Apple iPhone 11

Apple iPhone 11

User opinions and reviews

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JdRDMS, 26 Sep 2019Are you actually implying that Apple's phones have weak per... moreOH! And in case your logic wasn't enough of a joke, Apple's phones have been praised for performance starting no later than the iPhone 5. THE iPHONE 5!! Do your homework before you make laughable comments.

    MankindUser, 26 Sep 2019I don't agree at all. A mobile phone needs to have updated ... moreAre you actually implying that Apple's phones have weak performance? They've been at the top of performance charts since 2016, higher than ANY Android device of their respective year, and haven't been dethroned since. It's unlikely I'm ever taking you seriously again.

    Edit: Also, the battery life, while not the top of its class, is enough to get you through the day, especially as of late. Reviews on the iPhone 11 line from sites such as GSMArena, Digital Trends, and more list the battery life as really good. It's so painfully obvious: you're an Apple hater.

      • Y
      • Yee
      • mx2
      • 26 Sep 2019

      I have to admit that the price is awesome considering all the improvements they brought in.
      Still not the fan tho!

        • H
        • Hun
        • YPe
        • 26 Sep 2019

        MankindUser, 26 Sep 2019I don't agree at all. A mobile phone needs to have updated ... moreIphone 11 pro max lasts longer than any android. You should check that out.

          • A
          • AKS
          • 6p2
          • 26 Sep 2019

          Kindly make a review for i phone 11, awaited

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • vMf
            • 26 Sep 2019

            194g to heavy!!! 130g old 7 days better

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • vMf
              • 26 Sep 2019

              why so big miss the 4.7 days!!

                Please make a review for this phone too.

                  Anonymous, 10 Sep 2019For all those haters, 720p is technically enough for such a... moreThen use mobile phones from 2008. You can choose between no video, VGA and primitive 720p.

                    Mohammad Mahmud, 11 Sep 2019The specs are quite literally the best on the market. The A... moreI don't agree at all. A mobile phone needs to have updated features, perform functions smoothly and at least have a long battery life. Apple phones fail in all of the above.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • CAe
                      • 25 Sep 2019

                      ben dover, 25 Sep 2019I personally think the iphones haven't really changed at al... moreI totally agree with you. In my opinion the last true iPhone was iPhone se,5s,5. These days they lack the built quality

                        • P
                        • Pleb
                        • 3PJ
                        • 25 Sep 2019

                        Jack, 25 Sep 2019I think it's so cute that people think it's a budget screen... moreMy laptop from 2009 has a better resolution...

                          • M
                          • Mick
                          • 0k@
                          • 25 Sep 2019

                          Jack, 25 Sep 2019I think it's so cute that people think it's a budget screen... moreI wonder why Apple does not use it on 11 Pro and 11 Pro Max if the screen is best.

                            • J
                            • Jack
                            • mJk
                            • 25 Sep 2019

                            Craddan, 24 Sep 2019And Millon of people will buy it. Even if apple where to re... moreI think it's so cute that people think it's a budget screen. It's one of the best, if not the best LCD screen in the world on a smartphone, and OLD is not BETTER, it's just different.
                            Myself I prefer LCD due to the fact that you get less delay, no black smear in low light, more natural color representation and less strain on the eye.
                            I sure hope that they will keep an LCD version until there's something better, OLED is garbage unless you're after the pitch blacks and the more vivid synthetic unrealistic colors.

                              • b
                              • ben dover
                              • FMY
                              • 25 Sep 2019

                              I personally think the iphones haven't really changed at all maybe just a couple of slight changes whereas samsungs are so much more better developed and also all the new phones coming out are so much better than the iphones.

                                • S
                                • Sammy
                                • KSE
                                • 25 Sep 2019

                                annieyen, 24 Sep 2019How 's is the battery for iphone 11? i read some review bat... moreYes, it get hot when using and the battery life is not that good.

                                  Data Buckets, 23 Sep 2019How can Apple get away with using a budget 720p screen on a... moreAnd Millon of people will buy it. Even if apple where to release the phone with 240p display for that same amount people will buy it ..

                                    wakakak, 20 Sep 2019Upgrade iphone 11 this morning. Very happy with itHow 's is the battery for iphone 11? i read some review battery very easy get hot ?

                                      • A
                                      • Aadrian
                                      • Sk@
                                      • 23 Sep 2019

                                      Rafi.eee, 23 Sep 2019In Apple website price of iphone 11 is 699$ . And 699$ = 63... morePhones in Europe are always more expensive. The price in dollars can never be translated to euro 1 on 1. Taxes add extra money, and phones are just more expensive here. Like last year, the iPhone XR launched with a retail price of 950 euro!!! Insane. That is even more expensive than the iPhone XS in America. That’s pretty much the case with any phone, but Apple products are always even more expensive.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • LX7
                                        • 23 Sep 2019

                                        Data Buckets, 23 Sep 2019How can Apple get away with using a budget 720p screen on a... moreActually is more like 828p and $699 and yes it's also LCD not amoled.

                                        Why they can get away with this seems very simple, if you are a new customer and you clearly don't know or care nothing about phone specs or tech in general, you see the phone you like it, it works nice, price is fine as you are high income, done deal.

                                        Now if you are upgrading from an older iphone pretty much this is your ONLY option short of jumping to android, getting an older iphone or going for the $999+ pro versions.