Google releases Android 12 Beta 2.1 with bug fixes

Vlad, 23 June 2021

At this point we're well into Android 12 public beta territory, following a few months of developer-only releases. And today Google has outed the Android 12 Beta 2.1, which, as the small increment implies, is all about fixing bugs in Android 12 Beta 2, released earlier.

The Beta 2.1 fixes issues such as one that prevented users from accessing things on the lock screen, for example swiping down the notification shade, swiping away notifications, or even swiping to unlock the phone. Next up, issues that caused weather and calendar event info to not appear in the At A Glance widget have been resolved, as has an issue that caused flickering or jittery animations when going into Recent apps when using gesture navigation.

Google releases Android 12 Beta 2.1 with bug fixes

The new mic and camera permission indicators introduced in Android 12 sometimes got stuck and disappeared completely until the phone was rebooted, but this is also fixed now. More importantly, a bug that kept users stuck on the setup wizard after installing the Beta and resetting the device is a goner too. And finally, an issue involving working in the Android Emulator has been fixed to what we assume are sighs of relief from app developers.

The new build is labeled SPB2.210513.011 and is headed to people who have Beta 2 installed, over-the-air. If you have an eligible Pixel and want to try the next Android release, all you need to do is enroll your handset into the Android Beta for Pixel program, and then you'll get the update.



Reader comments

Same bro, it says Your SD card is corrupted but it still effin works on the other devices.

  • Dre
  • 09 Jan 2022
  • 0fC

I just updated to android 12. Now my phone can't read my SD card. Did this happen to anyone else. Is there a fix for this?

What, you were born without a brain? Android still has many things that should improve, if it were not a perfect operating system, which is not

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