Nokia 3610

Nokia 3610

User opinions and reviews

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  • m
  • mark
  • 17 Jul 2002

don't know but i want to know the price of this phone?any1 who knows the price from the philippines?please do reply tnx!!!!

    • b
    • blue
    • 16 Jul 2002

    I made a comment a while ago about this same thing. The execs at Nokia need a kicking..they are p*ssing the public off with all these new releases.

      • c
      • caff
      • 08 Jul 2002

      nokia just wanna rip people off..........

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • 08 Jul 2002

        I agree with my predecesors, Nokia launch too many new models in such a short time. Most of them including the expensive ones are not enough tested! It have serious soft problems, especialy because the new models are released too soon. On the other hand, the new models even if are in series 6xxx, 8xxx or in 3xxx it looks almost identical. There are no major differences between series like in the past!

          • M
          • Moosa
          • 08 Jul 2002

          Nokia are shooting themselves in the foot i can't understand why so many different new models are released in such a small space of time this only raises questions of their products i certainly would'nt buy a nokia knowing that a new later model will be released in such short time.

            • A
            • AMG
            • 08 Jul 2002

            Why had Nokia introduced 3 phones in the 3000 series in the span of a few months. It can only make clients reluctant to by the first two models (3410 & 3510). Talking as an economist, this really does not make any marketing sense. I hope that someone will provide me with persuasive answer. Cheers.