Samsung may let you disable the Galaxy Note9's Bixby button by the end of the month

Vlad, 04 September 2018

The Galaxy Note9 ships with Samsung's Bixby 2.0, and this newest version of the virtual assistant doesn't let you fully disable the very controversial Bixby button that sits on the left side of the device underneath the volume keys.

That may however change, and pretty soon - by the end of this month, in fact. Through a Twitter exchange between a concerned Note9 user and Samsung's arm in Germany we find out that the company is apparently preparing a software update that will let you fully disable the Bixby key.

This is said to be released (at least in Germany) by the end of September. If the info that Samsung's German social media team has is accurate, then you might only have a few more weeks of putting up with the button and its associated function. Afterwards, you can just pretend it isn't there, with accidental presses not resulting in Bixby's activation.



Reader comments

  • AnonD-632062
  • 27 Oct 2018
  • 3Ye

Thanks Samsung.

A late reply here. Remember there is a fairly easy way to get rid of Bixby (button or no button), see e.g. All it requires is a USB cable and a pc/mac, no rooting or stuff like that required.

  • mdesign
  • 07 Sep 2018
  • p6u

They will allow to disable the button, but allowing the reconfiguration of it for a useful feature... NO WAY.

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