Nokia Lumia 800 sales going way better than previously reported

24 November, 2011

The other day we told you about the Pacific Crest analyst James Faucette prediction that Nokia WP devices will have a dismal quarter and will hardly sell the targeted quarter million units. Now we've got some sites closer to Nokia saying that the report was basically full of it and the demand for the Lumia 800 is quite high.

And here come some facts to back up those claims. The Nokia Lumia 800 is the second most-popular smartphone in the Vodafone UK website, just behind the black iPhone 4S. What's more the cyan version of the WP smartphone comes in third and that one is still on pre-order.

The online store of the Netherlands carrier KPN tells a similar story, with the Nokia Lumia 800 the second best-selling smartphone there. Some other Dutch stores also list the Lumia 800 as sold out, though we are not sure if that's due to high interest or low supply.

We also got word that many Orange stores in UK are out of Nokia Lumia 800 units to sell.

We'll only know for sure when the Q4 numbers came in, but for now it seems there's more truth to the Nokia reports that they are having the best first week of sales so far, than to that Pacific Crest analysis.

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Reader comments

  • raza
  • 08 Dec 2011
  • tUd

Very sexy

  • Monoj Borah
  • 04 Dec 2011
  • s8h

I hope it's better than samsung Tab...

  • Mr. Schwartz
  • 28 Nov 2011
  • waU

i m (SHURE) i will not (shure) about u... lollzz

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