Top 10 most popular reviews of 2023: Q3

Yordan, 25 December 2023

The third quarter of the year was relatively quiet for the most part with few major announcements until September. The first half of the month was marked by the Apple event, in which we saw the arrival of the iPhone 15 series.

Top 10 most popular reviews of 2023: Q3

Everyone was talking about the new cameras of the iPhone 15 Pro Max, and we were not surprised to see the review was the most popular during the Q3 period. The phone also came with new colors a Titanium body that made the device lighter if not quite as durable.

The three summer months also saw the launch of the Phone (2) by Nothing, a truly remarkable midranger we really loved. There was also the Edge 40 Neo in pretty Green color, as well as the vanilla iPhone 15, with our unit arriving in Pink.

We should point out that Sony launched the Xperia 5 V, which fits a niche segment of compact flagships. Its review on our website was in the Top 10, but the competition was so dull a tablet made its way – the Xiaomi Pad 6, sitting in tenth.

Here is the full list of our 10 most popular reviews for Q3 2023:


Reader comments

By what? By your pathetic comment? It doesn't make sense, Sony would never do that + the first sentence you wrote didn't even make sense

Yeah, you smoking smth

  • Anonymous
  • 25 Dec 2023
  • 0p}

Cheapest Asus phone costs more than $600. What's problem of saying sony shoukd kill 10 and 5 series when 1 sells more than both?

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