Huawei Mate 20 Pro camera samples: testing out the new triple camera

Peter, 17 October 2018

The weather in London didn't cooperate, but we still managed to shoot some camera samples with the Huawei Mate 20 Pro in better light than we had at last night's event. The phone has three cameras and they offer a lot of versatility, regardless of whether or not you want to call it 5x zoom.

So, let's see how close you can get to a subject. We start with the main camera - the 27mm in 10MP mode. Then onto the 80mm 8MP telephoto camera (which is a 3x zoom over the main cam). The third shot uses the 135mm hybrid zoom (a digital zoom that combines data from those two cameras).

Note: the focal lengths are in 35mm equivalent.

Huawei Mate 20 Pro zoom test: 27mm - f/1.8, ISO 50, 1/254s - Huawei Mate 20 Pro camera samples Huawei Mate 20 Pro zoom test: 80mm - f/2.4, ISO 50, 1/186s - Huawei Mate 20 Pro camera samples Huawei Mate 20 Pro zoom test: 135mm - f/2.4, ISO 50, 1/191s - Huawei Mate 20 Pro camera samples
Huawei Mate 20 Pro zoom test: 27mm • 80mm • 135mm

Here's the same progression, but this time tracking a living, moving subject.

Huawei Mate 20 Pro zoom test: 27mm - f/1.8, ISO 50, 1/101s - Huawei Mate 20 Pro camera samples Huawei Mate 20 Pro zoom test: 80mm - f/2.4, ISO 100, 1/100s - Huawei Mate 20 Pro camera samples Huawei Mate 20 Pro zoom test: 135mm - f/2.4, ISO 80, 1/100s - Huawei Mate 20 Pro camera samples
Huawei Mate 20 Pro zoom test: 27mm • 80mm • 135mm

And while we're photographing the local wildlife, here's a quick shot with the 16mm camera - the widest camera on the Mate 20 Pro. This camera also handles macros, allowing you to get right up to your subject - it can shoot at 2.5cm / 1in (obviously, we didn't get that close in this occasion).

Huawei Mate 20 Pro: shot from the 16mm camera - f/2.2, ISO 400, 1/50s - Huawei Mate 20 Pro camera samples
Huawei Mate 20 Pro: shot from the 16mm camera

We also tried the 16mm camera indoors. It has plenty of resolution (20MP) and captures more of the scene - when shooting indoors, you don't always have much room to step back and fit everything into the frame. Still, the images are not as sharp as the 27mm camera, even in 10MP mode.

Huawei Mate 20 Pro: 16mm - f/2.2, ISO 250, 1/50s - Huawei Mate 20 Pro camera samples Huawei Mate 20 Pro: 27mm - f/1.8, ISO 250, 1/100s - Huawei Mate 20 Pro camera samples
Huawei Mate 20 Pro: 16mm • 27mm

Besides having the largest sensor, the 27mm camera also has the brightest aperture - f/1.8. That makes it the best option for night time photography. Here's a quick shot.

Huawei Mate 20 Pro: night shot (27mm camera) - f/1.8, ISO 640 - Huawei Mate 20 Pro camera samples
Huawei Mate 20 Pro: night shot (27mm camera)

Finally, here are a few more photos from around town. They were shot with the 27mm main camera.

Huawei Mate 20 Pro camera samples - f/1.8, ISO 50, 1/571s - Huawei Mate 20 Pro camera samples Huawei Mate 20 Pro camera samples - f/1.8, ISO 64, 1/100s - Huawei Mate 20 Pro camera samples
Huawei Mate 20 Pro camera samples - f/1.8, ISO 50, 1/120s - Huawei Mate 20 Pro camera samples Huawei Mate 20 Pro camera samples - f/1.8, ISO 640, 1/50s - Huawei Mate 20 Pro camera samples
Huawei Mate 20 Pro camera samples

As a quick reminder, the Huawei Mate 20 X carries the same camera as the Mate 20 Pro, making it an alluring alternative to the vanilla Mate 20 (which has a different triple camera setup). Chances are that one won't be available in the West, however, so the Pro might be your only access to Huawei and Leica's top mobile camera.


Reader comments

  • S Yu
  • 23 Oct 2018
  • vUG

lol, took me a second to realize you meant "Prisma", but I agree with you, the grass in the last nature shot looks flat and waxy, very much like P20P behavior, they still haven't learned. This is probably more Huawei and Huawei's fanboys' preference ...

  • S Yu
  • 23 Oct 2018
  • vUG

Please. You heard of IBIS in ILCs? About the exact same thing as the OIS in phone cameras except the sensor is stabilized instead of a lens group. Not only can the IBIS in my a7RII be turned off, the option could be mapped to a shortcut. OF COUR...

  • TheProphet
  • 20 Oct 2018
  • MsL

Well, these are horrible conditions to make a photo shoot, it's only logical that the camera would fail compared to say an SLR with a sensor as big as all 3 lenses with the flash on the back of that phone...

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