alcatel Pop 3 (5.5)
- D
- AnonD-646233
- gMA
- 20 Feb 2017
i presently have Micromax
now I want to sell it n buy this set
would my decision be gud enough pls guys suggest m true m very confused pls
- m
- manjul
- gNR
- 07 Feb 2017
Very good phone at this price.. ... Battery is good. Camera is OK according to the price.. Quite well processor and good speed
- s
- sunny
- 2SK
- 22 Jan 2017
super phone
- T
- Tapas
- gMJ
- 10 Jan 2017
AnonD-619556, 11 Dec 2016Hlo evryone....plz gv me a favour ....I m planning to pucha... moreIt is good mobile it 5.5" at 4300 good camera quality 1gb ram 1.3 prosser battery backup also good one problem are not used two SIM and memory card at a time.
- ?
- Anonymous
- t7X
- 09 Jan 2017
AnonD-619556, 11 Dec 2016Hlo evryone....plz gv me a favour ....I m planning to pucha... moreits a good phone yet, the only problem i encounter is the camera , it is not good in taking selfies in low light. But all in all its a good good phone and its not hanging .
- n
- neha
- g}w
- 09 Jan 2017
Rakesh, 06 Jan 2017It is very bad is hanging. Display have internal... moreYa I m also facing hanging in pop3
- R
- Rakesh
- utX
- 06 Jan 2017
AnonD-619556, 11 Dec 2016Hlo evryone....plz gv me a favour ....I m planning to pucha... moreIt is very bad is hanging. Display have internal bubbles in screen.
- ?
- Anonymous
- g}v
- 06 Jan 2017
This phone does not support otg cable and only one sim is available but not hanging sny more it can run smooth
- P
- Popu
- g}w
- 05 Jan 2017
fazal , 03 Jan 2017new phone box piece hanging in an hour and touch not workingYes it hanging
- f
- fazal
- K5f
- 03 Jan 2017
new phone box piece hanging in an hour and touch not working
- ?
- Anonymous
- fsN
- 18 Dec 2016
Is this phone good i want to by it
- D
- AnonD-619556
- X{y
- 11 Dec 2016
Hlo evryone....plz gv me a favour ....I m planning to puchase this user plz advise me either i will go for it or nt...or i vill go for xolo 1x 4g ...
- ?
- Anonymous
- ptS
- 07 Dec 2016
Janie, 23 Nov 2016The same problem. Difficulties in installing the instagram
instagram is a nightmare for each phone that will eventually corrupting internal memory and began to freeze
- J
- Janie
- vx0
- 23 Nov 2016
The same problem. Difficulties in installing the instagram
- ?
- Anonymous
- tCQ
- 22 Nov 2016
The pOp, 21 Aug 20168 mega the rear camera, it has radio. large and clear scre... moreI agree.
- ?
- Anonymous
- vx6
- 20 Nov 2016
Karen, 13 Nov 2016The only problem so far that I have with this phone is that... moreActually, I am just planning to buy this phone. Were you able to download /install any other apps from google play store? If yes, try to read if the version of the Instagram you're trying to install is compatible with the Android Version of this phone. Just a suggestion. Thank you.. :-)
- K
- Karen
- t7X
- 13 Nov 2016
The only problem so far that I have with this phone is that Instagram cant be installed. Tried all the troubleshooting steps available but still cant dl ig. Anyone who experienced the same?
- t
- tarugo
- wYI
- 11 Sep 2016
this has digital TV
- T
- The pOp
- akL
- 21 Aug 2016
8 mega the rear camera, it has radio.
large and clear screen.
sound while calling is excellent and pure.
buttttt , the volume of music is not loud (high) enough, especially, with the downloaded videos and music.
Thanks Alcatel for this outstanding moblie.
- D
- DamiDev
- rX}
- 16 Aug 2016
the battery is built in and non-removable
and have Radio
the camera is 8 mp