Upcoming vivo iQOO 3 Pro appears on Geekbench

Yordan, 08 June 2020

According to one leak, there is another SD865-powered vivo on its way and it even got tested at Geekbench where the results are in line with the rest of the Qualcomm-powered flagship.

New vivo iQOO 3 Pro appears on Geekbench

The vivo V2024A runs on the “Kona” platform, which is the codename of the Snapdragon 865. It will boot Android 10 out of the box and use 8GB RAM.

New vivo iQOO 3 Pro appears on Geekbench

A separate rumor then claims that the phone will be belong to the iQOO sub-brand, although we've got little evidence to support that. vivo did update the X series only last week and the NEX lineup also got an S model this year, so joining the quickly expanding gaming sub-brand does make sense. We'll be on the lookout for more information and keep you posted.

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Reader comments

  • Anonymous
  • 10 Jun 2020
  • Kxr

These guys can't handle reality. All the greatest parts of the Android OS are absent on iOS. JDK is frustrated that his 1000 dollar purchase isn't the most technically advanced while being handicapped instead. Like a handicapped guy watching...

Nothing wrong with stating how our android devices are, especially with all latest cutting edge tech... Combined with a superior ecosystem, apps, operating system... Just stating facts... Sorry if I touched a nerve... Guess what I say is true.

  • JDK
  • 10 Jun 2020
  • ybx

stop. spreading. the androidfanboivirus. okay? This place is such a better world without it.

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