Samsung Wave sales reach 1M, Galaxy S keeps the pace

13 July, 2010

Today Samsung announced an important milestone for the first handset to run their very own Bada OS. The SuperAMOLED-packing Samsung S8500 Wave sales have exceeded 1 million units worldwide, just under four short weeks after its release.

It might not sound quite impressive if you compare it to the iPhone 4 sales, that reached 1.7 million in only three days, but remember that the first iPhone needed more than two months (74 days to be specific) to reach the 1 million milestone.

Meanwhile, the Galaxy S sales totaled 300 000 in South Korea. Only one week after the 200 000th unit was sold by SK Telecom 100K more units have flown off the South Korean telecom shelves. Considering that there are plenty of Galaxy S versions available elsewhere we suspect that the Android-running superphone has at least matched (or maybe even exceeded) the Wave sales, despite being on the market for half as long.

Good days to be a Samsung shareholder, these seem to be.



Reader comments

  • Darkwing
  • 27 Jul 2010
  • N9m

I had an argument a while ago about the whole Samsung Android and Apple debate. I then decided to look into the whole matter. Let me start off by saying I cant wait for my Galaxy S. If Boeing are copying what the Wright Brothers invent a millio...

  • AbuYara
  • 18 Jul 2010
  • Nyj

you said an iphone rip off???? come on you know this makes no sense!!!! yes i phone established and revolutionized the mobile phone market but that doesnt mean anyphone using the same tech will be a rip off!!! if thats how you view it.. t...

  • 17 Jul 2010
  • ftK

Samsung wave is great phone to reckon with other i-phones.first ever bada operating system running on a smart-touch screen phone. my question is why is this model being delayed to be shipped in NIGERIA market. The demand for this model is increasing ...

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