Apple iPhone
- i
- inaleems
- Pxd
- 31 May 2007
Ladies & Gentle man. this phone will be a hit for every one who are 'early adapters'. The price is too high for a mobile phone. Wait until the price gets low as of the other ones in the Market right now. But The price is worth for this as there are many new functions in this one. like the new touch UI (Multi touch). Do any one knows the correct releasing date. I'm from maldives. Should i wait for this one until launch?
- ?
- Anonymous
- Y1X
- 31 May 2007
Zomgggzzzz 8 MP cameraaaaaa!!!!
- L
- Leon Huynh
- 4TH
- 30 May 2007
iPhone. Whats so revolutionary about it....I see no point in spending hundrends of dollars on this phone. Sure it got some nice looks and its a great phone to show off with...BUT...the price..haha not worth it. Go find some better phone to use, that has better speakers and is much cheaper than this phone.
- R
- Rahman Diba
- M@T
- 30 May 2007
Im rahman diba living in iran , this mobile is very very very hot & good !
I like this but this is rich for me !
- A
- Abulho
- P5p
- 30 May 2007
Its very interesting phone and we need to release this phone with good features and also cheaper prices.we are in Asia, so we need early release for Asia.
- i
- idk :D
- mIp
- 30 May 2007
the phone will have 3g in europe and i'm gonna buy it like in a year when it's more advanced and will price could go down too...and for those ppl who want a memory slot..U ARE DUMB!it has ver y big memory on it! :D i'm sooo gonna get iiiiitttt! :D :D :D
- l
- legend
- 47E
- 30 May 2007
it's a 3.5 inch phone.even thin. but is over size .you need a hand bag to carry.otherwise will break your pant pocket. think about it?
- i
- idk :D
- mIp
- 30 May 2007
It's a awsomeee fone! check the introduction!
after u watch it u'll fall in love with it!
it's soooo cool and it looks great! I'M GETTING IT WHEN IT COMES OUT IN EUROPE!
i mean come on...think how good the iPod is!The iPhone is sooo much better even! it has a iPod in it and u can watch moviess!
and for those ppl criticizin it...DON'T! it's not even out yet so, i don't think u have a right to.! the camera on it is really good!
even tho it's only's really a good camera! soooo gettin it!
- K
- SkE
- 30 May 2007
Very stylish but still N95 is better.
- A
- AeeN
- jM{
- 30 May 2007
very very NIce,its Like my Love....
I fel IT that I see it in my dream
i wanna it Kiss it....
- N
- Nodge
- 30 May 2007
By the time they've finished messing about with this. Sony Ericsson will have released another Walkman phone that will blitz the existing W950i and put in camera to boot.
It'll take Apple years to catch Sony Ericsson and Nokia.
- r
- roger
- QsN
- 29 May 2007
by the time apple release this piece of crap nokia will build another legendary phone ,probably a 8 megapix cam phone
- I
- Igor Fernandez
- P7C
- 29 May 2007
We brazilian, unfortanelly, haven't acess to this technologics. I'm waiting this 'legend' and others options and don't come, and when come is obsolet. and so like for informations how buy it or other good options. Thanks
- R
- Rumbayazoo
- pY@
- 29 May 2007
Does any one know if the iPhone with be compatible with the Nike+ system?
- M
- Mohammad
- mgx
- 28 May 2007
The N95 beats the iPhone in features .HOWEVER, the iPhone beats N95 in innovation and "coolness"!
iPhone will only launch in the US towards the end of June and a two-year contract with Cingular (American Telecom company) is an absolute must to put your hands on this beauty.
It will peobably come to Europe through T-Mobile by the end of the year and to the middle east by end of first quarter 2008. the European version will introduce 3G to this version due to demand
I hope that helps you guys?
- I
- I-H-O-P-ness
- kgT
- 28 May 2007
i heard it comes out June 14.....and u can only buy it in stores.....
- k
- keita
- w0Q
- 27 May 2007
Even if this phone were to come out now, it would still take a little while before 3rd party softwares would be written. Its just a matter of either people trying hard to look cool by having this outdated phone or people being smart and practical enough to a more updated phone for use
- k
- keita
- w0Q
- 27 May 2007
I guess apple's big mistake is presenting the iPhone too early and making people wait for it to be released til next year! Eventually by the time it has been released most available phones probably had copied some of its WOW factors and people had totally forgot it.
- s
- super 8
- 47E
- 27 May 2007
n95 price go down. and already problem? n92 so far so good. price still standing high. good phone is good phone .no doubt'
- a
- atilan
- wpi
- 27 May 2007
The Iphone isn't even out yet and some wierdos! claim to already have it! It won't be out Until the 20th of June and will be sold only in the US!and not in Kazakhistan! where most of the people posting some of these ridiculous comments are probably from..Let me clear some misconceptions people have here about the phone.
> It does not support symbian or symbian software and never will! It runs on a stripped down version of Apple OSx, not the Mac computer version so do not expect to use Regular Mac programs on the Iphone. The software available for the iphone will only be made by apple and its partners(google,yahoo, EA, etc),and it will not be made by any third party developers as apple isn't encouraging them.
> The iphone will be EXCLUSIVE to AT&T for 5 years! this includes the model at launch and all future iterations which may include 3G, Gps, Better camera's, etc.. It should be available with a european and a canadian operator by Christmas and that model may have 3 G support. It won't Hit asia until sometime in 2008.
>AT&T will only sell the phone with a 2 year contract! so do not expect to find unlocked models on any of the online stores or on EBAY!.
The 4Gb model will sell for 4-$499
and 8Gb $599 BOTH With 2 yr cingular contracts!(expect to shell out atleast $60-$70 a month!)
They will only be sold through At&T stores and Apple other retailers..and activation for the phone will be done through ITUNES.
> The User Interface on Iphone is completely different from those belonging to other manufacturers.. It has multitouch(It allows the user to use more than one finger at the same time for input!u can even "pinch")..and the touch screen is much more better than those found on crummy Windows smartphones..there is NO need of a stylus.
>Those of u complaining about the lack of a memory card slot..i dnt think you get micro sd cards larger than 4Gb..the iphone has upto 8gb! how many people actually need more than that and 8gb cards would be too expensive anyways.especially the sony duo pro shit!
Future versions will have 16Gb and 32Gb..but they will only be launched When flash prices come down and samsung is able to produce enough chips.
>The Lack of 3G and Gps in the first Iteration isn't such a big deal..AT&T doesn't have nationwide 3G coverage anyways..and all the other 3G smartphones have terrible battery life! Apple doesn't incorporate technologies until they work almost flawlessly. GPS will be available as a separate accessory to go with the google maps application as inbuilt GPS devices drain the battery. Video call features may be available in 3 G european models or future iterations. I don't think many people use it...and even if they is very expensive!
>A 2 megapixel camera is quite acceptable considering the Isight Webcams produce much better photographs than most 2MP nokia and sony cellphones and the Isight is just VGA resolution. Its the compression and rendering that makes the difference.
Apple is a Software and Hardware manufacturer so it implements technologies well..and they work well..This differentiates it from other manufacturers.