Apple iPhone 11

Apple iPhone 11

User opinions and reviews

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  • P
  • Poco loco
  • gya
  • 15 Oct 2019

I'm considering buying this phone mainly for gaming because of the A13 bionic chip but my concerns are thermal throttling and battery life, if I play PUBG, Fortnite at Extreme graphics for long periods of time will it throttle? Any body using this phone can clarify this? Thanks in advance

    Prdp, 14 Oct 2019Should I upgrade from iPhone X to 11 ?! I think you should. The faster processor, better cameras, better battery life, extra gigabyte of RAM, and other things make this a good buy. You get a noticeably worse screen (its bigger, but has lower resolution (the same pixel density as the 6-8), and it's LCD instead of OLED), but its not too bad. You'll also be giving up the telephoto camera for an ultra-wide angle camera. If these trade-offs sound fair, go ahead. You can also trade-in your iPhone X and get the 11 for $350 (and that's for the 128GB model).

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • tEZ
      • 14 Oct 2019

      Anonymous, 14 Oct 2019The thing is.. iPhone aged well. Unlike Android phones. ... moreTo some degree I really agree with you,like...I am an android fans,but the thing with android is the phone last for arround 3 years and after that I would change it.
      I never have an Iphone before but my friend does and he still use iphone 6s+
      Also I am considering to use and iphone for secondary phoen

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • 0U3
        • 14 Oct 2019

        AimeDuSable, 13 Oct 2019"The iPhone 11 has the fastest performance in the world (if... moreBecause opening an ap with 20ms faster doesn't mean the note is better

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • Kxu
          • 14 Oct 2019

          Farscape1 , 13 Oct 2019Better with an oled screen less power consumption good phon... moreThe thing is.. iPhone aged well. Unlike Android phones.

          Now running nearly 4 straight years with a iPhone 7. I still have no incentive to change. And thanks to iPhone, i broke free of my telco 2 years plan endless upgrades. Bought apple watch, enable wireless carplay on my car.

          I think most just buy Apple watches.. apple tv.. home pod.. airpods, while waiting longer for upgrades. So the sales of iPhone is dropping.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • RxE
            • 14 Oct 2019

            Anonymous, 13 Oct 2019I didn't use iPhone yet, but I'm interested to buy a new on... moreSince its your first time. I recommend go iphone 11 and an Apple Watch.

            Watch is a better deal then dump all budget into max.

              • P
              • Prdp
              • 7t{
              • 14 Oct 2019

              Should I upgrade from iPhone X to 11 ?!

                Anonymous, 13 Oct 2019I didn't use iPhone yet, but I'm interested to buy a new on... moreWhat do you want/need in smartphone?

                  AimeDuSable, 13 Oct 2019"The iPhone 11 has the fastest performance in the world (if... moreI haven't seen the video yet, but after reading an article detailing it, it seems that the issue with the iPhone 11 Pro Max is RAM management issues on iOS 13. From what the article said, opening apps the first time is an easy win for the iPhone, but opening them again goes to the Note. So once you remember to not be stupid and close the apps you're not using (which shouldn't be an issue for most people), the iPhone should be easily faster than the Note. Here's the article:

                    JdRDMS, 13 Oct 2019iOS 13's bugs will definitely be fixed in future updates. ... more"The iPhone 11 has the fastest performance in the world (if it's behind anything, it's one of the iPhone 11 Pros),..."

                    So why did the iPhone 11 Pro Max lose against the Note 10 Plus (Snapdragon version) in the PhoneBuff speed test, although the Note 10 Plus is not even the fastest Android phone?

                      Farscape1 , 13 Oct 2019Better with an oled screen less power consumption good phon... moreiOS 13's bugs will definitely be fixed in future updates.
                      The iPhone 11 has the fastest performance in the world (if it's behind anything, it's one of the iPhone 11 Pros), amazing cameras, and great battery life. The only dated parts of the phone are the display and the notch, neither of which are awful. Sure has dated tech huh.
                      If you do not want to move to iOS, that's perfectly fine. I'm not the kind of person that makes fun of someone for sticking to Android, or anything like that. I actually like Android, I just prefer iOS. The point of writing this is to counter your points, not to insult your preference of Android.

