Qualcomm unveils a Bluetooth audio SoC for budget wireless headsets

Ro, 29 June 2018

It's been a busy week for Qualcomm. First, the entry-level Snapdragon 632, 439 and 429 chipsets see daylight then a Snapdragon 2500 for kids' smart wearables gets announced and now the so-called QCC3026 Bluetooth audio SoC.

The chip is aimed at entry-level to mid-tier Bluetooth headsets and the company claims that he TrueWireless Stereo protocols that the QCC3026 brings along will reduce power consumption by up to 50% compared to regular headsets.

Here's the list of the key selling points of Qualcomm's new product.

The chip is expected to ship with devices in the second half of 2018 with the first one already out - Oppo's O-Free Wireless earphones that can go up to 4 hours away from the plug.



Reader comments

Every 2-3 years would be bad....except that in 2-3 years, Bluetooth will have improved greatly and we would get Bluetooth headphones included in the box of smartphones.

  • Anonymous
  • 03 Jul 2018
  • 3pF

Good battery maybe in the Beginning, but bad battery quite soon... Blue tooth headphones will be new short living equipment that you have to buy every 2 to 3 years instead 10-20 year with wired ones....

Welp, there are hassles in everything. Fir example, wired headphones give you audio quality, a good price, and never having to use a charger for them. However, when working out, wires can get in the way and damage you or your smartphone. Opposite to ...

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