Samsung acts on Apple threat, launches Galaxy Note 4 earlier

23 September, 2014
The phone will launch on September 26 in Korea and is the cheapest Note phablet yet at $919.

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  • D
  • AnonD-311261
  • U@Y
  • 23 Sep 2014

Samsung Galaxy Alpha vs iPhone 6
Samsung Galaxy Note 4 vs iPhone 6 plus
The biggest battle between Samsung and Apple

    AnonD-252981, 23 Sep 2014To those commenting on price. In other countries that are n... moreThey are expensive in US also, its a marketing trick...they give 200-300 bucks for it on a 24 month contract, and make up on monthly payment to the price of over 1000 bucks...
    People are stupid, actually paying 1000 bucks for a phone that has a 200 bucks production tag...

      • D
      • AnonD-307714
      • mDv
      • 23 Sep 2014

      I have to say I was surprised that Samsung would be so blasé about releasing the Note 4 so much later after Apple. I guess they didn't consider the 6+ a threat to the Note 4's Sales but then again, I keep saying it that people seem to think that the 6+ is in the same sport as the NOte 4 where as in reality, it's direct competitor is the S5 as far as Samsung are concerned. But people are looking to the 6+ as the new Note and this is probably causing a negative flood of surveys back to Samsung who now feel they must get the phone out sooner.

      If more people buy the 6+ then it means I have a better chance of getting my hands on the Note 4.

      The other problem is that people are impatient and feel the money burning a whole in their pocket and just go out and blow it on an iPhone 6+ because they never liked the small screen iPhone's.

      I think if Samsung had gone on sale with the Note 4 at the same time Apple would not be doing so well on pre-orders as people would have sided with the Note 4 because of the Specs on paper.

      But since its not available till next month, people just go out and buy because they want something new NOW. I could go and get the S5 because its water proof and I need a new phone because my child broke mine but I know I would feel disappointed with it when the Note 4 hits my local shop. SO I wait and I will get something that I really want more than just filling a hole with another hole.

        AnonD-252981, 23 Sep 2014To those commenting on price. In other countries that are n... moreSame here in India. We need to blame our greedy and corrupt officials and politicians. They want a pie in every single device sold in our countries though they call it this tax and that tax, it eventually goes into some European secret Bank Accounts specifically designed to destabilize economies

          Eitherway, those alleged millions of brainwashed iphone buyers would buy iphones anyhow, note4 or no note4 on the shelves...
          So this reaction from samsung just shows how pittyfull they really are
          Guess they would give ass for a percentage of sales from apple...

            • D
            • AnonD-39191
            • mXU
            • 23 Sep 2014

            Samsung already lost this battle. They weren't prompt enough...bloody idiots..

              • D
              • AnonD-311253
              • tev
              • 23 Sep 2014

              Anonymous, 23 Sep 2014If samsung is sooooo advanced with their smartphones, why a... moreYa yaa....ur right...

                darkraver, 23 Sep 2014In the run for profit, samsung has no shame, not an inch of... moreWhat is wrong in advancing the launch date

                  • D
                  • AnonD-252981
                  • rub
                  • 23 Sep 2014

                  To those commenting on price. In other countries that are not US these phones are expensive. The 16 GB iPhone 5S costs about US$1050 here in South Africa. So you just imagine the higher ranges. The Note 3 32 GB cost about $1000.we would be glad to buy phone at about US$500 to $600. For that price you're talking the Galaxy S4 Mini.

                    • c
                    • cuadra
                    • 23 Sep 2014

                    Anonymous, 23 Sep 2014If samsung is sooooo advanced with their smartphones, why a... morebecause of people like you who prefer brand before quality , and buy icrap to feel better than other people for buying an expensive and pretty ipod

                      In the run for profit, samsung has no shame, not an inch of selfesteem...
                      No wonder they do not respect their customers then..

                      Will never go for a Samsung phone...(Yes, I repeat myself)
                      That company just disgusts me...

                        You cant afford to sit and relax! Apple has eaten big pie of Samsung with its immediate launch! Note 4 buyers will get more opportunities to review other products before nailing Note 4. Most likely billions of dollar worth of profits gone because sales team is not sure when to take it to market after launching the phone many weeks ahead of other flagship phones! Now they must be licking their wounds! Only option is price drop, will they do it?

                          • D
                          • AnonD-200220
                          • KI3
                          • 23 Sep 2014

                          Yeah that's it hurry up seroiusly man these compannies are so lazy. I think ms should also annoounce its new lumia before galaxy 6 hits the market. Because when galaxy hits it hits all. And samsung always releases its flagship in the middle of the year when the other companies have not even decided what to do next so sammy will do its sales. Apple and samsung will get what they want but the other companies will suffer.there is just too much difference. Well we will see note will sell in millions to. Its this same pattern every year.

                            • A
                            • AJSwain
                            • M2R
                            • 23 Sep 2014

                            I just hope this means they will launch earlier in the states too. It would be beneficial if they move the release up 2 weeks. That overlap with the lack of availability of the 6+ would benefit Samsung greatly.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • 7q9
                              • 23 Sep 2014

                              better to buy an overpriced note 4 than an overpriced iphone 6 plus

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • niy
                                • 23 Sep 2014

                                Anonymous, 23 Sep 2014If samsung is sooooo advanced with their smartphones, why a... moreBuild quality? iPhone is way better on that front.

                                Both are overpriced though.

                                  • C
                                  • Chupacabra
                                  • c}h
                                  • 23 Sep 2014

                                  Looking forward to the Note 4. Tried the iPhone 6+ but the low 1GB memory caused Safari browser to reload frequently and scrolling is kind of laggy. The precision will also come handy for note taking and drawing/painting.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • PF5
                                    • 23 Sep 2014

                                    Anonymous, 23 Sep 2014Samsung always lags behind on software update.And Apple lag 4 years behind on iOS 8 update and their spec..8MP? really?

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-275292
                                      • vGK
                                      • 23 Sep 2014

                                      Anonymous, 23 Sep 2014So Samsung DOES feel threatened. Hey Fandroids, news for you!I dont know why everybody thinks all android fans are Samsung followers. I love Android but dont particularly like one brand. I just need a decent phone with good hardware to root.

                                      And I actually sort of hate Samsung coz they keep releasing Exynos versions here for the same price of SnapDragon ones.

                                        • b
                                        • bubu
                                        • B{m
                                        • 23 Sep 2014

                                        At this price I will buy a second hand car.