Apple iPad 2 Wi-Fi
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3Yb
- 21 May 2011
AnonD-2774, 21 May 2011Can I use tata photon + with ipad2 ??? please answer .........Yes you can.
- D
- AnonD-2774
- utg
- 21 May 2011
Can I use tata photon + with ipad2 ???
please answer .........
- s
- spongebob
- thg
- 19 May 2011
720p videos are hd
- N
- Noname
- ib1
- 18 May 2011
It just perfect in white! Everything is awsome in ipad2 but it just the matter of camera... It doesnt record 720p... :(
- m
- mp
- syu
- 16 May 2011
is it readily available in new york usa cuz i heard there is no stock left ??
- m
- mike
- 2@S
- 11 May 2011
my ipad 2 apps store is gone, please help!
- ?
- Anonymous
- mTW
- 10 May 2011
AnonD-1784, 03 May 2011the only bad thing about the iPad 2 is the d... moreIt records 720p video at 30fps which is respectable. However, yes, the camera for still shots is not that great.
I think the thinking is that this will be used more for video chat, rather than for taking photos, as most people who buy an iPad would most probably have a smartphone, with a decent camera.
- D
- AnonD-1784
- Lb1
- 03 May 2011
the only bad thing about the iPad 2 is the doesn't record HD RETINA Display built in this iPad 2??
- ?
- Anonymous
- mh$
- 01 May 2011
Top 2 reasons why I want iPad, not other tablet: nicest OS and there's no that so ******* irritating large camera, like Optimus Pad (or so noticeable than Galaxy Tab and Flyer).Tablet without camera is for me, no need for that, with that size of device. Phone or compact camera for that! ;/
- ?
- Anonymous
- 3Yb
- 29 Apr 2011
Mp, 28 Apr 2011Does ipad have ios like iPhones or not. Or doess all apps w... moreAlmost all iPhone apps will work on the iPad.
- M
- Mp
- 28 Apr 2011
Does ipad have ios like iPhones or not. Or doess all apps work on ipad.
- ?
- Anonymous
- mTW
- 28 Apr 2011
WaR, 27 Apr 2011can i edit documents on ipad as in a laptop? like having office?Yes there are various apps that allow you to do that.
- ?
- Anonymous
- mTW
- 27 Apr 2011
WaR, 27 Apr 2011can i edit documents on ipad as in a laptop? like having office?Yes there are several apps that allow you to do this.
- W
- WaR
- Pq%
- 27 Apr 2011
can i edit documents on ipad as in a laptop? like having office?
- ?
- Anonymous
- mTZ
- 25 Apr 2011
usman, 25 Apr 2011can this machine be substitute of lap topIt basically depends on what you want to do. In some cases yes, it can replace the laptop, in other cases, no.
For most people, the iPad (or other tablets) are able to fulfill most of the basic functions of laptops such as internet browsing, document editing, email and communication such as video chat, internet messenger services.
- u
- usman
- 25 Apr 2011
can this machine be substitute of lap top
- ?
- Anonymous
- t7x
- 20 Apr 2011
Ryan Mark, 04 Apr 2011Waiting for this to be released in the Philippines. :-)It's available in greenhills already
- D
- AnonD-1544
- 9xd
- 20 Apr 2011
cool ipad!
- ?
- Anonymous
- mTZ
- 20 Apr 2011
Jack , 20 Apr 2011Is there a GPS on Ipad2 16 Gigabytes??? If I am not mistaken, there is no GPS on the wifi-only model. GPS is available on the 3G and CDMA model.
- J
- Jack
- t7U
- 20 Apr 2011
Is there a GPS on Ipad2 16 Gigabytes???