Apple iPhone

Apple iPhone

User opinions and reviews

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  • R
  • Rhett
  • 4Y2
  • 21 Aug 2007

I've had my iPhone for over a month now and I must say that it has certainly lived up to my expectations.
I've had other phones and none of them made use this easy. I don't know how anyone could NOT like the iPhone unless they either hadn't used it, weren't smart enough to figure it out (which is pretty bad) or just enjoy hating great products.
Sure it has it's shortcomings. I wish it had 3G, but then again, I wish I had 3G in my area. So it doesn't really matter! The biggest missing feature is A2DP Bluetooth. I can't believe they wouldn't have made that standard on a MUSIC phone. If the iPhone is missing any feature that is worth mentioning, it's stereo bluetooth!
Typing takes some getting used to but I still like it better than the old style. Most of the time it figures out what I want within 2 or 3 letters so I don't type as much.
Sync is perfect! The screen is unbelievable! Speaker and speakerphone are...meh, It works in a pinch. I use my Jawbone headset 90% of the time. Storage is pretty good (I have the 8gig). I don't care if it has expandable storage or not, 8 gig is really the max anyone has available anyway, and if you need to carry more than that, you should have a laptop! If it had 100gig I'd fill that up too so it doesn't really matter. Grow up and finally learn how to clean your room like mommy said.
I did actually use MMS more than SMS so I was disappointed in that but I used it for Mo-blogging. Now, I just email the images to the blog instead and it actually saves my messaging limit (200 per month).'s good in good light. I've seen better, but I've seen much worse. I think my previous phone had a little better camera.

Is it nice? Absolutely! Is it expensive? Not really! If you compare it to other nice phones. My last phone was a SonyEricsson w810i and it cost me over $400 and It's not even a third of what this phone is. Yes, I think it's a good value. EVERY PHONE has the same cost in terms of contractual or service rates so quite trying to complain about that one.

If you don't own an iPhone then you have NO right to complain about anything. Your opinion doesn't even matter. Until you have a chance to really spend some time using this phone under practical conditions, you can't comprehend it's real value. And no, I don't mean spending 30 minutes playing with it at the Apple Store while your mom is next door buying you underwear, I mean really using it, day in and day out for real life situations.

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • vFF
    • 21 Aug 2007

    How came it will better if this phone have 80GB.

      • B
      • BeijingMan
      • UuA
      • 21 Aug 2007

      Interesting comments. But how many of you really use MMS, pay for that fun? I feel many folks are lost in details here.

        • c
        • cool man in apple
        • NaD
        • 21 Aug 2007

        it is a very good fone. i think that this fone is the best fone in the world.well done apple!

          • J
          • James Robertson
          • Fvk
          • 21 Aug 2007

          i like this phone nearly as much as i like myself... so that means not that much at all

          James Robertson

            • d
            • dweeb_master
            • RJd
            • 21 Aug 2007

            interface? multimedia? sd card slot? ringtones? .. im a dweeb i love technology.. i speak english good

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • Yfk
              • 21 Aug 2007

              all i have to say is iphone is a piece of CR@p! all you "I-phoney" lovers...go see what a real smart phone can do(HTC/O2/ASUS/I-MATE/NOKIA N-SERIES AND E-SERIES).i live in USA and I do have the cingular service, but never ever going to buy the IPHON-EY, cuz its a wast of money. Currently i owen (NOK N75/ HTC P3300/ HP6915) , hehe..what can i say i'm a phone freak!!

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • MJT
                • 20 Aug 2007

                To be honest I work for a mobile company & the amout of complaints about this phone would turn you away from getting it.
                The only good thing this phone has to offer is an ipod but paying over the odds,
                the other features arnt worth considering is was a tried & tested handset that will never do well,
                you will eith love it or hate it as it isnt the best handset around there is alot better handsets out there with alot better value for your money!

                  • A
                  • Abby
                  • vGC
                  • 20 Aug 2007

                  600$ + 2 year contract = something like
                  2000$... okay.. even if ur using the service.. ur still stuck to a single phone for 2 yrs and whta the hell.. its like ur payin to become at&t and apple's Slave for 2 years.. ridiculous.. 2 years time.. nokia, SE and htc will be rolling out atleats 50 handsets which are 10 times better than this piece of crap.. its agreat i pod.. buy the phone for the ipod features and use a nokia for everything else.. worlds most useless expensive phone

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • Nxs
                    • 20 Aug 2007

                    i think that this is the best fone in the world and everyone should buy it. i have got it and the camera is excellent. the touchscreen is great and the colours are gr8. i realy think that u should buy this fone. APPLE ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • pwd
                      • 20 Aug 2007

                      WHAT!!! bluetooth for the headset only?! No video camera WHY!
                      Hopefully the delay in releasing this phone in the EU will mean a vast improvment on many of the features on this phone.
                      It seems that some of the really old handsets have better features than this.

