Apple iPhone

Apple iPhone

User opinions and reviews

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  • b
  • bakr
  • mjE
  • 19 Mar 2007

it is a very nice machine ... but i am disappointed bec it will not be suitable for all applications ... only mac applications

    • p
    • patrik
    • mcY
    • 19 Mar 2007

    the iphone is

      • C
      • Charana
      • AVc
      • 19 Mar 2007

      My only big worry is how it is gonna deal with the smudges. The whole phone looks like it is ipod material . Im sure the phone is goin to be amazing but it looks like it can smudge extremely easily.

        • k
        • kalcormx
        • jYx
        • 19 Mar 2007

        It seems like too much waisted space that isn't screen, what is the point of this design wise? Also, too much fast food has made this phone a little fat!

          • R
          • Robert
          • 4EC
          • 19 Mar 2007

          I think it sucks that other GSM carriers will not be able to use this phone, I think for a number of reasons. One(1) I have T-Mobile and I F*ckin hate Cingular, T-Mobile won't be able to use this phone "I think" because the way the voice mail is set up. T-Mobile will is not capable to use that feature. I hope they come up out with the same phone for other GSM carriers.

            • m
            • mac
            • w0Q
            • 19 Mar 2007

            this phone is like a magic!!! 8 pioneer a new sofware and very powerful sensor, u can do anything on the screen thru ur finger. the camera doesnt hav a flash, turn off!!

              • P
              • Pedro
              • Pwg
              • 18 Mar 2007

              Hey, Real Madrid, this phone needs the 4 bands. It's guarantees that it'll works around the world. For example, there is some countries that uses 850 mhz band, like my country Venezuela, as well as Colombia, Argentina, some African countries...

                • P
                • Pedro
                • Pwg
                • 18 Mar 2007

                I think that this phone will chanche the way that we looks a phone. Certainly,
                ther's on the market a lot of pda-phones-etc., but, HEY! It's APPLE!!! I'm waitin' for this phone... see ya!

                  • R
                  • RealMadridCF
                  • aia
                  • 18 Mar 2007

                  I wonder if the I Phone is quad band because Tri-band phones only work in certain areas - maybe 75% of all areas in the U.S. + if it is tri-band, you can't roam seamlessly across countries and continents... The I phone's allure is obviously it's hi-res, bright screen (which will attract drunken eyes like moths to a flame in a club or bar) and it's touch screen ( which will make it easy for drunken fingers to text, call, and find those disgusting porn photos to show to everyone.)

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • jZn
                    • 18 Mar 2007

                    god, people are so stupid.

                    they say stuff about this phone like THEYVE ACTUALLY HELD IT AND MESSED WITH IT, WHICH THEY HAVENT, SINCE IT HASNT EVEN DEBUTED!!!

                    this phone is a lot better than people say.

                    its the size of a SLVR! only a little wider

                    it has wifi and edge

                    a 2mp camera

                    multi-touch screen

                    nokias suck, they are too big and arent as good as everyone say they are

                    nokias dont have widescreen, multi-touch, or even a screen of comparable size

                    and who needs a camera better than a 2mp when if youre rich enough to buy this you can get like a 10.1 mp casio exilim ex-z1000 or z1050 or a sony cybershot n2

                      • n
                      • nitesmoke
                      • 4fv
                      • 18 Mar 2007

                      samsung f700 is what this phone should be. its perfect. 5mp camera, 7.2 mbs hsdpa and best of all its not made by apple

                        • R
                        • Richie
                        • Re2
                        • 17 Mar 2007

                        I am not sure about this phone but i heared it in construction still.
                        Can you quote the price in Jamaica currentency.
                        Thanks In Advance

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • p7K
                          • 17 Mar 2007

                          This phone looks wicked i jst phone they get a betta camera and comes to malta soon!

                            • c
                            • coop
                            • iEu
                            • 17 Mar 2007

                            that phone is off the hook but why does it have another camera to support video calling

                              • b
                              • blaze
                              • m{n
                              • 17 Mar 2007

                              This is the most beautiful phones i've ever seen n its got lotsa cool stuff in it.
                              But, and this is a BIG BUT, where are the office applications? Where's the spreadsheet, the Adobereader etc.
                              No one spends that much money on a gadget u cant even give a presentation with. every basic pda can do that, unless this isn't a pda at all but just a VERY,VERY expensive phone and mp3 player.
                              What's the allure????
                              Its too expensive @ $600 without the office, but its cheap at $600 with it. U dig?
                              Hope Stevie J sees this.
                              Ciao ya'll

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • 4xu
                                • 17 Mar 2007

                                wut im ean is can i use in canada??

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • RHb
                                  • 16 Mar 2007

                                  this phone is da bomb got to get me one by summer hopefully

                                    • A
                                    • Artanis
                                    • Mvf
                                    • 16 Mar 2007

                                    I see alot of bad opinions about this phone. I am very surprised and dsapointed. In my opinion this phone is the absolute mobile device of the moment.
                                    When Nokia anounced N95 I was waiting for it, but I didn't like it too much, but after I saw the apple keynote at the beginning of this year I must say that I hope the iPhone gets in Europe really fast.
                                    I say I was not so impressed with N95 because it misses 2 things that I really need. These things are: QWERTY keyboard (I really need this to type fast on my mobile) and a display with more pixels. I don't care if the display has 256k or 16 million colors but I want it to have many pixels.
                                    Apart from what I stated I think we can't compare more the iPhone and N95 because neither of them are out.

                                      • s
                                      • shaq
                                      • PSP
                                      • 16 Mar 2007

                                      this is a great phone.. and 4 u guys who knows nth on digital systems or programming, please refrain urselves from posting stuff that are inaccurate. and m sure to those who are prejudice abt this great tech device, u guys maybe do not know wat user experience is. am sure u guys dont own a smart phone with touchscreen n never had experienced the hassle of using a stylus.. it runs an os x n am sure there will be great softwares out there and am sure u guys dont use mac os x.

                                        • D
                                        • David
                                        • PFM
                                        • 16 Mar 2007

                                        Hi, Can any one tell mi tat if i bought the phone from US and Bring it back to SG *Singapore* can i call to use ? Izz tat onli can use those Specifications ???