Samsung Galaxy Note20's display to be capped at 60Hz refresh rate, only Note20+ gets 120Hz

Vlad, 12 May 2020

Yesterday a rumor told us that both the upcoming Galaxy Note20 and the Note20+ would feature screens with 120Hz refresh rate, which makes sense considering that's also a feature of the S20 line. However, today the same source has come back with some new information, and it's not good for fans of cheaper Samsung flagships and high refresh rate panels.

According to the same Ross Young, founder and CEO of Display Supply Chain Consultants, the Note20 will miss out on the high refresh rate train, coming with a display that will only be capable of refreshing 60 times per second. The Note20+, on the other hand, is still slated to enjoy that 120Hz smoothness.

Young says this info has been confirmed by Samsung, but even so, since the company has publicly stayed mum on the matter, perhaps do take it with the slightest pinch of salt. So it looks like the Note20's screen will be a real downgrade from the one on the Note20+, both in terms of resolution (1080p+ and not 1440p+) as well as refresh rate (60Hz vs. 120Hz).

Hopefully all of this means the Note20 will have a much lower price, but given what's happened to Samsung's flagship pricing recently, we wouldn't hold our collective breaths on this being an 'affordable' model by any definition of that word.

The reasoning for Samsung's move has to do with tradeoffs in power consumption that are quite big when operating 120Hz screens built with current-gen LTPS technology. The Note20+ will have a panel that uses LTPO, which Young says "is the best implementation for 120Hz", but it is more expensive and will thus stay confined to the ultra-premium price tier in the beginning.


Reader comments

Yes, that makes sense. People get a lot more than they need at a point of time. Although, yes, some do manage to push it to extreme and feel lacking, so we can't conclude this for all people. I think most hardware we know has the power to suppor...

  • Anonymous
  • 16 May 2020
  • XRg

Well those higher priced, 800-1500$ phones aren't expensive coz of the higher refresh rate display, they are expensive for other things they have incorporated like the increased price of SD865 SOC. Stop spreading the myth that higher refresh rate d...

  • Anonymous
  • 16 May 2020
  • kky

Yawn i clearly meant the over priced 800 1000 1500 plus priced devices asking for too much money. While also slacking in upgrades and making compromised

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