                        AimeDuSable, 13 Oct 2019"While the screen resolution is low, it's hard to call that... moreThat's not the point. Look at the second paragraph. This professional reviewer has no problem watching a show on Netflix with this "bad screen". If that's the case, then the low resolution can't be that much of a problem. Sure, it's not as good as other phone screens around, but it's not bad, just not as good, something that multiple reviewers have said. Worse does not always mean bad.

                          It is worth to watch couple of reviews before buying this.

                            • F
                            • Farscape1
                            • mE0
                            • 13 Oct 2019

                            Better with an oled screen less power consumption good phone let down by a mixture of dated tech and shoddy implementation of buggy iOS 13 thinking of moving to android devices as these have better up to date tech and superior screens why pay a grand for something that's lacking I am seriously thinking of jumping to another platform???

                              JdRDMS, 13 Oct 2019"While the screen resolution is low, it's hard to call that... more"While the screen resolution is low, it's hard to call that a problem. If you put the iPhone right in front of your eyes, sure, it's easier to notice the difference."

                              Sounds like this "professional reviewer" mixed up screen resolution with pixels per inch. To judge the resolution of a device, there is no need to put the phone right in front of your eyes. Pixels per inch is a different story.

                                AimeDuSable, 13 Oct 2019Average user will probably not notice the low resolution be... more"While the screen resolution is low, it's hard to call that a problem. If you put the iPhone right in front of your eyes, sure, it's easier to notice the difference. But that's terrible for your eyes. Don't do that!
                                I had no trouble watching episodes of The Spy on Netflix, and the screen is bright enough for me to see almost everything clearly even in sunny conditions (it can go up to 625 nits..."
                                - Apple iPhone 11 Review, Julian Chokkattu (Digital Trends)
                                If a professional reviewer doesn't call it bad, then I won't take you calling it bad seriously.

                                  JdRDMS, 12 Oct 2019"If you can't see the difference, go deliberately out of yo... moreAverage user will probably not notice the low resolution because Apple deliberately is tricking them.
                                  For example, Apple is using a 828p resoultion although that is nonsense - 720p or 1080p would only make sense in this case. The reason why they went with 828p is that because of the little more, but mostly useless pixels (compared to 720p), the pixel density is looking slightly better. Making it harder for people to notice how cheap the screen actually is.
                                  Moreover, I dont know if that really is true, but many people told me that on iPhone XR / iPhone 11 it is sometimes possible to select 1080p option on YouTube videos - although the device hardware is not capable of displaying it properly.
                                  Apple is making their phone look better to the average customer than it actually is.

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • nC7
                                    • 13 Oct 2019

                                    I didn't use iPhone yet, but I'm interested to buy a new one, ... Is it good to buy iPhone 11 ?? which is better ?? 11 or 11 Pro max ?? Please help me to choose one

                                      AnonD-844967, 12 Oct 2019If you see no difference then try glasses. I can tell the ... more"If you can't see the difference, go deliberately out of your way to do something extra just to see the difference."
                                      Also, only spec nerds are going to care about the lower screen resolution. The screen looks fine the way it is, and while I do think that a higher resolution would be better, the average user won't notice, let alone care. Also, the lower resolution has benefits, like better battery life.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • Ij2
                                        • 12 Oct 2019

                                        Anonymous, 12 Oct 2019Yup, suuure the king of SAR inducing phone in the galaxy! S... moreActually, coming from an Android user, I can objectively say that the iPhone 11 isn't a bad buy. To be fair, you can probably get a better (spec wise) Android phone for the same price, but you're not getting that long term backing or the resellability. You're also getting probably the best battery life in probably any smartphone right now. Apple's optimazation is also phenomenal, and updates come in pretty fast too. So instead of being a biased android diehard, be more objective and open minded.