Honor no longer part of Huawei's online store in China

Yordan, 18 January 2021

Huawei sold its subsidiary Honor back in November as an attempt to shelter the brand from suffering in the trade war between the US and China. Huawei Central reported that the next step of separation has already happened - all Honor devices were removed from Huawei-owned online website vmall.com that used to sell devices by both brands in China.

Honor devices get delisted from Huawei online storeHuawei Y7a/P smart 2021 (left) and Honor 10X Lite are no longer sold at the same store

According to multiple sources from China, Honor has developed its own Honor Mall. However, the current Chinese version of the Honor store has plenty of non-existing listings and returns 404 errors for pretty much every device - it looks like the website is still in transition, but we’re sure it will be running at full speed soon.

Vmall.com screenshots Vmall.com screenshots
Vmall.com screenshots

Currently, if you type in “Honor” in English at Vmall.com, you receive a message in Chinese saying, “Sorry, Honor-related products have been removed, you are welcome to buy Huawei products” while searching the brand in its native language says there are 0 products and the recommendations are filled with Huawei products.



Reader comments

  • AnonD-977150
  • 19 Jan 2021
  • nFM

Honor 8s 2020 little pocket rocket!

  • constantin
  • 19 Jan 2021
  • nDC

You clowns - ''having no Google services is not that bad...bla...bla'' it is the worst. Tried a P40 for pennys, downgraded the os to install GMS, still sucks. Now I've sell it for 200 Euros and I can confidently say that Huaw...

  • Adul Al Salami Kebab
  • 18 Jan 2021
  • nrX

I did install the Google services, only so my games would work... Honestly would not really need them at all if there were no game asking for the damn thing. c:

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