US Army shockingly discovers that the Galaxy Note II is slower than an iPhone 6s

Vlad, 19 July, 2016

The news that has blown up across the Internet today has to do with the US Army, its Special Operations Command, and a switch from Android to iOS. Because of that last bit, obviously this has been picked up by fanboys left and right and used as an argument in the endless "which is better" discussions everywhere.

So, here's the deal. The US Army has somehow discovered that an iPhone 6s is faster than the Samsung Galaxy Note II - in a report that we assume was filed by Captain Obvious himself. The Note II is four years old, which is an eternity in the mobile world.

The US Army Special Forces have been using the Note II since 2013 to improve battlefield awareness, communication, and provide general information on weapons and combat. It's also used to see footage from drones. And there is where a problem usually occurs - when running a split screen showing a soldier the route he's supposed to be taking as well as a live feed from a drone, freezes often happen. And sometimes these are so bad that a reboot of the phone is needed - which clearly isn't ideal in combat situations.

So the Army plans to make the switch to iPhone 6s units instead, which makes sense not because this is an iPhone but because it's a device from 2015. Then again, the anonymous Army officials who have leaked this don't seem to realize that comparing a four-year old device to one that's almost one year old is probably unfair. And so they say things like the iPhone is "faster" and "smoother", with the graphics being "clear" and "unbelievable", not to mention that the split screen view showing navigation info and the live drone feed is "seamless". Wait, split screen multitasking on the iPhone 6s? How?

You should probably keep in mind that the Army hasn't officially commented on this story, and it's all a "sources tell us" type of thing for now. Additionally, we assume that the Army itself created those apps that it was using on the Note II in split screen mode - so isn't it possible that the apps had bugs that triggered the aforementioned freezes? Of course it is. But focusing on that would have made for much less interesting headlines.

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Reader comments

  • AnonD-260677
  • 09 Sep 2016
  • Hkt

actually.....u couldn't even understand

  • Mkdc
  • 01 Aug 2016
  • IDp

You might want to move on from your galaxy s2 era and start using more current smartphones. Maybe even get yourself the s5 if you cant afford the s7? I mean, the s5 and s7 are almost identical except for the looks and improved interiors. But you do g...

  • AnonD-443963
  • 01 Aug 2016
  • YTc

In simple word your your current iphone can't beat the 2012 galaxy flagship... Yes your iToy is a bit faster because of the time gap otherwise it has nothig special.

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