Here's what's wrong with the Pocophone F1 (VIDEO)

Vlad, 07 November 2018

Few smartphones have managed to surprise the mobile world in the past few years as much as Xiaomi's Pocophone F1. Basically the last time a handset promised such high-end specs for such a low price was when the OnePlus One made its debut. In the meantime OnePlus phones have become ever more expensive, which created the space in the market that Xiaomi is now filling with the Pocophone F1.

We've already gone through its top features and reviewed it, both in writing and in video form, but we also wanted to dive deeper into everything that isn't quite right with this device.

That's where I come in, resident ranter-in-chief here at GSMArena towers. In our newest video I'll walk you through every single downside the Pocophone F1 brings to the table - not to uselessly nitpick on it, but in order for you to be fully aware of all the possible deal breakers you might encounter if you decide to buy one.

No phone is perfect for everyone, and the Pocophone F1 is no exception. Most of the stuff that's missing and the odd choices involved in making this device can be attributed to hitting that amazing price point, but there's more to the story. Hopefully, by now you're intrigued enough to press Play, so I do hope you enjoy this slightly nonconformist production (compared to our usual video content).

Feedback is very welcome, of course, because if you like this one it will turn into a series, focusing on what could have been better about the most popular phones of the moment.


Reader comments

  • Anonymous
  • 12 Nov 2019
  • 3Lh

It's bad

> What's wrong with the Pocophone F1? Seriously!!?? There's nothing wrong with it. Such embarrassing video.

Agreed with this video

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