Apple answers location recording fears, promises a software fix

27 April, 2011

In the last few days Apple took lots of negative feedback concerning the location tracking affair. Today Apple released a Q&A statement, which admits to the tracking and calls it a 'bug'. An update to fix it is on the way though.

There are ten Q&A's in Apple’s statement concerning the iPhone location tracking problem, its purpose, bugs and solutions. We won’t bother you with the official statement, we’ll just cut to the chase.

Apple is indeed collecting location information from all iPhone users via GSM base stations and Wi-Fi hotspots. Since Apple uses this information to assist and speed up the regular GPS location services for all users, it constantly polls that info from users and hence the reason the iPhones records this sort of information wherever you go.

Apple also admits the location recording continues to work even if you turn off Location Services and that the iPhone will have stored your location history ever since you bought your phone. According to the Q&A, both things are newly discovered bugs and will be 'fixed' with the next software update. It will disable backing up the location database to your computer, and your iPhone will log your location for only about a week back in time. You will be able to turn the feature off altogether by disabling Location Services.

Besides this location data, Apple also collects anonymous traffic data to provide “iPhone users an improved traffic service in the next couple of years”.

In the end Apple respects your privacy and will continue to work in that direction. A "magical" fix is on the way that will solve all these problems. You can check the full Q&A at the source link below. In the meantime you can also watch Steve Jobs talk about mobile location privacy at last years D8 conference. It's funny how those things can get right back at you.


Reader comments

  • Anonymous
  • 29 Apr 2011
  • 3Wr

No. If you read my comment properly and the comment I was replying to. You'll see that I was responding to a statement from a guy who claimed that carriers don't track and store data when clearly they do. I never mentioned it in relation to what appl...

  • biki
  • 29 Apr 2011
  • 9I6

Apple uses the word "DISCOVERED" on their r they saying they dont know wat is in the millions of EYE-phones thy have sold to the world.this is beyond utter disgust...

  • AnonD-291
  • 29 Apr 2011
  • vGA

you've been watching too many TERMINATOR movies.

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