Google Chrome will soon allow permanent muting of websites

Vlad, 25 August 2017

The development team behind Google Chrome for computers is working on a neat new feature. In the future, the browser will let you permanently mute any specific website. The switch making this possible is currently being experimented with in Chrome's Canary branch, which is the most cutting edge of them all. At the moment, the toggle can be found inside the Page Info bubble, as evidenced by the picture below.

Once you mute a domain, it will remain so until you undo the action. That's in stark contrast to how muting works in Chrome's more stable channels at the moment. Muting is done on a tab by tab basis, and it's canceled the second you close that tab or the browser itself. The new implementation should be very useful for those who frequently encounter the annoyance of autoplaying videos, especially on some (worst offender) sites.

If the Chrome team decides to make this a feature for the stable branch of the browser, expect it to show up there in a few months. In the meantime, if you like living on the (cutting) edge you can install Chrome Canary and give the new muting behavior a try by using the flag "--enable-features=SoundContentSetting". If you don't know what any of that means, it's best to hold off and participate in the waiting game instead.

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Reader comments

  • Raging_Kangarooo
  • 26 Aug 2017
  • P@Y

Also the auto stop button for adds :D

  • Anonymous
  • 26 Aug 2017
  • mWd

How about permanent desktop behaviour, skipping all the .m pages forever?

  • Nick
  • 26 Aug 2017
  • Ira

Is that mei? Good example

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