.

                          4 Motorola going out of business had to do with lock-in agreements, bad managment and little to none marketing efforts outside the Americas. Not because of this project that was never realized, and even a simpleton as yourself should recognize it's significance as Google opted to keep those patents, instead og forking them over to Lenovo.

                          5 it does not have to take off in the sense of being the most sold solutions ever. However, a great number of people is highly interested in this solution.

                          Thinking your smarter than the top dogs at Motorola and Google makes you look quite silly

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • PPU
                            • 03 Mar 2014

                            I am also an engineer, I see lots of short comings to this type of design,
                            1 being very easy to have bad connections in the modules that will cause million types of fault
                            2 compatibility between 3rd part modules and software
                            3 most the average user are not technical minded, in fact most of them are below average IQ
                            4 there is a reason Motorola went out of business
                            5 this will never take off it's just a publicity stunt

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • Fv4
                              • 03 Mar 2014

                              i think its an awesome idea and keen to see production

                                AnonD-237018, 01 Mar 2014So ppl will buy only the best... screen, camera, battery et... moreYou underestimate the market.
                                People sometimes buy what they can and just save up for the best ones later and some just buy low end according to what fit their needs.
                                This is the reason why OEMs release middle-entry phones

                                  This is not entirely accurate.
                                  The reason why most manufacturers stick to single OS especially for modular types is because of stability.

                                  iPhones are currently rated as the most stable smartphone primarily because they are limited to hardware specified by Apple.
                                  Google gave manufacturers a great advantage against monopoly by having Android OS run for multiple hardware platforms.
                                  However, this has caused the unresolved issue of fragmentation.
                                  Windows OS is also having a challenge of having their hardwares compatible with the multiple hardware platforms/architecture.

                                  Therefore, since this device is still a prototype, the Google Team is focusing on having a single OS for multiple platforms first before allowing multiple OS
                                  This way, they can kill 3 birds in one stone:
                                  1. Resolve the fragmentation issue
                                  2. Ability to sell both Android OS and phone to customers
                                  3. Create new innovation while supporting the 'Go Green' initiative

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • kg3
                                    • 03 Mar 2014

                                    none, 02 Mar 2014Well, that is why Google bought Motorola~Google selling Motorola lol

                                      • P
                                      • Polish soliciter
                                      • Kxs
                                      • 03 Mar 2014

                                      Belariad, 02 Mar 2014The phoneblocks guy didn't do one bit of actual engineering... moreAnd the Phonebloks team for making this idea viral :p

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • 3}P
                                        • 03 Mar 2014

                                        What happens if i drop it?