Nokia Lumia 800 becomes the best seller for Dutch carrier KPN

07 December, 2011

If Stephen Elop has been holding his breath, he can exhale now - the Nokia Lumia 800 just topped the best-seller chart for KPN, one of the biggest carriers in the Netherlands. It has overtaken the former leader, the iPhone 4S, which is in second place.

That doesn’t mean the Lumia 800 will knock the 4S of its high perch, certainly not globally. But managing to outsell the juggernaut of the smartphone world, even on one carrier, is no small achievement.

The Nokia Lumia 800 is doing pretty well in France too. A Windows Phone app developer tracked the downloads of their app and saw the Lumia 800 shoot past the other WP7 phones over the last month. And the Lumia 800 has only been on sale in France for one month.

Of course, those numbers don't reflect actual sales numbers and it only compares Nokia's Windows Phone handset to others running the same OS, but still shows strong interest in what Nokia-made phones running Microsoft's mobile OS.

Source 1 (in Dutch) • Source 2 (in French)


Reader comments

  • Sun Down
  • 21 Dec 2011
  • PF5

It seems that you are still under the influence of 'bigger numbers = better'. That's not the case with WP7. Far from it. And video call? Lol. Ask around anyone who's ever used their smartphone to video call someone. Exactly, barely anyone. The day No...

  • AnonD-34238
  • 14 Dec 2011
  • 7tx

If some one asks me about lumia 800 I would says its a JOKE by nokia given the new tiled interface Nd some other features which is causing all the craze its just like boiling liqiud, comes down as fast it rises. Why iam I saying this c'mon comparing...

  • Gizmo
  • 14 Dec 2011
  • bJe

If some one asks me about lumia 800 I would says its a JOKE by nokia given the new tiled interface Nd some other features which is causing all the craze its just like boiling liqiud, comes down as fast it rises. Why iam I saying this c'mon comparing...

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