Oppo Find X7 Ultra review

05 March 2024

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David 040882, 05 Mar 2024The whole review feels rushed because it is rushed. They�... moreSo favouritism then, good excuse for them. So they'll push samsung, 3 devices actually, and not only that but all have video reviews, far more detailed reviews, half ignore issues they have and manage to do comparison against other phones yet got the find x7 ultra before hand and did this poor amount of work on it and its acceptable because you would rather have the markets monopolised by conpanies like apple and samsung, cool makes perfect sense in a backwards world i guess (it doesnt, not at all).

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • s8a
    • 05 Mar 2024

    Why people want long and very detailed review of any phone which is not gonna launch outside of their comfort zone i.e.China?
    I'm bored of this China only policy and when they launch outside make it expensive as F.
    Now people will say that they will import frm China but you are not 1% buyer.

      If only the main camera had the same color science as the telephotos, this would have been an A+ photography experience.
      The main gripe that I've seen with previous youtube reviews stands with this one - it cannot, for the life of it, accurately represent human skin color. I know Eastern European guys are pale, but not dead lol. Again, the 3x and 6x are more accurate in skin color reproduction.

      P.S. Congrats to GSMArena for finally finding the time, between reviewing Galaxies and dropping 20 Galaxy articles a day, to drop the x7 Ultra review.

        Color science is superb, and at last a phone that doesn't do oversharpening.

          Eno2, 05 Mar 2024If 51 days isn't plenty of time to properly review a p... moreThey didn't use the whole 51 days to review the phone 🤦 They mostly didn't do anything regarding the Find X7 Ultra review in this time. They were working on other devices, on other reviews and after they got rid of the more "important" devices on the review list, then they started testing the Find X7 Ultra, probably a week and a bit before today, when it was actually published

            • E
            • Eno2
            • skL
            • 05 Mar 2024

            David 040882, 05 Mar 2024The whole review feels rushed because it is rushed. They�... moreIf 51 days isn't plenty of time to properly review a phone, then how much time do they need?

            Interestingly enough for other phones like Samsung, Apple, and Google, detailed reviews poop up very close after the lunch date.

              Azu10157, 05 Mar 2024Why the hell do people want rushed and not-as-detailed revi... moreThey're not taking so long to make a review on the Z60 Ultra because of the thorough testing they're doing. It's taking so long because they're prioritizing other phones over it, which is understandable at a certain level

                Volt, 05 Mar 2024The pros and cons section feels rushedThe whole review feels rushed because it is rushed. They've had a very busy schedule and they haven't been able to review it in time, so now they probably squeezed in a bit of time for the Find X7 Ultra and reviewed it...quickly to say the least.

                  • y
                  • yalim
                  • 0Iu
                  • 05 Mar 2024

                  camera island is like another phone attached to it. it is so huge.

                    No screenshots on software reviews just generic. Reviews are getting more and more boring of lately 😡🤬😤

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • mE0
                      • 05 Mar 2024

                      Volt, 05 Mar 2024The pros and cons section feels rushedAgreed

                        • Volt
                        • GvH
                        • 05 Mar 2024

                        The pros and cons section feels rushed

                          Finally !!!

                            • P
                            • P C M
                            • XW}
                            • 05 Mar 2024

                            Have you guys forgotten about the most important things? Portrait and studio comparison?

                              Super Android 22, 05 Mar 2024They have had the phone in the office since January 14th, ... moreSorry ill correct myself, the s24 and s24+ had the "in for review" on the 26th and 27th of January and just to let everyone know, the s24u had a full review out by the 13th of feb, the s24 and s24+ had them out by the 2nd and 3rd of feb. Not just that but they did s23vs24 line reviews, including video reviews, by the 27th of feb.

                              This is straight up favouritism.

                                Azu10157, 05 Mar 2024Why the hell do people want rushed and not-as-detailed revi... moreThe problem here is that we waited nearly 2 months for this review and the article somehow still lacks some important pieces (e.g. Where is the studio comparison tool for this phone?).

                                  It's good to see Oppo toning down the sharpening even further from already-well-performing cameras on the Find X6 Pro. It doesn't seem to be as superbly detailed as the Vivo X100 Pro during the day, but I definitely prefer Oppo's gentler approach to noise reduction in medium to low light conditions.

                                  One thing I truly like about Find X7 Pro's camera is its colour science - Now, I understand this is extremely subjective, so everyone gets to have their own opinion on this, but to me the way it renders colours just seems very favourable. Sure, it doesn't have the subtly nostalgic tone of Xiaomi's Leica Authentic or the extreme neutrality of Vivo's Zeiss Natural Colour, but rather it's a look that I would never get tired of looking at day-to-day. From all the samples I have seen, skin tones look really pleasant as well, and I can tell the company put a ton of effort into improving it over Find X6 Pro.

                                  Sadly you can only buy it (and realistically use it) in China, so all the great camera phones won't be available where I live for now. Sigh.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • rx2
                                    • 05 Mar 2024

                                    You should capture and upload the full resolution 50MP photos

                                      AnonD-1137263, 05 Mar 2024bcos it isn't in EU or USA...They have had the phone in the office since January 14th, they got the s24u in (the article saying "in for review") on the 7th of feb, the s24 and s24+ were the 31st and 30th of january.

                                      Also theres about 5 times amount of articles on samsung devices vs oppo (again ive just checked right now to actually see whats what) and not only that, but each s24 device has about 8 articles each explaining different things or comparing them to other devices. I knew it was bad, been on this site for about 11 years now but it's actually beyond disgusting how much favouritism samsung actually get, how little they actually show "negatives" in terms of breaking laws/issues known with their devices etc yet happily call out other brands.

                                      They are purely product pushing at this point and theres so much evidence its actually shocking (take this from someone whos studied psychology, behaviours of humans and social interactions between people, also effects of areas and how it affects someone etc), its pure manipulation now (ill be suprised if this comment gets through, they love silencing people too). They need to stop this behaviour and now or unfortunately to say, hire more professional people who can write un biased, equal termed reviews/articles and include all brands more including the lower known/end brands and include more continent based news for the likes of africa, south america, more for asia, oceania (people live there and buy products too and will have different needs, have different brands more readily available and different wealth levels, on this site its EU and good ol MERICA and everyone else is mostly forgotten).

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-1137263
                                        • 39x
                                        • 05 Mar 2024

                                        David 040882, 05 Mar 2024Took you long enough bcos it isn't in EU or USA...