Apple iPad 9.7 (2018)
- K
- Kells
- Nue
- 08 Jul 2018
PGZEP766, 31 May 2018lets do a comparison shall we: Samsung Tab 3 launched Marc... moreI have nothing against your opinion, I myself can't use any apple product besides the iPad, I even use to android devices, an LG G6 and Sony Xperia Z5, but I also use an iPad 2017 9.7" and I know for a fact that either your device is faulty, or u are just trying to discredit apple, because mine charges from 0% - 100% in no more than 3hrs 30 mins at most. Your review isn't correct, and I just want to point out that..
- T
- Tatzkie
- sxs
- 06 Jul 2018
I got this for almost 4 mos and unfortunately there is already discoloration of screen...
- i
- ivan
- sS{
- 03 Jul 2018
BabySteph30, 23 Jun 2018You kidding me? Best tablet?read again. its his opinion.
- J
- Jman
- nF6
- 01 Jul 2018
Ivanmart, 30 Jun 2018i ordered one, 32 Gb wifi.. i dont like apple or ios, but a... moreYou won't be disappointed, but don't expect a massive leap forward for tablets. The iPad 2018 does its job as expected, but uses technology already in place a few years back in Apple products which is why the price is reasonable.
A smart move by Apple, as it knows that a lot of people are still using tablets from 5 or more years ago, they simply do not get replaced at the same rate as smartphones, hence the decline in general tablet sales. Spare the top tech for the Pro series.
Price wise, and with the future support offered, you can't buy a better tablet for this price.
- I
- Ivanmart
- 3qx
- 30 Jun 2018
i ordered one, 32 Gb wifi.. i dont like apple or ios, but apple make best tablets, now, these 2017 and 2018 budget very good deal for money.. i have ipad air 2 in house, it is an old device, 2014.
with newest ios 11.4 lags here and there..
- ?
- Anonymous
- uZa
- 25 Jun 2018
Billie, 23 Jun 2018This one or Air 2?Probably this one. It's performance is way more that Air 2 hence it will last longer. Has Apple pencil support and is overall much better.
- A
- Anonymous
- tuf
- 24 Jun 2018
Does really work great on gaming
- B
- Billie
- sr%
- 23 Jun 2018
This one or Air 2?
- B
- BabySteph30
- vxu
- 23 Jun 2018
Cadariu Alexandru, 17 Jun 2018best ipad ever best tablet ever ( for me) You kidding me? Best tablet?
- ?
- Anonymous
- tDP
- 18 Jun 2018
True. That's why i dump my samsung. Now, i am no longer buy apple. I buy ios, and look for anything fit my budget. Anything not loaded with ios is not worth a penny, even if the price tag is lower.
- C
- Cadariu Alexandru
- SvB
- 17 Jun 2018
best ipad ever
best tablet ever ( for me)
- ?
- Anonymous
- nGJ
- 17 Jun 2018
AnonD-598579, 16 Jun 2018Well, I don't want to be rude but think logically for a sec... moreHow can you compare a tablet to a smartwatch? You cant do half the things on a smartwatch. I doubt that audience is as thin as you think though, i think the audience is growing. The demand for conveniant handheld devices which can do more than a chromebook can is always increasing, not to mention the demand for mobile games. I think therell always be people like me who will always overly enjoy current/future mobile games which share some aspects of cod: waw, medal of honour, san andreas etc, the good ol days
- D
- AnonD-598579
- SY9
- 16 Jun 2018
Well, I don't want to be rude but think logically for a second. Why do tablets still exists in 2018? Of course they have an audience otherwise Apple, Samsung and Huawei will not produce them. But that audience is so thin you can see right through it.
Maybe If you are a professional or a true fanboy, or in last case just full of money and you don't really care how much you spend on your gadgets.
Otherwise tablets are just gimmicks, is the same scenario like smartwatches.
- D
- AnonD-598579
- SY9
- 16 Jun 2018
PGZEP766, 31 May 2018lets do a comparison shall we: Samsung Tab 3 launched Marc... moreDo tablets still exists?
- B
- BiyoBiyo JunJun
- bJb
- 14 Jun 2018
PGZEP766, 31 May 2018lets do a comparison shall we: Samsung Tab 3 launched Marc... morethen , hows that samtab 3 goes ? did people know it exits ?
- J
- Jman
- nGR
- 07 Jun 2018
I like how Apple is called out for using inferior technology (that it specs and designs itself) when it also uses its own In House OS.
Android is free. It's cheaper to tweak a free OS for your device than build your own that repeatedly aces benchmarks
- j
- jayson
- JF5
- 01 Jun 2018
update 11.4 nice ipad6 very nice for gaming uses...
- J
- Jman
- nGT
- 31 May 2018
PGZEP766, 31 May 2018lets do a comparison shall we: Samsung Tab 3 launched Marc... moreSo many exaggerations, unworthy of a reply.
- ?
- Anonymous
- nGD
- 31 May 2018
PGZEP766, 31 May 2018lets do a comparison shall we: Samsung Tab 3 launched Marc... moreWow chill out bro thers no need to write a dissertation, at the end of the day everybody has their own preference and needs. I use ipad 2017 9.7 heavily for over a year now and rarely any issues have occured if at all.
- P
- PGZEP766
- 31 May 2018
Jman, 07 Apr 2018Haters gonna hate
"The screen is awful" when 4k content ... morelets do a comparison shall we:
Samsung Tab 3 launched March 2017, This ipad March 2018
Screen: Super AMOLED 16MColors, ipad 2018 still using 20+ year old LED...LOL
Camera: Yes people use it 13MP/5MP, ipad 2018 8MP/1.3MP...How do you video conference with a resolution from 1997???? LOL
Pencil: Samsung Included, Ipad 2018 $100
You said cheap? Let do math if you can. Samsung LTE $600 & Decent Case = $640
Ipad 2018 LTE $460 plus pencil $100 plus case $600 (ipad cases rarely $40 fyi)
Battery Life: Easy Tie My S3 still gets 10 hrs of video over wifi
Battery Charge: S3 fast charger 5% to 100% 4 hrs with 50% in 1 hr
Ipad2018: Well this is a fact, it takes about 18 hrs. I know because my wife has one.
Storage: Mine has 32GB w/64GB added which came with it BTW. Ipad 64GB, you do not want to know the price for the 256GB version...OMG
If you don't work then $330 iPad is not bad but you are paying for inferior technology. Only thing that works great is iOS and the processor combo, my parents and my wife like Apple because its easy. Its like a 70's station wagon with a 454. Fast and easy to drive. I need split screen and video conference on the go. Just can't do that with the iPad. I'm not a hater since we own an iphone 7s, ipad mini 4, iPad Air 2, Macbook Pro that was $2800 and this new addition, all my wife's.Me S9+ G-Tab 3, HP Spectre 360 2-1 4k Touch, Asus ROG (back-up laptop) G-75s. Tech on my side is incomparable because they all use different processors, screens, GPUs, RAM. Apple is the same tech different shape! Besides the Mac Pro which has the same specs as my spectre minus 4k touch and m.2 HDD, but for $1300 cheaper!! Its about preference and value. This is MY opinion so don't respond with anything but your own OPINION. Please be logical and don't say "no one uses the camera". Why would Apple include Facetime preloaded, or Bloatware as you call it if no one uses it? Prove me wrong.
Just some other fun facts. I stream and control anything to my Samsung Tv and LG with $55 Chromecast 4k HDR. And there is plenty of content on Netflix & Online.