Nokia 6.1 Plus is probably launching in India on August 21 as HMD Global schedules event

Vlad, 07 August 2018

HMD Global has started sending out media invites for an event taking place on August 21 in India. As you can see, the company making Nokia smartphones doesn't mention exactly what device it's going to announce, but does say it's going to be a "big unveil".

That wording is vague, but the most likely candidate for launch on that day in the subcontinent is the Nokia 6.1 Plus, also known as Nokia X6 in China. Its support page has already gone live in India. The Nokia 5.1 Plus and/or the Nokia 2.1 and 8110 4G might also make an appearance.

The Nokia 2.1 should retail for INR 6,999 ($102 or €87 at the current exchange rates), while pricing for the 6.1 Plus and 5.1 Plus is still a mystery.



Reader comments

  • Anonymous
  • 28 Aug 2018
  • ICA

Doubt we'll see it in the USA, would be nice though. Higher end mid-range devices don 't seem to make it here. Nokia 7 Plus would be great also but.. nooooope.

  • 15 Aug 2018
  • Trm

kindly please confirm when nokia 6.1 plus will available in uae.....

  • Anonymous
  • 09 Aug 2018
  • q{n

Actually the site has the page for x6

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