                        • n
                        • newbie
                        • vp1
                        • 19 Aug 2007

                        I almost bought an Iphone last week. it was a sweet deal to sweet that made my throat ache. hehehehe... an sales agent was trying to sell it for me around $ 1000 and the sweet part of the deal was he only needs $110 for downpayment and the rest payable for 6 months. all he needs is ID and proof of my existence. I already knew what the phone was capable of after trying one unit from a friend of mine, and to tell you honestly the phone SUCKS big time! another profiteering sh@t by apple. It should be stripped off by its smartphone category and be brought down to as ordinary "Fashionista" phone. a phone for a tech-dumb... as for me Im sticking with my N-series the undisputed giant in the smartphone category.

                          • j
                          • juicy
                          • PP$
                          • 19 Aug 2007

                          In response to gka3000, i have to disagree with you. Most phones have full web browsing these days, my nokia 6110 does it very well. I was also able to set up my email on the nokia with just 2 clicks of a button. granted the iPhone has a very nice physical appearance. But it seems thats all thats going for it. What could possibly make apple think that disabling bluetooth file transfer would be a good idea? and why make a camera that doesnt do video aswell? There are alot of flaws with the iPhone and i just pray that with their next release they fix alot of these problems.

                            • g
                            • gka3000
                            • w9L
                            • 19 Aug 2007

                            mett -

                            ha ha ha real funny funzy boy ... why would i leave this forum i have an apple i phone and im saying that it sucks for the cell phone world today ...


                            apple what went wrong with you ... i thought this will be the greatest phone of all the time but i was wrong . im so sorry that apple i phone had all the missing features and mistakes i have shown in this list below .

                            -Minimal battery life (just like the video i pod i brought few days ago)

                            -Battery SIM Card can not be taken out (they asks for a paper clip to take out the sim lol)

                            -you have to pay to replace the battery

                            -No Voice Dialing

                            -No voice recording

                            -No memory card slot

                            -No MMS service

                            -On screen keyboard a bit hard to use

                            -no A2DP blue tooth

                            -blue tooth available only for the head set

                            -No GPS (i don't mind anyway)

                            -Can not install many softwares to the phone

                            -apple got to be shame of there selfs to say this is a smart phone although we gotta pay the apple for every single application

                            -No MP3 files as ring tones , u cant set your ring tones as you want

                            -Not so easy to set up

                            -Random malfunctions

                            -freezes sometimes

                            -no copy and paste feature

                            -no 3g (i don't mind but some do)

                            -safari web browser (without java support)

                            i wish apple had took another year or two to plan all there options for the i phone model ... compared to todays phones this phone is just another big mistake , everyone buys it its true but they end up making a huge mistake and they only buy it just because they haven't used any i phones before because this is the first phone by apple , although they are just buying to discover more stuff from a cell phone but they end up with less functions . next time when you release the new i phone try to add those missing features and don't accept money for every available supported software to this phone . give people some respect and try releasing some free softwares to your users :-) only then this phone will become the greatest of all ... but like this i dont think so ...

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • 4Za
                              • 18 Aug 2007

                              If you use Iphone mostly for email and web browsing and calling...definitely buy this phone but, if you want to hear music, gps, camera this is not the right phone for you.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • kx8
                                • 18 Aug 2007

                                Here's a comment on the Iphone
                                Why shed 1000 dollars if
                                1st: it doesnt support 3g, uses EDGE
                                2nd: no gps
                                3rd: no expansion slots
                                4th: Just the price itself
                                5th: very fragile
                                6th: Apple's on going battery issue
                                7th: Well, graphics/OS looks neat
                                yeah, for a couple of hours
                                8th: 4 - 8 gigs, a phone, that costs a fortune

                                the integration of this all in one device
                                isn't worth it.
                                Get a reliable phone, and a top quality
                                PMP instead..

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • PSd
                                  • 18 Aug 2007

                                  this phone doesn't have 3G or GPS or even video recording. Apple have to realize that making fancy phones wont do the job. It's not even a smart phone!! I think apple will improve a lot with second phone. think it'll be named iTalk ?

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • 4Za
                                    • 18 Aug 2007

                                    E91 does not include an 8gb hd. It will cost you a lot of $ if you will buy it.

                                      • n
                                      • next apple killlers.
                                      • u1t
                                      • 18 Aug 2007

                                      after reading the reviews about iphone here.... i am afraid apple killers might attack this site also

                                        • b
                                        • bored worker
                                        • PWH
                                        • 18 Aug 2007

                                        $599 is the price after the two year contract, which is VERY expensive considering you can get most phones for free or close to after contract.