Sony Xperia 10 VI review

16 May 2024

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • gq9
  • 18 May 2024

Try to search for an 6.2 or smaller phone with a 3.5 jack and a microSD slot and this is the only option from the past two years. A Qualcomm chipset and a clean Android are a huge bonus. With the direction the mobile market has taken Sony can keep making and selling these with small improvements and upgrades year by year indefinitely.

    DBS, 18 May 2024"you get a compact device with a quirky aspect ratio t... moreIt's as wide as the Zenfone 10. You really have to hold one in hand to appreciate that it does feel quite compact. In fact, compared to the Zenfone 10, I find the added screen height of these screens as a bonus for viewing vertical scrolling content.

      • R
      • Rob Zombie
      • mE0
      • 18 May 2024

      DBS, 18 May 2024"you get a compact device with a quirky aspect ratio t... moreYes it's far bigger than my XZ1 Compact

        I prefer the high-end (the 1 VI will replace my 1 V) but a friend still happily uses my old XZ2 (Q2 2018!), it will be a perfect replacement.

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • X5u
          • 18 May 2024

          Power1, 18 May 2024It's not about hostility, it's about thick-headed... moreNot a Sony user but the same could be said about most smartphone companies

            • D
            • DBS
            • nqK
            • 18 May 2024

            "you get a compact device with a quirky aspect ratio that's so easy to love once you give it a chance"

            Except there's NOTHING compact about this phone.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • Sfj
              • 18 May 2024

              I switched off the high refreshrate on my phone! I really tried to see a difference.... But I failed to notice. As far as I know iphobes gave no high refreshrate either. And noone complains.

                rohitmishra, 18 May 2024Oh and what was it when iPhones stopped having the newest c... moreMaybe they aren't using the word "retro" as a perjoritive. I prefer "classic".

                  rohitmishra, 18 May 2024Oh and what was it when iPhones stopped having the newest c... moreAll of them are overpriced but people who use Sony phones should be ashamed of ourselves, apparently.

                    Power1, 18 May 2024It's not about hostility, it's about thick-headed... moreOh and what was it when iPhones stopped having the newest chip on the non-pro models? How about them "Apples"?

                    Go look at the clutter of a lineup that Samsung has in the low and mid level. Their A series can pass as midrangers, but then they have the F and the M series in some markets and those phones are utter crap, generic phones that look like every other phone in that price range. Poor software, cheap build quality, and extremely poor performance.

                    What about the launch price of the Pixels, since the Pixel 6? With that crap chip they use and the kind of battery, network, and heating issues that crowd the customer reviews on online shopping sites, how can you call it value for money?

                    I'm not going to comment on Chinese brands as I've never used them. I'm currently on a Moto G32, which I bought out of my stupidity, and it's a good simple phone, which does the job and has great battery life - just not a long keeper, which is something I need. The software updates suck though and that is one reason why I'm never buying a Moto again, at least as long as it's under Lenovo.

                      rohitmishra, 18 May 2024AI toothbrush and an online comb 🤣🤣 I'm happy I'm... moreThe AI toothbrush actually exists. I have a friend who's IT. He's also "retro" and uses "retro" things

                        Some Anonymous Prson, 18 May 2024I use glasses frames I bought years ago. They are retro, n... moreAI toothbrush and an online comb 🤣🤣 I'm happy I'm not so crazy tech-dependent, despite being a software engineer 😌

                          Power1, 18 May 2024It's not about hostility, it's about thick-headed... moreWe aren't stupid or ignorant. Specs are only part of it. Some of us value expandable memory, headphone jacks and a "retro" design and aren't as concerned with camera sensor size and the like. We aren't deluded. We don't claim that Sony phones are without their quirks and flaws but no phone is. I have yet to encounter a Sony user on these tech blogs who worships Sony. It's just a phone and they are indeed overpriced. I didn't get the hostility and mockery of people who used LG. I have friends that use Samsung, others who use iPhones, none of us cares.

                            Strawhat, 18 May 2024Overprice. Maximum should be $250!My main complaints about Sony phones are the prices and their lack of availability.

                              [deleted post]I apologize to you for using a Sony phone.

                                Some Anonymous Prson, 18 May 2024I don't understand the hostility toward people who use... moreIt's not about hostility, it's about thick-headed, slow-moving company who desperately trying to fool it's fanboys, other companies offering a lot more for less money. Offering more powerful processers, bigger and more advanced screens, even cameras they use Sony's own newer bigger sensors, lighting years faster chragers "oppo" for example, ufs 3 & 4 , I can go on.
                                As I said it's about A company that's trying to fool it's fanboys to buy a phone that's offering less for more money .

                                  [deleted post]I use glasses frames I bought years ago. They are retro, not classic. I wear a...oh the shame...two different watches. A solar quartz and an automatic. They aren't oversized. I wear shirts with bottons, I comb my hair with a comb that isn't connected to the Internet. I use a non AI toothbrush. I am retro and should be shunned.

                                    rohitmishra, 18 May 2024Why can you not be unbiased in your reviews? Calling this a... moreI like a large screen. I have a 5iii. I will have to wear something on my clothing indicating that I am a "Sony fanboy", whatever that is. The screen is too narrow but I have to say, it's great when I'm out walking and use it as..hanging my head in shame...a phone. The audio quality isn't as good as my LGs but I put an SD card and can enjoy music. The camera isn't perfect but it's nice to have in case there's something I want to take a picture of when I'm, you know, being mobile, using a mobile phone. I can pretend that I'm using a real camera with the settings. It's not a real camera, of course, but in a pinch, it will do with the knowledge that you're going to get a phone photo, not a camera photo but still a photo with minimal processing and somewhat natural colors. Judging people by the phones they use it trying to impress others with your phone is absurd. I guess this makes me a fan boy or something. There are plenty of us who want a decent, easy to use normal looking "retro" phone before they became so bizarre a few years ago.

                                      rohitmishra, 18 May 2024Why can you not be unbiased in your reviews? Calling this a... moreI am retro, I'm old, out of place and so on. Other than on tech blogs and in phone stores, I have yet to be mocked for using wired headphones.

                                        [deleted post]I don't understand the hostility toward people who use Sony phones. I was looking forward to getting the 1 VI. It won't be available in the U.S. apparently and it's expensive anyway. That's fine. I'll find something else but without some features I want. I don't feel any affinity to any greedy corporation. I don't know what phones my friends use and don't care. The only time we talk about it is when we're looking for a new one and want to know how our phones have been working.